Saturday, August 29, 2009

Burial of a Statesman and Superstar

Senator Edward Kennedy is being buried today next to his famous brothers John & Bobby in Arlington National Cemetary. He died of brain cancer on August 25, 2009 at 77. I believe with the death of Senator Kennedy the period of bipartisan politics will leave with him. The party in power will no longer need to compromise because it will not be the public interest that will drive them. When I say public, I mean the nation's best interest. Corporate interests are now more important because there is big money to be made. Granted, many of these politicians years ago went at each other's throats but they accepted and respected each other for whom they were. But they had the people's interest in mine. With the age of technology, they don't have to talk to each other face to face, they can just tweet. How personal can that be? Many people will find fault with the Senator's past. How many of us don't have a past? How many of have a clean slate? But, in the end, the Senator and his brothers risked it all to have a better life for all in this country. May the statesman and superstar rest in peace.
Michael Jackson was will be buried on his birthday, August 31st. Sorry, it was cancelled. It may now be September 3, 2009. Michael died June 25th. He was out so long due to the autopsy which found that Michael died due to drugs. The Coroner ruled death by homicide. Some doctors are in major trouble, even though they did it for the money. There is obviously some neglect and moral issues here.


DK said...

I agree with you about Ted Kennedy. Everyone does make mistakes, and while we shouldnt forget those mistakes, we should also remember the good and great things a person does. IN a whole lifetime, it's both of these elements together that make us human. I believe that he was a great politician who truly accomplished a lot of good for the country. I hope his legacy will have an impact on this health care reform so we can get good things accomplished! Having just finished reading Profiles In Courage, one of my new favorite books, I have much admiration for the Kennedy family.
As for Michael Jackson, it's sad to lose such a great talent at such a young age. Just one more reason why I'm against using unnecessary drugs - even prescription medications can be harmful! MJ was a big part of the culture of my childhood and growing up. His talent reached everyone! Great blog!

Solomon2007 said...

DK, you are so encouraging! Thank you! As always, I'm grateful for your voice.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0