Sometimes, we tend to find excuses for the things that don't work out for us. We tend to blame others instead of taking responsibility for our actions, which only elevates the excuses. This behavior also applies to standing up for what is right. We often remain silent and wait for someone else to take the initiative instead of holding ourselves accountable. "What's your excuse, now?" is about empowering ourselves to make choices that will help us feel comfortable and confident in our skin.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
I Believe In You and Me - Jennifer Hudson
This is JenHud's weight watchers' commercial. Jennifer looks good but she still sounds great.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Rest In Peace, Scott Richardson!!!
Scott Richardson, 33 years old, was slain at a traffic stop on December 21st in the early evening. He was shot in the head. Chris Carter was wounded but saved by his vest. Both men were shot by the same 19 year old, who is still in the hospital after being wounded. I had the pleasure of meeting Scott and Chris many years ago at a conference. These guys were considered heroes even then. Now Scott is immortalized by giving the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. He leaves behind three young sons and a wife who will know see Christmas with a different meaning. All because of a young thug who had no respect for authority and himself, we will see the negative effect this heinous act will have on families and the community. Hundreds of people and law enforcement officials lined the streets and paid their respects and attended the funeral services. Please keep their families in your prayers. Video.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!
This is the celebration of Jesus Christ's Birthday! Let's remember the real purpose of the holiday. A day with family and friends and a day to forgive. Many of us will not celebrate with loved ones or forgive. For whatever the reason, let's not be judgemental or critical. We should focus on our blessings and that Christ was born to save mankind. Don't let the enemy distract us over trivial matters. We all know that the devil will try his best to do it. So family and friends that are together, celebrating, don't let any arguments come up to take your joy and distract you from the season. There are too many homeless people and orphans that need our prayers. Happy celebrations!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Another Dumb### Statement Made By Our Elected Officials!
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) who once showed his childish behavior in 2005 as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is showing his boody again. We should be used to the things any of these politicians say these days. There are no more lines between civil discourse and disrespect. Sensenbrenner is showing his stupid side of immature statements by saying our First Lady Michelle Obama has a large boody. It took him this long to even notice? Was he peaking? Was he really trying say how much he liked it or is a secret fan of Sir-Mix-A-Lot's video? Does Sensenbrenner understand that most women of color always have a nice, round, natural backside, not fake. But, these types of people like to draw attention, anyway. In fact, there are more questions regarding the way this man even thinks. Does he have a problem with the First Lady? Black women? Skinny women who look like men? Men? Or something simple as weight control? I wonder what does he think of Haile Berry , Beyonce, Roselyn Sanchez, and Jennifer Lopez? Either way you look at, the Republicans are showing more than their butt with this current administration and within their party.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Do We Know How To Recognize Blessings?
According to Merriam-Webster’s definition of blessing, it’s: 1 a: the act or words of one that blesses: approval, encouragement; 2: a thing conducive to happiness or welfare; 3: grace said at a meal. But as a Christian, what do you think a blessing is? Is it really something even close to our own personal happiness or welfare? Do everything have to go our way in order for us to think how blessed we are? The Apostle James said, ‘Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” Maybe the issue isn’t with what we don’t but what we already have. We get caught up in either trying to keep up with the Jones or being jealous of them that we don’t realize that what we already have are blessings from God. Some people do seem to have it all but can’t we recognize that what we have may be all we need? Our health and our families are the best blessings that we will ever receive, but add in the good paying jobs, homes and cars, we tend to think we are at the top. Yet, we can lose them all. Job did. But Job never lost his trust and faith in God, despite what his wife and friends said. Elihu stood by Job. People still think that if a person is going through something, he must have done something really bad and that God must be punishing them. Everyone is going through something, don’t let the flash fool you. It’s how we get through the trials and storms. The sun shines and the rain falls on the rich and poor, the well and sick, and the good and the bad. Know this! With God all things are possible. Merry Christmas, my friends!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
100 Black Men of Greater Columbia, Inc.
This was the 12th Annual Event of elegance honoring the men, women, and sponsors supporting young African-American and minority men. The gala was held Friday, December 2, 2011. Through mentoring, educational, economic, and health awareness opportunities, the volunteers gave their personal time to show ways of making a positive contribution to the world we live in. This concept started in 1963 in New York when a concerned group of Black men met to look at ways of improving conditions in the community. Now the program has expanded throughout the United States with the same mission. It was a classy black tie event with some of our movers and shakers in attendance, as well as, many of them being members. It was a marvelous affair. 13 Scholarships were awarded this year! These men sacrificed their time to help our youth when they are needed most.
