Saturday, August 8, 2009


We all have issues and problems of some kind. Look around you! Your co-workers that are laughing and joking with you might be having some type of problem(s) that are going on in their lives. Some serious, some not so serious but enough for concern. Look at your family members. Are we doing all that we can to be happy with each other? Are we treating them like we want to be treated? Can our friends really trust us enough to keep confidential information? Can we trust them? We all have got to learn how to be more patient and understanding towards each other.

I had a long talk with a fellow co-worker, who I consider one of the most compassionate and honest person I met on this life’s journey. I'm not excluding my other co-workers, I work with some great-loving people! In our discussion, she expressed deep concerns over the state of the world’s social consciousness. She just can’t understand why some people have a problem discussing their differences peacefully and civilly. And why would some of us hate each other so much that we would rather destroy each other than help each other. We all want a better world for our children, grandchildren and ourselves to live in. Change is like faith, it starts small but grows to a size we can not fathom! Who knows? Keep the faith, baby!


Anonymous said...

in regards to the first paragraph; i think that people must start with self first. how can I be happy, encouraging, and supportive of someone else if I haven't done those things for myself. Therefore, I think the questions should be "are we happy with who we are", "have i treated myself respectfully", or "can I trust myself in "this" situation". Until "self" and "identity" is found within, we will always struggle with supporting and truely understanding others.

Solomon2007 said...

Well said, Anon. Coincidentally, I followed Issues up with the Onion Test. I like where you took this. You are on point! Thank you in so many ways!

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0