What's Your Excuse, Now?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Burial of a Statesman and Superstar

Senator Edward Kennedy is being buried today next to his famous brothers John & Bobby in Arlington National Cemetary. He died of brain cancer on August 25, 2009 at 77. I believe with the death of Senator Kennedy the period of bipartisan politics will leave with him. The party in power will no longer need to compromise because it will not be the public interest that will drive them. When I say public, I mean the nation's best interest. Corporate interests are now more important because there is big money to be made. Granted, many of these politicians years ago went at each other's throats but they accepted and respected each other for whom they were. But they had the people's interest in mine. With the age of technology, they don't have to talk to each other face to face, they can just tweet. How personal can that be? Many people will find fault with the Senator's past. How many of us don't have a past? How many of have a clean slate? But, in the end, the Senator and his brothers risked it all to have a better life for all in this country. May the statesman and superstar rest in peace.
Michael Jackson was will be buried on his birthday, August 31st. Sorry, it was cancelled. It may now be September 3, 2009. Michael died June 25th. He was out so long due to the autopsy which found that Michael died due to drugs. The Coroner ruled death by homicide. Some doctors are in major trouble, even though they did it for the money. There is obviously some neglect and moral issues here.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Love This Time

I am convinced that a family that prays together stays together! I don’t just mean participating in church services, I mean praying to God together. What is even more important is praying for each other. Look, we all have individual problems. As couples, it becomes a group problem. At times, the problem seems so overwhelming that it affects the one and the other can’t understand why. That’s why, to me, it’s more important to pray for the other than yourself. Sometimes when we pray for ourselves, we believe we know what to ask for. We don’t. Our individual prayers can be selfish, even though we do have good intentions. When someone else prays for you, they either know or see our weakness. They won’t sugarcoat, but their prayers will be true. What makes them true, you ask? Their love for you will want the best for you. Of course, you are praying the same for your mate. This is not easy, but for better or worse, or whatever joined you in love just really come forward. Fake prayers get fake results. They are like bandaids, they hold the wound together for a while, they cover it up. Eventually, you have to take the cover off and see what’s underneath. Not all wounds heal, the same with relationships. Chip, chip, scratch, scratch and eventually you’ll crack or split. We all start off with the right reason but end up leaving for the wrong reasons. We appreciate God’s blessing and we are grateful for His divine blessings. But if we don’t let him lead our lives, regardless of what we have, we still don’t have a thing! Real love isn’t easy. It requires a lot of hard work. Forgive and move on but don’t harbor resentment. We believed that love brought us together and it could have been. But love didn’t keep you together and it definitely wasn’t the reason you left. But know this, nothing in life is guaranteed! You can make your own assessments. We don't know what the future holds for us. What I do know is wherever you go, whatever you do, if you let God into your life, His love will prevail through any hardship.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today was an interesting day. It was a media kick-off campaign for Sober or Slammer for Labor Day at our state fairgrounds. We had few highway safety dignitaries present such as the Director of SC Truckers Association, the Colonels of Highway Patrol, State Transport Police and Department of Natural Resources. We also had the state director of Federal Motor Carriers and a representative from the Department of Transportation from Atlanta, too! Our own Public Safety Director, Deputy & Assistant Director of the Office of Highway Safety was on hand to meet and greet. There was also a good representation of law enforcement there to show support for this great cause. It might not be for those arrested for DUI, but it will definitely help to keep them and others safe on the roadways. Finally, we had our state governor to drop by to say a few words! Yes, he made time for us. Don’t worry I’m going somewhere with this. One, you drink and drive, you will get caught and go to jail. When after everything is said and done, it will cost you more than you think. Two, these are the most humble group of individuals you will ever meet. From the Feds on down, we had some casual and off the wall conversations. Yes, we had just plain and simple talk with regular men and women who worked hard and earned positions to lead and help others. After the event was over, the colonel of HP, a LT, and me went to a local eatery and had lunch. These were just down-to-earth guys, who put in the years and time in patrol and got recognized by somebody that they can get the job done! But, what has humility go to do with this? Ask the question, how can you be a leader if you’re not willing to follow? How can you make decisions that will affect your command, your staff, and your co-workers if you’re not willing to listen to silent cries for help and direction? At the same time, you must be strong enough to make decisions that will not always be accepted by your subordinates but have the common sense to make those necessary changes. But, let’s not forget anyone that works in law enforcement. They are public servants who are underpaid, work in a thankless job, and risk their lives every day, but doing it because they want to make a difference. These men and women deal with surprises everyday! If you had to meet them up close and personal, don’t take it personally. They are working and doing their best to keep you and others safe. So next time if you see them in line somewhere, tell them thanks for the great job they are doing! I know the DPS Staff won’t keep them employed if they don’t!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Have you ever felt that you have so much to say, but don’t? Knowing that you have so much on your mind and want to share your thoughts with someone, anyone. But, who would even care to hear the organized madness of a sane, but irrational man? Haven’t you felt the need to be honest but was afraid of being misunderstood? Sometimes being honest could cause more problems than its worth? More than anything you hate to be responsible for future problems and misunderstandings. But that’s what too much love can do. I will always believe that you can love too hard that it can cause unbearable pain. It can cloud your judgment. It doesn’t matter what stage in the relationship you’re in, starting, married, ending, or divorcing, or dying, there will always be a part of you left behind. Because in all of actuality, love is temporary. No one starts with a conclusion that this love won’t last. But somewhere, somehow, something is seriously wrong with our society. It is accepted to have extramarital relationships from the outside, people who are always willing to forgive. How about the people involved? Loss of trust, betrayal, and denials. What about the wife who finds out the man she loved, the father of her children, the guy she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, is more than just her lover? He’s also the lover of many other women, who quite possibly, might bring more than the other woman home but STDs, too! There are documented cases where women have left their men over more rivial matters than adultery, abuse, financial and other serious cases. They have left their men over snoring, not putting their clothes in the laundry hamper, even not taking care of regular household duties. I’m not excusing women on this. Some of you are no better! So, "For Better or Worse" is just a statement. Is it a belief to be taken seriously. What happened to that person that you fell in love with? This is not the movies we see that have happy endings. To me, that’s why God and faith play a major role in my life. The devil does his best to turn cracks into valleys. Anything to take away your joy, which is also your strength!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Crack In My Windshield