December 7, 1941!
The bombing of Pearl Harbor, a day which will live in infamy! You know the rest! Don't let commercialism make you forget! The USS Arizona is still crying after 70 years. Little known facts about African-Americans role in Pearl Harbor.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Rest In Peace, Ellen Hill!
Ellen L. Hill, 66, entered into eternal rest on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at Self Regional Medical Center. Born in Newberry, SC, she was the daughter of the late Roger Leaks and Phebbie Johnson Leaks. She was a member of Scurry Spring Hill Baptist Church in Chappells. She was a member of the Morning Glory Garden Club, Secretary of AARP and a member of the Women Aide Society No. 47.
Ellen lost her mother last year, May 10, 2011 (See picture of family under Ms. Phebbie Leaks). God bless this family and strengthen them during these times of sorrow. Please keep her children and grandchildren in your prayers. One of the grand's birthday was on the same day his grandmom passed.
Matters of the Heart - Tia D!
Another great poem from Tia D!
Came clean of hidden motives
Now I've begun to see
That all the times that I blamed them
The real problem was me
I should have been more guarded
Less of an open book
In giving up my heart unearned
They had no need to look
But now with all my walls up
And every door secure
I’ve taken back this heart of mine
Protecting it for sure
Won’t give it up so freely
When it’s worth so much more
So if you want my heart this time
You must break through the door
And if you want my trust now
Courageously pursue
Because this time around you see
The choice is left to you
Thanks, Tia!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Should the Super Committee, Congress, and the President be Blamed?
Should we have expected more? The committee members were just the micro units of the macro partisan Senate and House members. They simply carried their political loyalty with them instead of putting the country first. Let’s face it; we’re going to vote these same self-serving legislators back in office not just because we recognize their names on the ballot but because we don’t know any difference. Some people have short memories. You might have been used before but this time its going to be different. They are not going to repeat this again. How many times have we said and heard this? We, the public, are just as much the blame for these leaders because we put them in office. Each party leader has a responsibility to lead their party in the best direction for the American people. Somebody has to do what is right and get others to see a bigger, united picture. Yes, this does seem to be the worse Congress in years, but don’t blame everything on the President. I sincerely believe that because of partisan politics that the Super Committee was a sham and these politicians knew not to make any budget cuts. Let the automatic cuts take place in 2013, election year and they won’t be held responsible. This should have been done in the first place. The Republicans want this President to be a one-term President and once the people see these cuts, they’ll blame him for this mess. Remember, a Republican took 8 years to put us into this mire. I didn’t hear any blames being tossed when we weren’t even claiming the cost of wars that helped put us in this debt. We must have lost our own sense of judgment to think we can “fix” the economy in 3 years.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Despite the troubles and economic turmoil that seem to surround us, let us remember to still be thankful. I know how hard it is to find some good in a world that has turned its back on God. A world that seems satisfied looking for hate, anger and unhappiness. We are about to enter a season not only to be thankful but to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Instead, we find that commercialism and political arguments are the themes of the day! If it’s not about money; it’s about politics. If it’s not about catastrophes or disasters; it’s about strife and wars. Get the picture? You don’t hear about good news as much as you hear about bad news. Another piece to this abstract is celebrating Thanksgiving without our loved ones. For whatever the reason, the people we once loved are no longer with us and the tradition of doing things together has ended. We should be thankful even for the time we did spend with them. We should be thankful for the memories we shared. We should be thankful because we were blessed for the love we had for them. Holidays aren’t as easy to deal with as we grow older but we have so much wisdom now to make our own lives more understanding. God bless you, my friends. May your days be peaceful and prosperous and your nights peaceful and restful. Enjoy your holidays.
Friday, November 18, 2011
. . . though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, . . . You are with me... Psalm 23:4
When God seems absent from us, He is often doing His most important work in us.
Turning Points
Hagar was one of those behind-the-scenes people, thrown into jobs she didn't seek--a servant girl asked to conceive her master's child and then treated harshly by her mistress. Fleeing to the wilderness, Hagar sat alone by a well in despair and isolation. It was there God made His presence known to her. An overjoyed Hagar named the well, Beerlahairoi, "You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees" (Genesis 16:13-14). Abraham was the powerful man in the spotlight, everyone wanted to be his friend. But when God asked him to do the unthinkable--raise a knife to slay his son and prove his love for God--he answered with humility and trust, not ego. Obediently hiking up Mount Moriah, Abraham faced the task alone. And in the moment of Abraham's deepest need, God provided the substitute sacrifice of a ram. Abraham called the place, Jehovah-Jireh, "The-Lord-Will-Provide" (Genesis 22:14). Maybe you're feeling rejected and alone like Hagar. Or perhaps God is asking you to take a stand in an area of your life that will require a big change--like Abraham. Loneliness comes to all of us. Remember that God sees you, and He will provide.
