Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sports Opinion

My Yankees are doing pretty good right now, everybody is in sync. Yes, they lost a few but are winning much more. If they can maintain during the playoffs, we got a chance at the series. It’s Boston that I have to worry about. They’re 6 games back, but it's never over with them. I don’t have any comments on the Braves. I was expecting a lot from Forida, too! LA Dodgers started out like gangbusters they slowed a bit but still leading in their division. Michael Vick is back! He did his time, leave him alone and let him go back to work. I can’t remember exactly by someone from the SPCA or PETA left their dog in the car in 90+ weather and the dog died due to kidney failure. I feel for any mistreatment of animals but when folks are so quick to crucify others when they fall, they expect sympathy. SC governor is a prime example. I have never heard so many religious quotes from him until now. He could have used those when he was demanding Clinton’s impeachment. Phil Mickleson hasn’t been able to concentrate on his golf game. Can you blame him? If your loved one is undergoing cancer treatment, what can you focus on other than them? I think someone else in the family, the mother-in-law is going through a similar experience. Tiger is Tiger. But, he has a new addition in his family and I don’t think he’s at the top of his game. Keep in mind, people, I am only giving my opinion. I am not a profession sports critic. I think we are called “arm chair judges.” Anyone not in the games has an opinion. Well, Yang sure came out of the blue and whooped Tiger who has almost never gave up a lead. There are a lot of sleepers in the golf world, they’ll wake up and watch out. Tiger’s advantage is he can ignore the camera and go into a zen-like focus. He’ll need to step up a notch if he wants to stay on top. But, records are made to be broken. The Oakland Raiders are my team. They haven’t done well for years. But I will stick with them. It is always interesting to look at the other teams and see how they will do mid-season. I must not care too much for anything out of Boston. Whoever they play are the teams I want to win. Yes, Boston has some great teams.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0