Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We'll "Break Him"

Read the news lately? I don’t know about you but all I see is negativity. The worse bitterness is directed at our new President. Everyone don’t agree with his political agenda. That’s their prerogative. But, is that really the problem? I have never seen so much hate and hostility towards one man and his family since I don’t know when. Do you think that the powers-that-be (the movers & shakers of this country) would actually endorse a foreigner for President of the United States? Why are people still questioning his citizenship? John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone and there was hardly a ripple. Everyday in just about any article not even related to the administration does someone blog negatively of the president or his family. Somehow the administration was worked in a whale story. Some of these naysayers are using the guise of dissatisfaction of the economy to express their hatred. They are cowards! Be man enough to stand up and say I don’t like Obama because he’s black! Yes, America has progressed but look at some of the statements written and said. They are disgusting and shameful. Some folks are still judging you by the color of your skin. One congressman simply stated “We will break him.” That’s almost an excerpt from Willie Lynch’s letter, The Making of a Slave. Willie Lynch compared breaking slaves to breaking horses. Breaking a person to me, is one of the worse forms of reminding a certain group of people where their place is.

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