When God seems absent from us, He is often doing His most important work in us.
Turning Points
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Special Moments!
We talked about Snapshots, which is to me, another name for a “Kodak Moment.” That special shot that is a one-in-a-million moment caught on film. We all have had those special moments that we might have missed because we didn’t have a camera at the time. But we have our memories! Special moments not only include loves, kisses, births, marriages, divorces, deaths, but jobs, experiences, sacrifices, and survivals. The good times we laugh and smile about while the bad times we cry and suffer over. I can’t speak for everyone else but I can for myself. It was those times when I thought I was alone that I didn’t trust God enough to know that He never left me. How foolish can one be when he talks faithfulness but doesn’t put forward his belief? I’ve been in the valleys but thank God, I learned that He was the only one to bring me out of them. Don’t misunderstand me, God placed all the resources and people around you to get you through it all. In some of my special moments I doubted what could or would be best for me. In those darkest moments, I didn’t always see “the light.” I only saw pity and despair. I didn’t lift my hands or my head towards the mountain where my Lord, Jesus and all my help came from. But in His infinite love and mercy for all of His Children, God heard my cries. And believe me, I am eternally grateful. Most of us have read Footprints. For years, only Anonymous, as the writer, appeared at the bottom. I’m not sure who wrote it but some credit has been given to Mary Stevenson who wrote it sometime in the late 1930s. When we think we’ve gotten through some hopeless moments by ourselves, we have to look back and face the blessed facts that God carried us through these times of trouble. We have special moments every day and take them for granted. You pray for me and I’ll pray for you, we need each other to survive this journey we call life. Prayer does change things. To God, we give the glory!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Opportunities and Possibilities!
Reverend Ben Colley dropped by my humble cubicle and left some profound religious knowledge with me. He always does! Remember Reverend Ben? He was the inspiration of a few of my blogs, 1-2-3 Red Light, Hide and Go Seek, the Wizard of Oz. He asked me if I had seen the Progressive Snapshot commercial. Snapshot is a small device that you plug into the OBDII port of your car. Once plugged in, the Snapshot monitors your driving habits. Based on how carefully you drive you can qualify for up to a 30% discount on your auto insurance. Is this when we begin to slide down the slippery slope of allowing our driving habits to be remotely monitored 24/7? It’s about keeping up with good driving habits which can result in saving you some money. That little device can keep up with 24 hours a day if you choose to use it and stay with that particular insurance company. But what do you think God’s snapshot of us will look like? He monitors our behavior all of our lives whether we choose to do right or wrong. Our choices can dictate our opportunities but can limit or expand our possibilities. The adversary would prefer us to make a quick choice without involving God. The enemy would want us to take the wrong path which can affect us negatively for the rest of our lives. Things are tough enough as they are, no need of making them any worse by looking back and questioning what could have been. Our possibilities to become what we could have been were blocked by our choices. In all that we do, we must include God, Who will direct our paths. When we exclude Him, problems arise. When we close our opportunities, we shut our possibilities. As always, thanks Reverend Ben.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thank You, Lord, I Am So Grateful For Your Mercy!!!
Lord, you have surrounded me with family, friends, and "the calvary" to see me through these trying times! I just want to say thank you for your many blessings! I am not worthy to receive you only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
Happy Veterans Day!!!
Let's keep our military men, women, families and supporting staffs in your prayers. They are sacrificing more than their lives for our rights.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Rest In Peace, Heavy D!
Dwight Arrington Myers (May 24, 1967 – November 8, 2011), better known as Heavy D, was a Jamaican-born American actor, rapper, record producer, singer and the leader of Heavy D and the Boys. The once “Overweight Lover” collapsed in his Beverly Hills home Tuesday morning and died a short time later at a Los Angeles hospital, according to police reports. Some medias reported that he had pneumonia. Heavy might have been obese years ago but he could dance! Heavy D was 44 years old.
Get Tested!
