Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Quiet Place

The Quiet Place

The well-pruned trees, with their limbs pruned

close to the trunk appeared in the distance

as sentinels guarding the entrance to the past.

The columns and headstones stand as

bitter/sweet memories of those

loved and lost.

In this eerie silence surrounded by the oaks,

you can almost hear the murmur

of voices that told you the

differences of right and wrong

or let’s go do something.

Here, it is peaceful

save for the low hum of traffic in the distance.

Here, you hear the birds singing

praises to the unseen God.

Remember where you came from,

and to where you will return.

Take notice.

Someday, someone will hear your voice.

Excerpt from “A Part of Things”


DK said...

Thank you for the encouraging comments. I really like this poem. It resonates with me. Is this from a collection or book of poems? I'd like to read more...

Solomon2007 said...

Hello DK. Thank you. I am working on the finishing touches with my book and wanted to put some teasers out there. I intend to submit more in the future. The main thing is how are you doing? Did you two get back together? I'm ex-military, too! I'm not defending anyone, but when you're young and afraid, you do some irrational things and don't really mean to. Besides, you know that you women are light years ahead of us in maturity. We'll stay in touch

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0