Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Despite the troubles and economic turmoil that seem to surround us, let us remember to still be thankful.  I know how hard it is to find some good in a world that has turned its back on God.  A world that seems satisfied looking for hate, anger and unhappiness.  We are about to enter a season not only to be thankful but to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  Instead, we find that commercialism and political arguments are the themes of the day!  If it’s not about money; it’s about politics. If it’s not about catastrophes or disasters; it’s about strife and wars.  Get the picture?  You don’t hear about good news as much as you hear about bad news.  Another piece to this abstract is celebrating Thanksgiving without our loved ones.  For whatever the reason, the people we once loved are no longer with us and the tradition of doing things together has ended.  We should be thankful even for the time we did spend with them.  We should be thankful for the memories we shared.  We should be thankful because we were blessed for the love we had for them.  Holidays aren’t as easy to deal with as we grow older but we have so much wisdom now to make our own lives more understanding.  God bless you, my friends.  May your days be peaceful and prosperous and your nights peaceful and restful.  Enjoy your holidays.

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