Getting tested for serious health issues before they happen is a sign of someone who cares about the people in their lives. It doesn't matter whether it's HIV/AIDS, cancer, heart, or any other medical issues that can be treated in time, just get it done. Let's not wait until its too late!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sometimes we don’t know how imperfect we are until someone brings it to our attention. We already know that we aren’t perfect or even close to it but it cuts to the bone when someone we hardly know points it out about us. As we get older, we learn more and more about ourselves and must face the fact that we still got a lot to learn. I have so many faults that I can’t even begin to start. I can’t even tell you which of them is greater than the other. But two things that I will immediately and continuously work on are my brusque actions and inability to let people finish talking. I have a bad habit of not letting people finish their sentences. It’s frustrating, callous, selfish, and impolite. I’m on a few days medical leave so I have some time to think about getting myself together. I know that it will take a lot of concentration and thought on my part and I hope that the people that are engaged in conversation with me will be forgiving and understanding. I apologize to everyone that I offended.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Prepare For Spiritual Warfare!
Have you ever awaken in the middle of the night with something on your mind? Not the interrupting kind of awakening. I mean you went to sleep peacefully, going over a great day and nothing-really-on-your-mind kind of sleep. You might have had a slight irritation from someone but you dismissed it like a gnat. But in the middle of the night, you awake because you heard something/someone say “Prepare for Spiritual Warfare.” So, I wrote it down. Yes, I keep a pen and paper on the nightstand to write down thoughts or whatever I might think of throughout the night to pursue those thoughts later. I know that the enemy will do what ever can be done to keep our focus off of God. The Devil knows that to control you he needs to control areas of the mind. If you continue to build a relationship with the Lord and attach yourself around like-minded people, prepare for battle. We all crack and get distracted, so we will have to build some strong roots to get our selves together. We have the armor and the tools to do battle. Here are some verses from Ephesians 6:10-18, New International Version (NIV). “10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” After all, we are conquerors. Mark 11:24 “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” We must have faith in God and strengthen ourselves within that faith. We believe in it, act on it, and never doubt it! Look around you, we need all the help we can get. We've been fighting and arguing against the wrong people. We are fighting against an unseen enemy who uses friends and family to fight against us. And we end up hurting the ones we care about the most as they do us. It's a continuous battle and struggle, no one said it would be easy. We must be tolerant and loving of each other even when they do offend us whether they are aware of it or not.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Don’t Push Me Into Heaven!
I’m not much of a funeral-attendee and ever since my mother’s transition, I’ve rarely gone to any other. I can only remember 3, my uncle, Lila’s, and my god-sister’s son-in-law. I tend to look at funerals like visiting the hospital, I’d rather keep the memory of the person being well. Roger’s homecoming was not a sad one at all. It had its moments of sadness but overall it was a time for joy and laughter. I won’t bore you with all the details but I do agree with one of the pastors who said “we’re not going to talk this man into heaven.” We shouldn’t have to talk anyone into heaven, their actions should speak for themselves. We aren’t perfect, we were all born with original sin, but it is what we do later in life and the choices we make that will get us either closer to God or away from Him. The question is how do we want to be remembered not just by the people we loved and loved us but the people we pass along the way on this road of life. Ultimately, the only person that can get us into heaven is through Jesus Christ, Who is the way to the Father.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Rest In Peace, Roger!
Funeral service for Mr. Willie Roger Corley will be held Wednesday 1:00 p.m. (viewing 12:00 noon) at Zion Chapel Baptist Church #1 with burial to follow in the church's cemetery. Viewing will be held today beginning 2:00 p.m. at the Leevy's Funeral Home, Taylor Street Chapel.
Surviving are: his wife, Laura Hall Corley; daughter, Ebony Ellison; son, Rogerick Miller; step-son, Javares Hall; step-daughter, Sharvetta Hall; mother, Willie Mae Javis Corley; sisters, Elaine Robinson and Libby Corley; brother, Kevin Corley; grandchildren, Ranizja, Danielle and Rogerick Jr. Miller and Amari Livingston; a host of other loving relatives and friends.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Happy Birthday, Mom!
I love you, mom! Missing you always. Lolita loss her husband, William Roger Corley, on your birthday to cancer. He was still young in his late 30s. God rest his soul.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I Am - Ninika Davis
I am sound
Blessed to have heard your angelic voice
I am grace
Worn so beautifully and never forced
I am family
We are filled with priceless memories
I am love
You gave me unselfishly
I am strength
You carried me into every circumstance
I am faith
Hoping for some kind of evidence
I am a smile
Always worn on your previous face
I AM that I AM
The provider of your new resting place
Thank you, Ninika!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
A Reflection from Denise Brown for our Dear Friend, Lila Cook!