Picture yourself driving along the interstate minding your own business, keeping an eye out for careless drivers, speeders, and tailgaters. You’re buckled in, not texting, and not on the cell phone. The tractor trailer in front of you kicked up some small gravel and it hits your windshield. It didn’t break it, but the sound got your attention. In fact, you heard it hit but don’t know where it. You soon forget about it and don’t think anymore about it. A couple of weeks later, while cleaning your car and windows, you notice a small crack on the passenger side in the lower right hand corner. You remembered when it happened and hope that the crack won’t get any larger. Since we don’t have car inspections in this state, you continue to drive regardless how big that crack isbecoming. It’s now unsafe to drive but you’re willing to take the risk. Hopefully, you don’t hurt yourself or any of your passengers if the windshield breaks.

When we’re hurt emotionally by someone or ourselves, we let the cracks grow until it’s unsafe for us. We know that it will have a negative effect on us but we continue. We just pack it up and carry it with us to the next person. Either we get it fixed, face the facts that something is very wrong, or find somebody we can talk to who knows how to care of the "cracks in our windshields."

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Two Wolves

One evening a wise, old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

"One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

"The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his Grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The wise, old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
This email is circulating the internet. I thought it was appropriate to our discussion. Which wolf do we feed? One will grow in size and strength to overpower the other. I hope you make the right choice. Either one will affect the outcome of a relationship.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Onion Test

Let’s do the onion test. You must be honest, truthful and candid with yourself. This is a test that only you and you only need to know. I believe we all are all like the onion with its many layers. We have many personalities, idiosyncrasies, moods, and characters. Unfortunately, a lot of us have some pains inside of us that make us unhappy. We refuse to accept these weaknesses or simply ignore them. So we hide them and concentrate on other people’s weaknesses. We do our best to make others unhappy, too. Are you starting to cut through your layers? Don’t dwell on the negatives, confront them, work on them, and change them. This will take time and should exercise a great deal of patience, tolerance, and understanding towards others. We are not perfect, but there is always room for improvement. Before we start finding the wrongs in others, let’s look at our own personal challenges. Take a real good look at yourself. How would you like to be treated? Do you treat others with respect and dignity? Or do you judge by first impressions? By how the person looks? What they say? Material gains? Maybe, their attitude? Could there be something else associated with it, like jealousy? Are you selfish? Self-centered? Moody? Quick-tempered? Insecure? Afraid? Arrogant? Tempermental? Doubtful? Only you will know when you cut through the layers and face yourself. Now when you recognized your faults and start to work on them, see if others will notice a difference in you. Don’t give up on yourself, even if others already have. Trudge through this journey we call life. We all have something to contribute. Don’t measure by the quantity, but the quality! Remember, the widow's mite? You may not have much but you still got a lot to give!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009


