Sunday, August 23, 2009

Love This Time

I am convinced that a family that prays together stays together! I don’t just mean participating in church services, I mean praying to God together. What is even more important is praying for each other. Look, we all have individual problems. As couples, it becomes a group problem. At times, the problem seems so overwhelming that it affects the one and the other can’t understand why. That’s why, to me, it’s more important to pray for the other than yourself. Sometimes when we pray for ourselves, we believe we know what to ask for. We don’t. Our individual prayers can be selfish, even though we do have good intentions. When someone else prays for you, they either know or see our weakness. They won’t sugarcoat, but their prayers will be true. What makes them true, you ask? Their love for you will want the best for you. Of course, you are praying the same for your mate. This is not easy, but for better or worse, or whatever joined you in love just really come forward. Fake prayers get fake results. They are like bandaids, they hold the wound together for a while, they cover it up. Eventually, you have to take the cover off and see what’s underneath. Not all wounds heal, the same with relationships. Chip, chip, scratch, scratch and eventually you’ll crack or split. We all start off with the right reason but end up leaving for the wrong reasons. We appreciate God’s blessing and we are grateful for His divine blessings. But if we don’t let him lead our lives, regardless of what we have, we still don’t have a thing! Real love isn’t easy. It requires a lot of hard work. Forgive and move on but don’t harbor resentment. We believed that love brought us together and it could have been. But love didn’t keep you together and it definitely wasn’t the reason you left. But know this, nothing in life is guaranteed! You can make your own assessments. We don't know what the future holds for us. What I do know is wherever you go, whatever you do, if you let God into your life, His love will prevail through any hardship.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0