Lila and I worked together for 31 years with the State. For a while we worked at DOR(Dept. of Revenue) and at night at SCDOT. I can remember at times when we were at Park Street as we called it, G-8, later they started calling us the warehouse. Anyway, Lila and I were single parents, which meant other things got taken care of before us. We tried to look good and we liked our heels. Well we wore ours so much that the plastic (cause some of mine were manmade) started peeling off and the nail started showing. Oftentimes we would slide across the office. Well one of our other friends and co-worker whom I think I’ll call her Evelyn or Evelena would laugh and comment with “ya’ll ain’t slid in a while”. We got through that as years past.
At DOR, it was doing tax time that we and some of the birthday gang worked there. This particular time they called themselves re-evaluating our pay, they were suppose to put it in your checking account, well when they finished we could check what was in your account. Lila called hers and wasn’t sure of what she heard so she called the number and told me to listen to see if I had heard the same thing, I listened and I told her, “yep you heard right”. They had deposit about 20cent in her account. We had a big laugh.
I, like Lila tried to work at DOT at night. I think I lasted for 2 months. When 10:00 came, it was time to go, I was so glad. I hurt, so when overtime came open upstairs I told Ms. Margaret, I would be doing overtime. When overtime was done, I decided not to go back. Lila said, “you looked so pitiful, everything ain’t for everyone”. Boy was she right.
The time she brought Ketara a sweater for Christmas. It was a Christmas sweater with birds on it like hers and we said we hope she wasn’t gonna make her wear it. she said yes she was. She brought a blouse and let me tell you ,she and I had different taste in clothes. She said “How you like my blouse? I told her it looked good on her and she said “I can get you one like it.” I told her I valued our friendship too much. That was ok.
I could go on and on but on Thursday,September 1, I was standing in my kitchen and God saw fit to show me something. I responded with “you mean Lila is gonna leave me like Till?” “I’m gonna be going on break by myself? Till was her friend, my parents knew his people. We called him Till, Lila called him Rudy. At lunchtime I called her and told her I needed her to pray for Rochelle, she went on an interview. She told me she had talked to Mr. Paul. I said you gonna give up the part-time job, she said she wasn’t saying all of that. She called me back to let me know she had talked to him and she would be on leave for a while. That night around about 11:40 a neighbor knocked on my door. She said Ms. Cook called, I said Lila? All she said was Ms. Cook called and gave me a cell phone number. It was Lila’s sister. I called and she said Lila was gone.
Lila was my banker, my psychiatric, my break buddy, my lunch partner, my clock, my friend. I will forever remember all the good times we had. My girl was on the one.
Denise Brown
Monday, October 3, 2011
Walk For Life – October 1, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011, was Columbia ’s Breast Cancer Walk For Life. Thousands of people attended to their time for a worthy cause. In attendance were survivors, loved ones of survivors, loved ones left alone because of the loss, supporters and all others who care about their lives and others who are trying to go on living with theirs. All of us know someone personally who had a bout with cancer or succumbed to it. If you can’t contribute to a cure, then pray for a cure. October is Breast Cancer Month. Let’s find something in pink to wear. BTW, real men are not afraid of wearing pink!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Five Heartbeats - Heart Is A House For Love
This is some old school music. They got it together in time. Eddie Cain can sang!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Diversity In The Fiduciary
From the Associated Press - President Barack Obama is moving at a historic pace to try to diversify the nation's federal judiciary: Nearly three of every four people he has gotten confirmed to the federal bench are women or minorities. He is the first president who hasn't selected a majority of white males for lifetime judgeships. Of the 98 Obama nominees confirmed to date, the administration says 21 percent are African-American, 11 percent are Hispanic, 7 percent are Asian-American and almost half — 47 percent — are women. By comparison, of the 322 judges confirmed during George W. Bush's presidency, 18 percent were minorities and 22 percent were female. Of the 372 judges confirmed duringClinton 's terms, 25 percent were minorities and 29 percent were women. In these figures, some judges fit into more than one category. The president won Senate confirmation of the first Latina to the Supreme Court, Justice Sonia Sotomayor. And with the confirmation of Justice Elena Kagan, he increased the number of women on the high court to three for the first time. Thurgood Marshall became the first African-American to serve on the Supreme Court in 1967, and Sandra Day O'Connor was the first woman to be elevated to the nation's highest court in 1981. "The more diverse the courts, the more confidence people have in our judicial system," said Nan Aron of the liberal Alliance for Justice. "Having a diverse judiciary also enriches the decision-making process." Obama also has doubled the number of Asian-Americans sitting on the federal bench, including adding Denny Chin to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York as the only active Asian federal appeals court judge. There currently are 14 Asian-American federal judges on the 810-judge roster. Having said this, there are still some narrow-minded critics who refuse to accept the fact that these minorities are more than qualified to deserve these positions. Then again, some of these same people think we vote for people of color running for public office just because they are people of color. We accept the fact that hatred causes people to be this blind.
