Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Strife & Discord!

As the man of the house, he should confront the strife and discord in his household, and protect the love in his home. All the deceiver needs are hairline fractures where he can place small explosive darts to widen the gap between family members. Once started it takes more than miracle glue to put things back in place. Just as the tiny mustard seed grows large so will strife and discord if not addressed. We have all seen it destroy from within. We’ve seen churches, families, relationships, to name a few, come apart because of a small disagreement that elevated into uncontrollable and irrational decisions. The love once there now seemed that it never existed, envy took over. Falling in love is easy, staying in love takes a lot of work. Most of the time we fall in love for the wrong reasons. We like what we see and what we get. So we think we can fine tune what we have and instead of complying our new love becomes resentful. Or maybe they just got tired of playing make believe to please others and decided to please themselves. I don’t know, there are so many explanations. Maybe we’re not looking long term after the body changes and think about the mental compatibilities. Temptations are all around us. Disrespect is running rampant and is largely acceptable. Believe me, the devil is still unhappy even when chaos exists. He can never be happy. It is his goal to cause disruption with anything God has created. And we know that all things good are His creation. I’m not going to get into any religious debate because we all have different beliefs. I do know that if we don’t include God in our lives, strife and discord will abound. We will need Him to protect us from the enemy.

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