Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stroking the Hate Machinery

There are some media networks that are literally provoking the hate machine. They want this country to divide. And if it does, they have a president to blame. They will have a problem though, it will backfire! When you dig a grave for your enemy, dig two! You will be buried in the other! You would be surprised how many people believe something if it’s on email, the news or in the newspapers. Many people don’t see the biasness. Learn to rationalize and do more research than simply taking someone at their word. We normally get two opinions from doctors if we think we’re sick. We are so gullible. We are being led to the slaughterhouse and we are going willingly. Those folks in the media know what they are doing! Crap sells! It makes for more viewers and dollars. It doesn’t matter what element is attracted as long as the viewership increases! Yet, so many people profess they are Christians! So much for being Christ-like! Some people like to call themselves that and think their fooling somebody. Christ recognized Satan immediately! We as a people got some issues we need to resolve within ourselves. We all want to go to heaven but we’re asking the devil for directions!

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m...

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