From the Associated Press - President Barack Obama is moving at a historic pace to try to diversify the nation's federal judiciary: Nearly three of every four people he has gotten confirmed to the federal bench are women or minorities. He is the first president who hasn't selected a majority of white males for lifetime judgeships. Of the 98 Obama nominees confirmed to date, the administration says 21 percent are African-American, 11 percent are Hispanic, 7 percent are Asian-American and almost half — 47 percent — are women. By comparison, of the 322 judges confirmed during George W. Bush's presidency, 18 percent were minorities and 22 percent were female. Of the 372 judges confirmed during
Monday, September 12, 2011
We Stood United, 9/11/01
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The Crashes |
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WTC In Ruins |
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The Pentagon |
Happy Birthday, Melinda!
Well, Colonel, you made another goal! Enjoy this blessed day! Love to you and the young man & woman who recently celebrated their birtdays. God bless!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Me - Tia D (Thanks, Tia)!
Don’t ya try to tell me who you think I should be
How is it that you’ve figured me out
You’re honestly mistaken if ya take in what you see
And never even have a single doubt.
You can put me in a box if you really wanna try
But I won’t stay in it I guarantee
That may have worked before but it won’t work anymore
So maybe you should go and let me be.
I am who I am
(No matter what you say)
I am who I am
(That ain’t gonna change)
Let me be me
Just let me be me.
So now I’m stepping out gonna show ya what I mean
Just leave your expectations at the door
For they are now no use to me and so I refuse
To cater to all of them anymore.
Don’t ya try to stop me or convince me otherwise
Nothing you can say will change my mind
And so I’m moving forward my old self in the past
It’s time to show you who I really am.
I am who I am
(No matter what you say)
I am who I am
(That ain’t gonna change)
Let me be me.
This is who I am
(Each and every day)
This is who I am
(No matter what they say)
This is who I am
I’m free to be me.
tmd 9-8-11 ©
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Happy Birthday, Devin!
Today is my nephew's 21st birthday! I remember when he was a baby now he is a grown man. Time is flying by. God Bless you, Devin! Enjoy your day!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Message To A Stranger
I want this message to be simple and understood. Too often words get twisted and the meanings are totally misunderstood which causes arguments. But, let’s be practical, if the Word of God is misinterpreted (no comparison to this), then men don’t have a chance of being understood. The world is steadily changing it seems from bad to worse. People are saying and doing mean things to each other, some it seems for no reason at all. Relationship problems exist when words or phrases are constantly challenged. When one member in that relationship becomes extremely careful about what is said to the other, it becomes the “eggshell” syndrome. In other words, you have to walk on eggshells to keep the peace or all hell will break loose. Quarrels can question who is this person I’m arguing with. This is not the person I know but a stranger I just met. Still with me? Granted, you might have a brusque, tell-it-like-it-is attitude, but you are still being you. Yes, you can work on controlling yourself and use diplomacy but change doesn’t happen overnight. Change is constant whether we like it or night, change is all around us and we just have to adapt. But, that change must be positive and towards a productive cause. When your words are challenged, you are challenged. So the question becomes are you accepted as who you are or as someone you should be or something else? There could even be a deeper issue not being discussed. We don’t know what we say and how we say it will affect someone. Let’s hope that it’s for the positive. One thing that is very, very, certain and that is DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS ON EACH OTHER TO INFLICT PAIN OR INJURY!!! If you can not touch each other lovingly, do not touch each other at all. Corrective criticism is fine as long as it is put in an amicable and helpful way. As our friend, Lila used to say, "Life is short, tommorrow isn't guaranteed."
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Keep A Place For Us, Lila!
Our friend, Lila was buried yesterday on Labor Day, September 5, 2011. Her celebration of life was held at
Friday, September 2, 2011
Happy Birthday, Teria!
I am getting a bit absent minded. My niece, Teria, celebrated her 16th birthday, August 31st! She celebrated her sweet-16 celebration with a new car from her mom! God bless you, Teria, with wisdom, grace, and success!
Rest In Peace, Lila!
