Friday, September 9, 2011

Me - Tia D (Thanks, Tia)!


Don’t ya try to tell me who you think I should be
How is it that you’ve figured me out
You’re honestly mistaken if ya take in what you see
And never even have a single doubt.

You can put me in a box if you really wanna try
But I won’t stay in it I guarantee
That may have worked before but it won’t work anymore
So maybe you should go and let me be.

I am who I am
(No matter what you say)
I am who I am
(That ain’t gonna change)
Let me be me
Just let me be me.

So now I’m stepping out gonna show ya what I mean
Just leave your expectations at the door
For they are now no use to me and so I refuse
To cater to all of them anymore.

Don’t ya try to stop me or convince me otherwise
Nothing you can say will change my mind
And so I’m moving forward my old self in the past
It’s time to show you who I really am.

I am who I am
(No matter what you say)
I am who I am
(That ain’t gonna change)
Let me be me.

This is who I am
(Each and every day)
This is who I am
(No matter what they say)
This is who I am
I’m free to be me.

tmd 9-8-11 ©

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