What's Your Excuse, Now?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Donnie McClurkin and Yolanda Adams - The Prayer! Kirk Franklin – Hosanna!

Dedicated to Patricia!  This is for you, my friend!  Kirk Franklin adds his touch, too!

The Prayer
Donnie McClurkin and Yolanda Adams

--Verse (Yolanda)--
I pray You’ll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don’t know
Let this be our prayer
When we lose our way

Lead us to a place
Guide us with Your grace
To a place where we’ll be safe

--Verse (Donnie)—(Yolanda)
I pray we’ll find Your light (I pray we’ll find Your light)
And hold it in our hearts (and hold it in our hearts)
When stars go out each night (when stars go out each night)
Remind us where You are (remind us where You are)
Let this be our prayer (let this be our prayer)
When shadows fill our day (when shadows fill our day).

(D) – Oh Lord, lead us to a place, oh my
(Y) – Guide us with Your grace (guide us with Your grace)
(D/Y) – Give us faith so we’ll be safe

A world where pain and sorrow will be ended
And every heart that’s broken will be mended
And we’ll remember we are all God’s children
Reaching out to touch you, reaching to the sky.

We ask that life be kind (we ask that life be kind)
And watch us from above (and watch us from above)
We hope each soul will find (we hope each soul will find)
Another soul to love (another soul to love)

(D/Y) – Let this be our prayer (let this be our prayer)
(D) – Just like every child (just like every child)

Both: (x2)
Needs to find a place
Guide us with Your grace

Gestures Of Love!

I overslept this past Sunday morning so I went to another church instead of my own.  I don’t like attending any functions late.  I usually go to St. Peter’s downtown as my backup or St. Martin de Porres if it’s very late.  The last time I attended St. Pete’s, I noticed that a young married couple in the front two pews ahead of me was pregnant.  This time they had their brand new little girl with them.  It wasn’t anything odd about their attentiveness to their baby but I found it interesting how subconsciously they were always touching each other either by standing, sitting, or kneeling very close to each other.  One can see how much they were in love with each other.  They reminded me of that old feeling.  Sometimes we forget what love means when some of us have had problems with it in the past.  We’re hesitant about starting something that might end in pain.  We might even push love away if we’re afraid of being hurt again.  Then, sometimes, just sometimes, when you thought it was all over, when you least expected it, the dream you put on the back burner comes to life when that someone enters into your life with intelligence, seductive eyes, gorgeous smiles, a fine looking garden and the desire to love you as much as you love them. It’s not that opposites attract but commonality in the same beliefs that can be the magnet.  That young couple displayed a sincere effort to show each other how much they meant to one another.  I like that kind of closeness, loving being loved by the one you love.  Some folks celebrate their life of being single, I don’t knock them.  I want more sharing my life with the woman that loves me.   I wish the new parents and child the best of everything.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Who Am I To Criticize?

Certain words can trigger negative reactions. We’ve all had past relationships and are currently in new ones. We or our loved ones at some time have said something that brought the wrong response. Unintentional statements are the ones most confusing since they were not meant for the explosive results afterwards. No matter how careful you want to be, you still seem to mess up. I’m talking about words that you sincerely thought would not offend anyone. What makes it even more complicated is that it seems unacceptable for you to stand up for yourself. In other words, you can’t explain yourself. Webster online dictionary definition for Explain is: 1 a: to make known b: to make plain or 2: to give the reason for or cause of 3: to show the logical development or relationships of. To me, that does not sound like an excuse. Excuse is: a: to make apology for. b: to try to remove blame from. If I’m wrong, I will accept it. But, at least give me an opportunity to explain myself! Don’t just criticize me for my words and actions. For every action there is a reaction. If you’re eager to point out what I did wrong, do you notice your own wrongs, too? Luke 6:42 (NIV) states, “How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” We all want our relationships to work and we all have our faults. How can two people who love each other so much overcome their flaws? God must be a part of their lives day in and day out. Otherwise, the enemy’s will destroy anything that is of God. We all have heard of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV); 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. I still get excited when I see and be with the love of my life. I may act childish at times around her but she is still my baby. But we all got work to do.  Remember: It's not all about you or all about me. It has everything to do with us opening the door for God's blessings.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Get To Know Your Potential Mate!