One of my lunch buddies, Lila Cook, passed unexpectedly last night, September 1st. She would always say after eating lunch, "Thank you God for that." We would answer "Amen." Well, thank you God for Lila! God bless her. We’ll talk about this later.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
We All Have Crosses To Bear!
Look around you and feel with your heart. All of us living have some problem or other. When we think that our own problem is the heaviest, look at the person next to us, the person we live with, work with, and even go to church with. Our burdens are trivial compared the cross that they might be carrying. We’ve forgotten that God will never give us more than we can bear. Either we’ve forgotten our faith or it wasn’t strong enough. Some people crosses seem incomparable to our own. And they may be. But, it’s what we can bear. What a responsible burden our leaders must carry? And we are still never satisfied. “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalms 55:22 (NIV). We still like to stay in control and that what causes us more problems because there are some things beyond our control! And even if our friends have our best interest they still can not help us. We have to look to the hills where our help really comes from.
Our paths in life are not always straight and smooth. We have to deal with curves, hills, weeds, and decisions. We don’t know what direction to take at times and then the way just seems so complicated that we won’t move from where we are because it’s comfortable and safe. I know, I’ve been there, too. I also know that it’s never too late to keep moving.
Friday, August 19, 2011
A Giant, Warm, Welcome To Young Ashton Thomas Johnson!
Baby Ashton Thomas Johnson was born to Kezia and Troy Johnson on August 11, 2011. He came into this world weighing 9lbs 8.8 ozs and 20 inches long! He's going to be a tall young man. Both sides of the males in their families are over 6'2". Did I mention that his great, grandmother is my Godsister? That's because her mother is my Godmother. Yes, I'm proud, too!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Strife & Discord!
As the man of the house, he should confront the strife and discord in his household, and protect the love in his home. All the deceiver needs are hairline fractures where he can place small explosive darts to widen the gap between family members. Once started it takes more than miracle glue to put things back in place. Just as the tiny mustard seed grows large so will strife and discord if not addressed. We have all seen it destroy from within. We’ve seen churches, families, relationships, to name a few, come apart because of a small disagreement that elevated into uncontrollable and irrational decisions. The love once there now seemed that it never existed, envy took over. Falling in love is easy, staying in love takes a lot of work. Most of the time we fall in love for the wrong reasons. We like what we see and what we get. So we think we can fine tune what we have and instead of complying our new love becomes resentful. Or maybe they just got tired of playing make believe to please others and decided to please themselves. I don’t know, there are so many explanations. Maybe we’re not looking long term after the body changes and think about the mental compatibilities. Temptations are all around us. Disrespect is running rampant and is largely acceptable. Believe me, the devil is still unhappy even when chaos exists. He can never be happy. It is his goal to cause disruption with anything God has created. And we know that all things good are His creation. I’m not going to get into any religious debate because we all have different beliefs. I do know that if we don’t include God in our lives, strife and discord will abound. We will need Him to protect us from the enemy.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Donnie McClurkin and Yolanda Adams - The Prayer! Kirk Franklin – Hosanna!
Dedicated to Patricia! This is for you, my friend! Kirk Franklin adds his touch, too!
The Prayer
Donnie McClurkin and Yolanda Adams
--Verse (Yolanda)--
I pray You’ll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don’t know
Let this be our prayer
When we lose our way
Lead us to a place
Guide us with Your grace
To a place where we’ll be safe
--Verse (Donnie)—(Yolanda)
I pray we’ll find Your light (I pray we’ll find Your light)
And hold it in our hearts (and hold it in our hearts)
When stars go out each night (when stars go out each night)
Remind us where You are (remind us where You are)
Let this be our prayer (let this be our prayer)
When shadows fill our day (when shadows fill our day).
(D) – Oh Lord, lead us to a place, oh my
(Y) – Guide us with Your grace (guide us with Your grace)
(D/Y) – Give us faith so we’ll be safe
A world where pain and sorrow will be ended
And every heart that’s broken will be mended
And we’ll remember we are all God’s children
Reaching out to touch you, reaching to the sky.
We ask that life be kind (we ask that life be kind)
And watch us from above (and watch us from above)
We hope each soul will find (we hope each soul will find)
Another soul to love (another soul to love)
(D/Y) – Let this be our prayer (let this be our prayer)
(D) – Just like every child (just like every child)
Both: (x2)
Needs to find a place
Guide us with Your grace
Gestures Of Love!
