Friday, July 24, 2009

The Cop, The Professor, and the President

I know, I was supposed to talk about our children exercising but this mess came up recently regarding a black professor and a white policeman being called to the professor’s residence about a possible break-in. I want address this briefly and my next submission will be on the young ones. A neighbor called the policeman because it seemed that someone was breaking into her neighbor’s home. I want go into the details, I’m sure most of you are aware of the situation esp., since the President gave his opinion. Once again, we are like lambs led to the slaughter by the media. We haven’t enough sense to see what’s going on. We believe everything we read even if it’s only half of the truth. Yes, the President did say, ”The police acted stupidly after they realized that Gates was the owner of the house.” The media saw an opportunity and used only “acted stupidly” to generate more unrest and tension among the American people. Bad news sell and the media is all about selling! We are “acting stupidly” by allowing this kind of mind control to take over our will to be tolerant towards each other. The media is very aware of racial tensions and there are many of us unwilling to have a dialogue to discuss it. It’s a lot easier to blog than to talk face-to-face. There are pockets out here that do not want racial equality or peaceful coexistence. Let’s face it. Read the blogs, look at the news, talk to your neighbors, you will find that the more we progress, the more we become afraid. And until you walk for a while in another person’s shoes, you will never know what they had to walk through to get where they are. Obviously, many of us are unwilling to change. But many more of us are disgusted at the hatred and dislike for others that are still prevalent.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0