“People who are B blood type have a different set of characteristics than people who are Type O or Type A - they are susceptible to different diseases, they should eat different foods and exercise in a completely different manner. Some believe that personality is influenced by blood type!”, said by Dr. Peter D’Adamo. Interesting. That type of thinking can be related to some beliefs that people who have red hair are quick-tempered. I don’t know if that is factual or not. Studies have shown that Type B’s scored higher in the intuitive, insightful area, some as far as being mystical. For some reason, I tend to think that B blood-types are extremely redder than most. Now how silly can that be? But it also interesting that Type B’s are the balance between the O’s and the A’s and is could produce higher cortisol levels in issues regarding stress. Stress can really through this group off balance. But their recovery time is a lot faster due to the Nitric Oxide molecule mediating in the central nervous system. Even Type-Bs’ diet is much different than others, they can eat goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit and venison but no chicken. Yes, chicken contains a Blood Type B cells which are sugar binding proteins that can attach themselves to other cells preventing them to protect them specific duties for protecting the body. Eating chicken for some people can be very dangerous even resulting in strokes. Here are some tips from Dr. D’Adamo’s lifestyle strategies for Type Bs:

• Visualization is a powerful technique for Type Bs. If you can visualize it, you can achieve it.
• Find healthy ways to express your nonconformist side.
• Spend at least twenty minutes a day involved in some creative task that requires your complete attention.
• Go to bed no later than 11:00PM and sleep for eight hours or more. It is essential for B's to maintain their circadian rhythm.
• Use meditation to relax during breaks.
• Engage in a community, neighborhood or other group activity that gives you a meaningful connection to a group. Type Bs are natural born networkers.
• Be spontaneous.
• As they age, Type Bs have a tendency to suffer memory loss and have decreased mental acuity. Stay sharp by doing tasks that require concentration, such as crossword puzzles or learn a new skill or language.

Are you presently dating a Type B person? I don’t usually write about things like this other than my colonoscopy some years ago. But this is really about knowing that person who might be a potential part in your life.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summary From FactCheck On A Health Care Reform

This is an excerpt from FactCheck.org on the case of Healthcare Reform Law as destroying jobs.  Too bad so many don't take the time to read.

When it comes to truth in labeling, House Republicans are getting off to a poor start with their constantly repeated references to the new health care law as "job-killing."

We find:

• Independent, nonpartisan experts project only a "small" or "minimal" impact on jobs, even before taking likely job gains in the health care and insurance industries into account.

• The House Republican leadership, in a report issued Jan. 6, badly misrepresents what the Congressional Budget Office has said about the law. In fact, CBO is among those saying the effect "will probably be small."

• The GOP also cites a study projecting a 1.6 million job loss — but fails to mention that the study refers to a hypothetical employer mandate that is not part of the new law.

• The same study cited by the GOP also predicts an offsetting gain of 890,000 jobs in hospitals, doctors’ offices and insurance companies — a factor not mentioned by the House leadership.

There’s little doubt that the new law will likely lead to somewhat fewer low-wage jobs. That’s mainly because of the law’s requirement that, generally, firms with more than 50 workers pay a penalty if they fail to provide health coverage for their workers. One leading health care expert, John Sheils of The Lewin Group, puts the loss at between 150,000 and 300,000 jobs, at or near the minimum wage. And Sheils says that relatively small loss would be partly offset by gains in the health care industry.


Attaching misleading labels to legislation is a well-worn tactic in Washington. Conservatives got rid of most of the estate tax after labeling it a "death tax," as though it taxed death instead of multimillion-dollar fortunes. And liberals once won passage of an "assault weapons ban" that didn’t really ban fully automatic military assault rifles, which were already illegal for civilians to own without a very-hard-to-get federal license. Now House Republicans are seeking to repeal what they call "Obamacare: A budget-busting, job-killing health care law." That’s the title of a study issued by the House Republican leadership Jan. 6.

And the GOP is clearly pushing the "job-killer" claim. House Speaker John Boehner used the phrase "job-killing" to describe the health care law seven times on Thursday, January 6, 2011, in a press conference that lasted less than 14 minutes — that’s once every 2 minutes. He also used the phrases "destroy jobs" and "destroying jobs" once each when talking about the law. Perhaps not surprisingly, the Republicans named their bill to repeal the health care law: "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act."