We all have issues and problems of some kind. Look around you! Your co-workers that are laughing and joking with you might be having some type of problem(s) that are going on in their lives. Some serious, some not so serious but enough for concern. Look at your family members. Are we doing all that we can to be happy with each other? Are we treating them like we want to be treated? Can our friends really trust us enough to keep confidential information? Can we trust them? We all have got to learn how to be more patient and understanding towards each other.

I had a long talk with a fellow co-worker, who I consider one of the most compassionate and honest person I met on this life’s journey. I'm not excluding my other co-workers, I work with some great-loving people! In our discussion, she expressed deep concerns over the state of the world’s social consciousness. She just can’t understand why some people have a problem discussing their differences peacefully and civilly. And why would some of us hate each other so much that we would rather destroy each other than help each other. We all want a better world for our children, grandchildren and ourselves to live in. Change is like faith, it starts small but grows to a size we can not fathom! Who knows? Keep the faith, baby!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


If the economy is trying to stabilize, it’s hard to tell when you have so many people unemployed and businesses closing. So, the administration is trying to offer various stimulus plans to jumpstart the economy. I always heard that it takes money to make money. As some business folks do, they’ll spend money on advertisements, gags, offers, etc., to bring you into their stores. Yes, the ads and materials cost, but if the prices are right, we’re hooked. We’ll spend to get what we want if the price is right! The more we spend, the more we save! The more people spending, more people are needed to sell. More items sold, more produced. We all get the picture. The Domino effect. “Cash for Clunkers” seem to do pretty well for the auto industry. It’s helping dealers, the manufacturers, etc. I don’t know how long this will last. Where am I going with this? No matter what is done, you will not satisfy everybody! If it’s a great plan, they are still unhappy. They’ll find fault! But, notice that these negative folks don’t have a better plan, not even a plan at all. But, they have plenty of negative opinions. Is this what our society has become? Just an ungrateful bunch of unhappy people? Folks are worried about bills left for their grandchildren and legacy!? Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed! We can have one of the worse wars, epidemics, catastrophes the world has ever seen and we are worried about the future? But the voices speaking against the spending programs now didn’t seem to worry about it in the past. Is the real question government spending or too much government involvement?

Cream-Colored Pantyhose

Cream-colored thigh high pantyhose
with shiny, satiny sheen,
wrapped around long, big pretty
brown legs that were
molded by Nature’s Queen.

Red high heels on your feet,
emphasizing the arch of the
calves and back. Making
many a man and some women
just thinking of wanting
some of that.

Look at those gifts,
so full, so smooth and oh so soft.
Pointing, pouting, mocking,
for the kiss from my lips.

Cream-colored thigh high pantyhose
with a shiny, satiny sheen.
Thank you for giving yourself,
all of yourself, to me!

Excerpt from “A Part of Things”

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Acts of Kindness

Chalk it up to old age or experience, I guess. I seem to be more compassionate now. I wasn’t when I was a younger man. Then again, it might just be that life has taught me that no man is an island. I actually enjoy acts of kindness and love. I enjoy seeing it and hearing about it! It’s good to see that people are still caring about their fellow man! You just can’t do everything alone. And if you use people to accomplish your mission, it’s just not satisfying. Oh, you get the job done, but you stepped on people to do it. In the process, people begin to see you as really are, a deceitful, conniving, have-it-my-way spoiled jerk. You might get to the top of your game, but when you look back, folks weren’t really on your side. Those people close you to you are using you as long as you got what they need. In the end, you wind up being all alone. The truth can be encouraging, not anti-supportive. We want you to succeed without any regrets on your part. And if you think you won't have any regrets, you're only fooling yourself!


In a low, calm voice, I heard the truth.
And from within,
I found unity and hope.

The sign read, ”Keep off the grass”.
So, in spite, I put my big
foot down and squashed
my doubts for tomorrow.

If I were a balloon,
I would float away,
leaving all my problems behind.
But I would still return deflated
flat on my face.

