Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Message To A Stranger

I want this message to be simple and understood.  Too often words get twisted and the meanings are totally misunderstood which causes arguments.  But, let’s be practical, if the Word of God is misinterpreted (no comparison to this), then men don’t have a chance of being understood.  The world is steadily changing it seems from bad to worse.  People are saying and doing mean things to each other, some it seems for no reason at all.  Relationship problems exist when words or phrases are constantly challenged.  When one member in that relationship becomes extremely careful about what is said to the other, it becomes the “eggshell” syndrome.  In other words, you have to walk on eggshells to keep the peace or all hell will break loose.  Quarrels can question who is this person I’m arguing with.  This is not the person I know but a stranger I just met.  Still with me?  Granted, you might have a brusque, tell-it-like-it-is attitude, but you are still being you.  Yes, you can work on controlling yourself and use diplomacy but change doesn’t happen overnight.  Change is constant whether we like it or night, change is all around us and we just have to adapt.  But, that change must be positive and towards a productive cause.  When your words are challenged, you are challenged.  So the question becomes are you accepted as who you are or as someone you should be or something else?  There could even be a deeper issue not being discussed.  We don’t know what we say and how we say it will affect someone.  Let’s hope that it’s for the positive.  One thing that is very, very, certain and that is DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS ON EACH OTHER TO INFLICT PAIN OR INJURY!!!  If you can not touch each other lovingly, do not touch each other at all.  Corrective criticism is fine as long as it is put in an amicable and helpful way.  As our friend, Lila used to say, "Life is short, tommorrow isn't guaranteed."

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0