But is the health care law really "job-killing" as claimed? We find that to be another case of exaggerated and misleading labeling.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Free Speech...

Walter Bagdasarian, from Southern California was arrested over two years ago after posting a late-night tirade against then presidential candidate Barack Obama in October 2008.   He was convicted in 2009.  According to court documents, Bagdasarian's made online comments such as "Obama fk the niggar, he will have a 50 cal in the head soon," and "shoot the nig country fkd for another 4 years+, what nig has done ANYTHING right???? long term???? never in history, except sambos."  The law also covers presidential candidates, too.  Bagdasarian excuse at the time was that he was drunk.  Alcohol loosens the tongue and that helps some people to say what’s really on their mind.  I believe if you got a good attorney, they’ll get some people to believe it, too.  What’s worse, this guy did own a .50 caliber rifle and had the ammunition, he also had other weapons, too.  Keep in mind that racism no longer exists in America.  So bigots can use any opportunity to say that they don’t like the President’s policies as an excuse that they just don’t like the black man.  Unless…they’re drunk and kidding.   Most of the time these threats put you behind bars but last week July 19-20, the Federal Appeals Court overturned the conviction with a 2-1 decision.  The judges ruled that Bagdasarian was engaging in free speech.  So when do we take these type of racists’ threats serious?  Look around and notice the wealth gap between the minorities is widening.  The unemployment rate is higher among blacks.  But none of that seems to matter because even blacks aren’t appreciating and encouraging our President to continue the good fight for all Americans.  What a shame. Now partisan politics have drawn the line enough to cause the country to collapse.  Rush Limbaugh is now considered the King of the GOP & the Queen is Sarah Palin.  Don't we have a lot to look forward to.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Not Fair & Definitely Misleading!

Once again the web of deceit and distraction is being spun by the ultra-right press against the President.  It’s not a surprise anymore, but I do feel disgusted at the acts and levels that these groups will resort to despite their own houses in disorder.  Faux News, unfair an unbalanced coverage of Rupert Murdoch’s scandalous wiretapping is a sham.  They barely covered their boss’s problem but ran all other negative news’ coverage in the ground.  Here are a few examples, Shirley Sherrod and the black farmers, ACORN, the President’s birth certificateAir Force One, and everything and anything about the First Family.  The media is deliberately misleading the public and some of us are gullible enough to believe everything we read and hear.  And of course, no one will refer them to FactCheck, an independent, unbiased group, because someone might get the truth and see how the ultra-rights and Tea Party Reps are making intentional misstatements.  I learned long ago that you don’t throw rocks at people when you live in a glass house.  Taxing the rich and our health care law are not job killers.  Economists found out that the wealthy were not creating jobs and that small business would not have a major impact.  Somebody turned the lights on and the haters are running for cover.  Their hiding in the darkness has affected their thinking and all they care about is staying in the muck and keeping things as they were.  Now we’re hearing about the President playing more golf than Bush.  President Obama is playing more golf than Bush did, even though Bush took more vacations.  It doesn’t matter because the things Bush did wasn’t under the microscope as Obama.  There’s probably somebody, somewhere counting how many times the President has passed gassed.  Why are some of these people so intense on destroying this country and blaming the black man?  Maybe, they just feel that this black man forgot his place and it’s somebody duty to remind him that he’s getting a little uppity and forgetting his place.  Civil discourse, courtesy, and respect are not the order of the day.  Let’s play rough until one of us gets hurt.  Then we can pick up our toys and go home.  Our elected officials sure have a lot of growing up to do.  Pray for these people, pray for this nation and pray for each other.

Monday, July 18, 2011

We Pledge Allegiance to Grover Norquist Not To The American Flag!

This is a very interesting commentary written by the Times Daily columnist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. I wonder if this article got national attention. I don’t think so. Which partisan group controls the media that believes in pledges and feels that big government regulatory policies impede progress?

Grover Norquist has Republican politicians and candidates signing pledges in the midst of a national crisis. What does he have on these people? They were elected by the people and now forget about the majority and cater to the minority that has the money.

Here’s the pledge:

I _____ pledge to the taxpayers of the state of _____ and all the people of this state, that I will oppose and vote against all efforts to increase taxes," reads the version of the pledge signed by Republican lawmakers.