So regroup, folks!
Sit back and listen to your
favorite jams.
Drift away on pleasant
memories and think of peaceful things!

Excerpt from “A Part of Things

The Quiet Place

The Quiet Place

The well-pruned trees, with their limbs pruned

close to the trunk appeared in the distance

as sentinels guarding the entrance to the past.

The columns and headstones stand as

bitter/sweet memories of those

loved and lost.

In this eerie silence surrounded by the oaks,

you can almost hear the murmur

of voices that told you the

differences of right and wrong

or let’s go do something.

Here, it is peaceful

save for the low hum of traffic in the distance.

Here, you hear the birds singing

praises to the unseen God.

Remember where you came from,

and to where you will return.

Take notice.

Someday, someone will hear your voice.

Excerpt from “A Part of Things”

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More on Obesity

I found this write up in EURWEB. According to findings released last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 25.6 percent of the nation’s Blacks, whites and Hispanics are obese - significantly overweight. However, Blacks are the most obese while whites are the least. The findings are derived from a CDC analysis of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) surveys conducted during the three-year period from 2006 to 2008. The analysis found that 35.7 percent of African Americans are obese compared to 28.7 percent of Hispanics and 23.7 percent of whites. Black women were the most likely to be obese. We are just too busy to look out for our health! Ladies, you just don't know how much you are loved!

The Birth Certificate Problem

This excerpt was on the internet this morning. "Despite the seemingly incontrovertible evidence, the issue shows no sign of disappearing off the radar of right-wing radio talkshow hosts and others who say the birth certificate is a forgery to hide the fact that Obama is foreign-born." You see regardless whether the birth certificate is now seen, "birthers" will still think it's a fake. You just can't please some people, no matter how hard you try. Their hearts are harden. Go to FactCheck.org for the source. You can't help but ask: How do you prove something to people who come to the facts believing, out of fear or hatred or maybe just for political purposes, that they're being tricked? Like I said in a previous entry, gullible.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stroking the Hate Machinery

There are some media networks that are literally provoking the hate machine. They want this country to divide. And if it does, they have a president to blame. They will have a problem though, it will backfire! When you dig a grave for your enemy, dig two! You will be buried in the other! You would be surprised how many people believe something if it’s on email, the news or in the newspapers. Many people don’t see the biasness. Learn to rationalize and do more research than simply taking someone at their word. We normally get two opinions from doctors if we think we’re sick. We are so gullible. We are being led to the slaughterhouse and we are going willingly. Those folks in the media know what they are doing! Crap sells! It makes for more viewers and dollars. It doesn’t matter what element is attracted as long as the viewership increases! Yet, so many people profess they are Christians! So much for being Christ-like! Some people like to call themselves that and think their fooling somebody. Christ recognized Satan immediately! We as a people got some issues we need to resolve within ourselves. We all want to go to heaven but we’re asking the devil for directions!

We'll "Break Him"

Read the news lately? I don’t know about you but all I see is negativity. The worse bitterness is directed at our new President. Everyone don’t agree with his political agenda. That’s their prerogative. But, is that really the problem? I have never seen so much hate and hostility towards one man and his family since I don’t know when. Do you think that the powers-that-be (the movers & shakers of this country) would actually endorse a foreigner for President of the United States? Why are people still questioning his citizenship? John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone and there was hardly a ripple. Everyday in just about any article not even related to the administration does someone blog negatively of the president or his family. Somehow the administration was worked in a whale story. Some of these naysayers are using the guise of dissatisfaction of the economy to express their hatred. They are cowards! Be man enough to stand up and say I don’t like Obama because he’s black! Yes, America has progressed but look at some of the statements written and said. They are disgusting and shameful. Some folks are still judging you by the color of your skin. One congressman simply stated “We will break him.” That’s almost an excerpt from Willie Lynch’s letter, The Making of a Slave. Willie Lynch compared breaking slaves to breaking horses. Breaking a person to me, is one of the worse forms of reminding a certain group of people where their place is.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Left Behind

