Thursday, August 11, 2011

Get To Know Your Potential Mate!

“People who are B blood type have a different set of characteristics than people who are Type O or Type A - they are susceptible to different diseases, they should eat different foods and exercise in a completely different manner. Some believe that personality is influenced by blood type!”, said by Dr. Peter D’Adamo. Interesting. That type of thinking can be related to some beliefs that people who have red hair are quick-tempered. I don’t know if that is factual or not. Studies have shown that Type B’s scored higher in the intuitive, insightful area, some as far as being mystical. For some reason, I tend to think that B blood-types are extremely redder than most. Now how silly can that be? But it also interesting that Type B’s are the balance between the O’s and the A’s and is could produce higher cortisol levels in issues regarding stress. Stress can really through this group off balance. But their recovery time is a lot faster due to the Nitric Oxide molecule mediating in the central nervous system. Even Type-Bs’ diet is much different than others, they can eat goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit and venison but no chicken. Yes, chicken contains a Blood Type B cells which are sugar binding proteins that can attach themselves to other cells preventing them to protect them specific duties for protecting the body. Eating chicken for some people can be very dangerous even resulting in strokes. Here are some tips from Dr. D’Adamo’s lifestyle strategies for Type Bs:

• Visualization is a powerful technique for Type Bs. If you can visualize it, you can achieve it.
• Find healthy ways to express your nonconformist side.
• Spend at least twenty minutes a day involved in some creative task that requires your complete attention.
• Go to bed no later than 11:00PM and sleep for eight hours or more. It is essential for B's to maintain their circadian rhythm.
• Use meditation to relax during breaks.
• Engage in a community, neighborhood or other group activity that gives you a meaningful connection to a group. Type Bs are natural born networkers.
• Be spontaneous.
• As they age, Type Bs have a tendency to suffer memory loss and have decreased mental acuity. Stay sharp by doing tasks that require concentration, such as crossword puzzles or learn a new skill or language.

Are you presently dating a Type B person? I don’t usually write about things like this other than my colonoscopy some years ago. But this is really about knowing that person who might be a potential part in your life.

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