According to the United States Flag Code, the Pledge of Allegiance reads:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all.

“One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all.”  That used to mean something.  It seems not that the “For all” stands for those that have the money that these politicians will fight for now.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pitiful Me

I got through yesterday and tomorrow was overdue.
I’m bruised from the problems of today’s news.
I built this wall, this fortress of distrust. I had to do it before I got lost.
I wished that our forever would have last,
instead it became another sore spot in my soiled past.
I kept looking for another you, substituting my loneliness just won’t do.
Torn pictures in my mind keeps dragging out the hurts left behind.
I can’t see ahead because I ignore the signs.

I wanted to be needed, but always got used.
My attempts at love always ended with me being the abused.
The wall I have is as strong as steel, I don’t trust the love that I feel.
I fall in love instantly, not considering the path it’s leading me.
I have so much about love to learn, I guess that’s my reason for getting burned.
Take it or leave it, I hate being alone. I failed as so many others have done.
No more pointing fingers, no one to blame, no more it’s your faults,
no more calling each other names.

The ripples of hurt are smooth as silk, yet they are deep and cut to the quick.
How can I pursue the future still caught in the past?
How can I go forward if I think love won’t last?
Where is my faith, what do I believe in?
Lord, send me someone that will love me again.

A Part of Things ©

Friday, July 8, 2011

Matters Of The Heart - Tia D.

Another glimpse of Tia D's heart!  As always, thank you, Tia!  I appreciate you.

Matters of the Heart

Some things are never clear

until the crystal breaks
Sometimes you never know

until it's all too late

Yet here I am afraid to move
and just as scared to not

A catch 22 with lessons learned

and wisdom being taught.
None of which I've asked for
as easy they are not
and in the most unpleasant way
much pain at times they've brought
Once again I’ve jumped heart first
And left my head behind

So afraid to miss this “chance”

That I became so blind
Ignoring flags and past mistakes
Again the roles confused
I left my heart wide open

Emotions, thoughts diffused

Here I am my heart wide open
Emotions gone astray
Denial fails me yet again
These thoughts won’t go away.

God, please guard my heart and mind

For I can’t find a way
Free me from all false control

Lord, that is what I pray!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Forgot To Be Your Lover - William Bell

We need to bring back some Old School music.  It calms you down and relaxes the body.  Yes, it respected and told you how to treat women.  Now we all seem to be in a rush living and doing everything else except taking care of the people we love and that love us.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Patti LaBelle Files Countersuit.

Patti LaBelle filed a countersuit against a Richard King, a West Point cadet in Houston who was on spring break.   King claims that she ordered her bodyguards to beat him up outside a Houston airport terminal after he hurled racial insults at her.  He did admit that he had a few drinks on the plane but was not intoxicated.  This whole episode reminds me of how Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe set up ACORN employees.  Considering the current racial environment within the country, this event will be interesting to follow.

Congratulations, Gamecocks!

Yes, there are many good things that come out of South Carolina.  In fact, the Gamecock Baseball Team won the the College World Series.  South Carolina (55-14) became the first team to ever go 10-0 in an NCAA tournament and the first since Oregon State in 2007 to go unbeaten in a CWS.  The Gamecocks' streaks of 16 NCAA tournament wins and 11 straight in the CWS are both the longest all-time.  South Carolina has the distinction of winning the last CWS played at Rosenblatt Stadium and the first at TD Ameritrade Park.  The Gamecocks were in control throughout a 5-2 victory over Florida that completed a two-game sweep in the CWS finals Tuesday night.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

So Much For Race Relations

Carter Strange - Before

Carter Strange - Hospitalized

Carter Strange - Recovery
Is God no longer recognized in our society? What is wrong with us? On June 20, in Columbia, SC, the state capital, a young man was violently attacked by 8 other young men of color. Their ages ranged from 13 to 19. Five of the kids’ parents turned them in. What they did was wrong, period. There is no excuse for their actions. We cannot give explanations whether they were misguided, parentless, raised by a single parent, troubled or whatever. Wrong is wrong and they should be punished for their actions. I don’t know what else the eight young men will be charged with besides aggravated assault. They could be charged with robbery, attempted murder, lynching, or whatever the prosecutor decides. The city council passed an emergency curfew from 11:00 P. M. to 6:00 A.M. in Five Points where the incident took place.