I overslept this past Sunday morning so I went to another church instead of my own. I don’t like attending any functions late. I usually go to St. Peter’s downtown as my backup or St. Martin de Porres if it’s very late. The last time I attended St. Pete’s, I noticed that a young married couple in the front two pews ahead of me was pregnant. This time they had their brand new little girl with them. It wasn’t anything odd about their attentiveness to their baby but I found it interesting how subconsciously they were always touching each other either by standing, sitting, or kneeling very close to each other. One can see how much they were in love with each other. They reminded me of that old feeling. Sometimes we forget what love means when some of us have had problems with it in the past. We’re hesitant about starting something that might end in pain. We might even push love away if we’re afraid of being hurt again. Then, sometimes, just sometimes, when you thought it was all over, when you least expected it, the dream you put on the back burner comes to life when that someone enters into your life with intelligence, seductive eyes, gorgeous smiles, a fine looking garden and the desire to love you as much as you love them. It’s not that opposites attract but commonality in the same beliefs that can be the magnet. That young couple displayed a sincere effort to show each other how much they meant to one another. I like that kind of closeness, loving being loved by the one you love. Some folks celebrate their life of being single, I don’t knock them. I want more sharing my life with the woman that loves me. I wish the new parents and child the best of everything.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Who Am I To Criticize?
Certain words can trigger negative reactions. We’ve all had past relationships and are currently in new ones. We or our loved ones at some time have said something that brought the wrong response. Unintentional statements are the ones most confusing since they were not meant for the explosive results afterwards. No matter how careful you want to be, you still seem to mess up. I’m talking about words that you sincerely thought would not offend anyone. What makes it even more complicated is that it seems unacceptable for you to stand up for yourself. In other words, you can’t explain yourself. Webster online dictionary definition for Explain is: 1 a: to make known b: to make plain or 2: to give the reason for or cause of 3: to show the logical development or relationships of. To me, that does not sound like an excuse. Excuse is: a: to make apology for. b: to try to remove blame from. If I’m wrong, I will accept it. But, at least give me an opportunity to explain myself! Don’t just criticize me for my words and actions. For every action there is a reaction. If you’re eager to point out what I did wrong, do you notice your own wrongs, too? Luke 6:42 (NIV) states, “How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” We all want our relationships to work and we all have our faults. How can two people who love each other so much overcome their flaws? God must be a part of their lives day in and day out. Otherwise, the enemy’s will destroy anything that is of God. We all have heard of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV); 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. I still get excited when I see and be with the love of my life. I may act childish at times around her but she is still my baby. But we all got work to do. Remember: It's not all about you or all about me. It has everything to do with us opening the door for God's blessings.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Get To Know Your Potential Mate!
“People who are B blood type have a different set of characteristics than people who are Type O or Type A - they are susceptible to different diseases, they should eat different foods and exercise in a completely different manner. Some believe that personality is influenced by blood type!”, said by Dr. Peter D’Adamo. Interesting. That type of thinking can be related to some beliefs that people who have red hair are quick-tempered. I don’t know if that is factual or not. Studies have shown that Type B’s scored higher in the intuitive, insightful area, some as far as being mystical. For some reason, I tend to think that B blood-types are extremely redder than most. Now how silly can that be? But it also interesting that Type B’s are the balance between the O’s and the A’s and is could produce higher cortisol levels in issues regarding stress. Stress can really through this group off balance. But their recovery time is a lot faster due to the Nitric Oxide molecule mediating in the central nervous system. Even Type-Bs’ diet is much different than others, they can eat goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit and venison but no chicken. Yes, chicken contains a Blood Type B cells which are sugar binding proteins that can attach themselves to other cells preventing them to protect them specific duties for protecting the body. Eating chicken for some people can be very dangerous even resulting in strokes. Here are some tips from Dr. D’Adamo’s lifestyle strategies for Type Bs:
• Visualization is a powerful technique for Type Bs. If you can visualize it, you can achieve it.
• Find healthy ways to express your nonconformist side.
• Spend at least twenty minutes a day involved in some creative task that requires your complete attention.
• Go to bed no later than 11:00PM and sleep for eight hours or more. It is essential for B's to maintain their circadian rhythm.
• Use meditation to relax during breaks.
• Engage in a community, neighborhood or other group activity that gives you a meaningful connection to a group. Type Bs are natural born networkers.
• Be spontaneous.
• As they age, Type Bs have a tendency to suffer memory loss and have decreased mental acuity. Stay sharp by doing tasks that require concentration, such as crossword puzzles or learn a new skill or language.
Are you presently dating a Type B person? I don’t usually write about things like this other than my colonoscopy some years ago. But this is really about knowing that person who might be a potential part in your life.
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