A pro boxer was killed in Atlanta over his possessions, he was 38. He was shot in the back. One of my lunch partners lost her best friend due to an illness, she was 40. Someone else lost their grandparent, 92. E. Lynn Harris, a famous author passed over the weekend, 54 due to illness. There are so many more that we will never know about. Some died at home and some away from home. Some are newsworthy and some are not. But one thing that’s certain, they are all important. This can be addressed on so many levels, but I want to look at only one, the friends and family that are left behind. Grief is never pleasant. We all know we won’t live forever and that tomorrow is not guaranteed, but there are people left behind that will truly miss us. All of us have our own way of coping. Some people are sick right now but still smile. Some are stressing because they know someone is leaving soon. Be respectful of each other. We never know what that person is going through.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pass the Love to Your Children

This generation of children is faced with hypertension, diabetes, and other problems brought on by obesity and being overweight. Those of you who are blessed with children should do your utmost to pay attention to what they are doing with their lives. There are so many distractions these kids are faced with and they need your help. They don’t know how to tell you or expect you parents to understand! Some of you have got to win back your children. Somehow convince them that parenting is necessary for the child's own good. They'll rebel, we did too! We knew that they were not our friends but they taught us respect and accountability! Lead by example and get involved in your childrens' lives! They need you now more than ever! Show them the love you received when you were their age! That does include corrective discipline. (smile)

Remembering Our Childhood

When we were children, we couldn’t play in the house. We didn’t have the benefits of computers, cell phones, Gameboys, Nintendos and the like. You got 3 or 4 channels on the TV and that was it. Modern technology as we know it now, was probably at the beginning stages. But then again, we didn’t care! We also didn’t live in those big houses with huge rooms. We played outside and had a great time! We just had to be in the house or our own yard before the sun went down. Anytime, after was a mind-jarring and painful experience. We didn’t sass or talk back to our parents and we only had two chances to answer them when they called. The first time you might not have heard them, the second time you did. If you didn’t obey then, let’s just say “A spare rod spoils the child.” These children couldn’t handle what we had to go through. Then again, this generation is faced with a different set of problems than we had. These modern conveniences can be a benefit and a detriment to a child’s growth and appreciation. I’m going off on a tangent. What I want to say is children are not exercising anymore like they used to. In school, during, recess, we played, we had gym class. We played at home, in our yard, in other people’s yards, in the streets, and in the park. We had physical workouts and we ate balanced meals! It was safer then because neighbors and almost everyone else seemed to care what the children did. Now, it’s dangerous for children to play outside even in their own yards!

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Cop, The Professor, and the President

I know, I was supposed to talk about our children exercising but this mess came up recently regarding a black professor and a white policeman being called to the professor’s residence about a possible break-in. I want address this briefly and my next submission will be on the young ones. A neighbor called the policeman because it seemed that someone was breaking into her neighbor’s home. I want go into the details, I’m sure most of you are aware of the situation esp., since the President gave his opinion. Once again, we are like lambs led to the slaughter by the media. We haven’t enough sense to see what’s going on. We believe everything we read even if it’s only half of the truth. Yes, the President did say, ”The police acted stupidly after they realized that Gates was the owner of the house.” The media saw an opportunity and used only “acted stupidly” to generate more unrest and tension among the American people. Bad news sell and the media is all about selling! We are “acting stupidly” by allowing this kind of mind control to take over our will to be tolerant towards each other. The media is very aware of racial tensions and there are many of us unwilling to have a dialogue to discuss it. It’s a lot easier to blog than to talk face-to-face. There are pockets out here that do not want racial equality or peaceful coexistence. Let’s face it. Read the blogs, look at the news, talk to your neighbors, you will find that the more we progress, the more we become afraid. And until you walk for a while in another person’s shoes, you will never know what they had to walk through to get where they are. Obviously, many of us are unwilling to change. But many more of us are disgusted at the hatred and dislike for others that are still prevalent.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Attitude

Let’s be realistic! It took time to put those extra pounds on us, so it will take time for it to come off! Some of us like to eat, so we need to back off, develop a new lifestyle which will include eating the proper foods, rest, and exercise. We must commit to these new changes and be patient. It may take a while for the change to come but we can feel it on the inside before we the changes on the outside. Some of us eat too much because of nervousness, boredom, low self-esteem, glandular problems or for various reason. These problems may require medical help. In fact, when we begin our new change, it wouldn’t hurt to let our doctor know. But we must begin the change with a new attitude. Regardless of what people think about our outside, we have got to feel good about ourselves inside! Take your time and don't over do it! We don't want to use adiet program without the doctor's advice. And we definitely don't want to hurt ourselves with these quick and easy weight-off-in-weeks plans! Take it slow, commit and dedicate! See yourself in the future looking good! Don't worry! I got something to say about the children next!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Developing a Healthy Habit