The lynching of Laura Nelson in Okemah, Oklahoma on May 25, 1911; she had tried to protect her son, who was lynched together with her.
The main reason why I’m bringing this article to your attention is what some white folks are saying about black folk and retaliation. Some of these people are putting an entire race of people in one category for the sins of the few. Race relations have been set back after the election of a Black President. The commentaries made on this article are venomous, vile, vitriolic and full of hatred. These comments are just short of calling for hanging these men. Two wrongs will never make it right. It is pitiful how some people still feel about the races. There are good people and bad people in all of them. Of course, these vile comments are made behind computer screens and fake names. These are the new eSheets & eHoods. Some people need something to hide behind to say what they want to. Others, use drinking as an excuse. Keep in mind that we are South Carolina where there really some good people living here.

Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith, lynched in Marion, Indiana on August 7, 1930.

Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith, both African-Americans, were lynched on August 7, 1930 in Marion, Indiana. They had been arrested the night before on charges of robbing and murdering a white factory worker and raping his girlfriend. A large crowd broke into the jail with sledgehammers, beat the men, and hanged them. Police officers in the crowd cooperated in the lynching. A third person, 16-year-old James Cameron, escaped lynching due to the intervention of an unidentified member of the crowd who announced that he had nothing to do with the rape or murder.  A studio photographer, Lawrence Beitler, took a photograph of the dead bodies hanging from a tree surrounded by a large crowd; thousands of copies of the photograph were sold. The event is notable as the last confirmed lynching of blacks in the Northern United States.

An African American lynched from a tree, 1925.
Strange Fruit - Hanging was a family affair in those days.  Blacks were not considered people, just animals.  The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Man - Raphael Saadiq

Seems to be true.  A good man is hard to find and is still treated with disrespect.  Some women prefer a piece of a man than a good man!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Landslide - Stevie Nicks

I took my love and I took it down
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
Till Landslide brought me down

Oh mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Mmm mmm I don’t know
Mmm mmm
Mmm mmm

Well I’ve been afraid of changing ‘cause I
Built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Children get older, I’m getting older too

Soo (Interlude)

I’ve been afraid of changing ‘cause I
I built my life around you
But time makes you bolder, children get older
I’m getting older too
I’m getting older too

Soo take this love, take it down
Ohh if you climb a mountain and you turn around
If you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well the landslide will bring it down, down
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills,
Well maybe, the landslide will bring it down
Well well the landslide with bring it down

Class War or Race War?

Ralph Bunche welcomes Rev. Martin Luther King to the U.N. Headquarters in New York City on December 4, 1964. Coretta Scott King looks on.
(Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, City University of New York, Graduate Center)
In 1936, Ralph Bunche authored a pamphlet entitled A World View of Race. In it, Bunche wrote: "And so class will some day supplant race in world affairs. Race war will then be merely a side-show to the gigantic class war which will be waged in the big tent we call the world." Ralph Bunche was a political scientist and diplomat. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950 for mediation in Palestine during the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

I’ve said this before and I do sincerely think that a class war can happen. Look at the division between Wall Street and Main Street. The rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. Social benefits are being cut and education isn’t important. Teachers are being cut and schools are closing. Public schools and teachers are not making the grades. Technology has advanced to the point that uneducated people can not be hired and sources of cheap labor are found overseas. The economy isn’t progressing as fast as any of us would like. Foreclosures are at an all time high and buying a home is now harder than ever. The American dream is about to become history. It is true that hatred is in the bottom of many peoples’ hearts. But it is more prevalent in those people that are uneducated and don’t have very much. Some may feel resentful and others don’t need a reason at all to hate. Then, you just have some folks who simply just don’t know why they feel the way they do. I can tell you this, while different factions are trying to separate this country using race as a smokescreen, we better be vigilant before we all end up on the same economic level. Either we will have (wealth) or will not (poverty). These factions see using race as an excuse to cause this country to fail. We can’t let this happen. Let’s be aware of what’s happening around us. Let’s take an interest in what can we do to make this country a better place for all us to live in.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Adult Literacy

Photo by Chris Johnson
Adult literacy is defined as: Using printed and written information to function in society, to achieve one’s goals, and to develop knowledge and potential. (Literacy in Everyday Life: Results from the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy). However, compared to higher incomes with diplomas and those without, one can think the performance rate is basic at best without diplomas.

