Monday, September 12, 2011

We Stood United, 9/11/01

The Crashes

WTC In Ruins

The Pentagon
Sunday, 9/11/11, the country celebrated the 10th anniversary of the terrorists attacks in New York, Arlington, VA, and in Pennsylvania.  These cowards hijacked four planes full of innocent people and crashed them into the World Trading Center, the twin towers, and the Pentagon. One intended flight did not reach its destination; the White House.  The brave passengers of Flight 93 overpowered the hijackers and caused the plane to crash near a strip mine in rural Shanksville, PA.  I gave this refresher because these are the most memorable circumstances that united this country and rallied all of us Americans to come to each other’s aid.  We all stood side by side standing behind our President to take revenge on these terrorists groups and show them the full might of American power.  We held this unity as long as we could, at least for 5 years.  But, this unity started unraveling during the next Presidential election campaign.  And after the first Black President was elected in the United States, we thought that this would be a change in our way of thinking and acting towards all Americans.  Instead, it caused a polarization that affected not only the people but our governing body.  Wall Street collapsed, Detroit was failing, Banks were going bankrupt, the job market was shrinking, foreclosures were increasing and the country was involved in too many wars.  With this kind of mess, why would anyone want to be President anyway?  Unemployment was rising and it seemed all that the government wanted to do was think about partisan politics and forget about the people that elected them.  The Republican Party’s ideological firebrands are still determined to destroy President Obama and make him a one-term President by any means necessary.  All of which will be done at the expense of the majority of the American people.  They are even voting against policies that they had once supported such as the payroll tax.  They have become pure obstructionists and its not helping the country.  There is a lot of intense resentment and resistance toward this President.  You might believe that it’s a policy difference but I don’t.  If you don’t even support your own policies what is that you really don’t like?  The Democrats are not any better, they half-heartedly support the President and roll over like whipped pets.  The Tea Party is the most vocal and radical group since the John Birch Society.  There are still questions regarding these people that I just don’t understand.  The Founding Fathers created the separation of powers to keep government in check.  But eventually even conflict must give way to productive choices but what we are seeing is a realignment of parties on both sides seeking a majority to overthrow their rivals permanently.  At this level of childish grab-assing, we are seeing the disunity of a great people while showing how broken the system really is.  Our politicians are not representing the people they are representing the large corporations that are contributing to their campaigns.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0