Thursday, May 16, 2024

Ephesians 6:12. So Many Versions That Mean The Same Thing!

             I know I’m not the only person looking at these campus protests with many questions that have no answers.  I understand that these elected politicians see what I see.  But where are the police?  I remember the Black Lives Matter protests had more police and white militia that were overlooking them, but where are they on these white college campuses?  Could it be that on these college campuses, the trigger-happy and club-carrying enforcement would confuse the children of the trump supporters as activists vs patriots?  Maybe it’s hard to see the differences in some of the tanned students apart from the supporters is more complicated than all-black supporters.  It could be that orders from higher-ups told them to stand down.  When the BLM tried to explain that outside agitators were the sources of violent protests, no one believed them.  Regarding the recent protests in Gaza, it was found that the students had outside agitators, yet some of the tent cities stayed up. 

 I will say that the Trump supporters are in New York supporting the Head Liar and kissing the ring that they don’t have time to care about what’s happening on the campuses because they are antisemitic until it comes to black deans and presidents leading Ivy League campuses.  They are bold with their biases and don’t care who sees them.  The voting districts have been rigged that these folks will be reelected without trying.  They are obeying people’s agendas who are not their constituents.  Mike Johnson, the current speaker of the House, is an evangelical and one of Trump’s surrogates.  My, my, my.  I guess some folks will sell their souls to the devil no matter what.  He’s not the only one.  Tuberville, Jordan, Comer, Margorie, and Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas love the perks.  They must have found the fountain of youth or the secret to immortality.  They seem willing to do whatever it takes to appease their supreme human.  It must be the lifestyle of the rich and famous that has blinded them all.


            There is something intrinsically wrong with the politics and leadership of our nation.  Wrong is acceptable and being ignored.  How many people have been convicted of fraud and are now in jail?  Quite a few millionaires are paying for their wrongs, but this former president’s illegal behavior is accepted among his peers.  Rules are written for some people and only followed by some people.  His flunkies believe that he is above the law.  They believe in him more than God.  Incredibly, the Christian evangelicals are supporting his white power scams to divide this nation.  They know this but will accept Trump is power-mad and vindictive.  His Inside agitators are working to disinform, discredit, and deceive the people of this nation into accommodating dictatorship while the true believers stand by and do nothing.  The modern-day KKK is once again using intimidation and fear tactics to frighten the righteous.


            When will we learn that greed has no friends?  Money doesn’t discriminate; people do.  Very few politicians are willing to meet in the middle across the aisles.  I have not seen Republican candidates show any interest in people who look like me or care for my interests.  I think that they are afraid to address the truth.  They are not much different from the Democrats, whom I don’t see or hear from until election year.  Family values are disappearing.  This country needs Jesus, but we have too many excuses to ask for His help.  Some of us would instead pray to someone or something else.


            We all get caught up in who’s who and who is with or against us.  I am caught up, too.  I forgot that we argue against the spiritual forces of evil and the powers of this dark world we are living in.  They have possessed our weak minds and spirits to turn against each other.  Where we find hate and disagreement, we should look for love and compromise.  Divided, we fall; united, we rise.



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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

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