Our environment doesn’t always help with healthy lifestyle habits; it can encourage obesity. Some reasons are:

  • Lack of neighborhood sidewalks and safe places for recreation. Not having area parks, trails, sidewalks, and affordable gyms makes it hard for people to be physically active.
  • Work schedules. People often say that they don’t have time to be physically active given the long hours at work and the time spent commuting back and forth to work. We could find the time, if available and safe, walk at work.
  • We like oversized meals. Americans are surrounded by huge food portions in restaurants, fast food places, gas stations, movie theaters, supermarkets, and even home. Some of these meals and snacks can feed two or more people. Over time, this will cause weight gain if it isn’t balanced with physical activity.
  • Lack of access to healthy foods. Some people don’t live in neighborhoods that have supermarkets that sell healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Or if they do, these items are often too costly.
  • Food advertising. We are surrounded by ads from food companies. Most of the time children are the targets of advertising for high-calorie, high-fat snacks and sugary drinks. The goal of these ads is to sway people to buy these high-calorie foods, and often wedo. Then we think the kids got problems. We helped to get them started.

We Can Do It

Our weight is a result of many factors. These factors include environment, family history and genetics, metabolism, behavior or habits, and other factors. We can’t change our family history. But, other things—like our lifestyle habits—can be changed!


Millions of Americans and people worldwide are overweight or obese. Being overweight or obese puts us at risk for many diseases and conditions. The more body fat that we carry around and the more we weigh, the more likely we are to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and certain cancers.


The National Center for Health (NCH) has also been tracking America’s obesity problem for more than four decades. Their findings given below support the growing obesity epidemic in America.
· Between 1962 and 2000, the obese people grew from 13% to 31% of the population.
· 63% of Americans are overweight with a BMI in excess of 25.0.
· 31% are obese with a BMI in excess of 30.0.
· Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past two decades.
· Obesity is responsible for 300,000 deaths every year.

Overweight and Obesity

The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute states that “the terms “overweight” and “obesity” refer to a person’s overall body weight and where the extra weight comes from. Overweight is having extra body weight from muscle, bone, fat, and/or water. Obesity is having a high amount of extra body fat. The most useful measure of overweight and obesity is the body mass index (BMI). BMI is based on height and weight and is used for adults, children, and teens.”

Obesity Report

We’re going to start talking about obesity for a while. According to International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) Obesity/Weight Control Report, the obesity epidemic in America is growing day by day. According to these numbers, we in the USA got a big problem. Yes, we are getting bigger daily: 3.8 million people have weight over 300 pounds. Over 400,000 people carry over 400 pounds, and many among these are males. The average adult female in USA weighs 163 pounds!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Take Time

Have you ever stood outside on a beautiful day and just listened to the sounds of life? Did you take the time to hear the birds chirping and the wind rustling through the trees? There’s always that one bird that seems to chirp the loudest! In the distance, you can hear car horns, motorcycle motors and depending on where you are, a baby crying and children laughing. Those of you that have done this before know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, try it at least, once! I know we live in a society where we’re constantly busy working and don’t have time to enjoy the simple things in life. We don’t even notice that life is passing us by because we’re too busy working at living! Apparently, we do the same thing in our relationships. We’re too busy trying to make it perfect that we don’t realize we’re not either. Yep, what a tangled web we do weave! Try to make time for yourself and try to make time for the people in your life! You won't regret it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Suicide Isn't Worth It

We have people wanting to give up their lives because someone doesn’t love them. We lose people who want to live when someone does love them! Life is already confusing, and yet we continue to confuse ourselves when we got enough problems as it is. Sometimes, I think we’re too smart for our own good.

Hardships and Memories

An old friend called me the other day. She told me how rough the first six months of this year was for her. She almost lost her sister due to diabetic problems, but did lose her boyfriend because of heart problems. Her sister survived, overcame her problems and is now developed a plan for living! Her boyfriend was 37 years old. This can be addressed on so many levels and I know you just don’t have the time to hear it! Life is so short but we still take everyday for granted! These two didn’t! She didn’t have not one regret about their time together! They loved each other deeply!

Ephesians 6:12. The Many Versions Mean The Same Thing!

                I know I’m not the only person looking at these campus protests with many questions that have no answers.     I understand t...