The US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences Statistics from 1992-2003 show a wide disparity of scores among Asian/Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, Black, and Whites in adult literacy skills. I can actually understand the language issues with non-English speaking people but why do the Blacks and Whites have the problem with literacy?

The National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) gave tests that showed an estimate that 14% of our nation’s residents have reading and writing problems. Those that can read have comprehension issues. What’s worse, they are considered illiterate! About 1 in 7 can’t read this blog. How can you fill out any forms if you can’t read or understand them? Now wonder there is such a high unemployment rate among minorities. That coupled with government subsidies doesn’t make things any better. One must be committed and willing to improve their conditions. At the same time, there should be a level playing field, too! These same handouts that are making some folks complacent are also turning their heads from undercover racist actions designed to keep them down.

I don’t have an answer for this. We all can make an effort to keep our children in school and help those that are not able. But, do we want to take the time? Our drop out rate among Blacks in 2008 was 9.9%, 8.7% among males, 11.1% among females. These numbers represent 16-24 year olds who are not enrolled in school and did not earn a high school credential (GED or diploma). The total dropout rate for all Races/Ethnicities was 8%.

“This is a problem we can’t afford to accept or ignore,” President Obama said. “The stakes are too high – for our children, for our economy, for our country. It’s time for all of us to come together – parents and students, principals and teachers, business leaders and elected officials – to end America’s dropout crisis.”

“It is time for all of us, no matter what our backgrounds, to come together and solve this epidemic. Stemming the tide of dropouts will require turning around our low-performing schools. Just 2,000 high schools in cities like Detroit, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia produce over 50% of America’s dropouts… Let us all make turning around our schools our collective responsibility as Americans.” President Barack Obama

It’s good that our President supports this cause but what about us? What can we do?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Tia D - "Myself"


All I really want
is to just be who I am
Free from any expectations
That is where I’ll stand

I do not live for social norms
I go against the grain
Not to make a statement
They just make me go insane!

You cannot put me in box
‘Though some still often try
And when I do it to myself
“Myself” becomes a lie

Please don’t try to box me in
For this I must confess
When you define the borders
I become myself much less

If who I am is not enough
Then please do not pursue
Cause I just want to be myself
Especially with you.

                                                                                Tia D.  6-5-2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

That Girl - Thanks Tia!

That Girl

Head on her pillow tears streaming down.
She cries herself to sleep.
She feels alone and so insecure
Feeling the lies of this world cutting deep.

She paints her face to hide the shame
from weight she cannot bear
Jokes are made at her expense
She tries so hard not to care.

She’s the one who acts so tough
That most would never guess
Underneath that frail façade
Is hurt she can’t confess.

She’s the girl who will succeed
She’s way beyond her class
But no one knows she works so hard
Just to avoid her past.

I was that girl who felt alone
Who once was overweight
With walls built up to hide the hurt
I always made the grade.

But now I know I’m not alone
Whatever the scale may say
Found freedom in confession
And my worth in Christ will stay.

By Tia Deibert

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cut From The Same Cloth?

Protesters from the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church received a Memorial Day razzing from counter-demonstrators affiliated with a Virginia branch of the Ku Klux Klan

What a twist!  Two hate groups are now turning their hatred towards each other at Arlington National Cemetery!  The Westboro Baptist Church didn’t get love from a Virginian branch of the Ku Klux Klan!  Go figure!  One of the most bigoted churches in the nation is being demonstrated against by one of the most racist groups in the nation.  If you’re not familiar with the Westboro Baptist Church group, they are known for their extreme stance against homosexuality, picketing funerals, and desecrating the American flag.  These folks protest military and celebrity funerals to get media attention.  They are like a rebel Baptist church that has no connections with the Baptists.  Yes, they are an independent hate group as far I’m concerned.  They don’t seem to like or respect anyone if you aren’t a member.  I do mean anyone, including religions.  It’s odd that they do not support racism.  But their founder Fred Phelps is a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement and his Church has tried to distance itself from groups that support racism.  On the day when both groups should be paying tribute and remembrance to our fallen heroes, they are focusing on pettiness and attention.  They are surely exercising their free speech bought by these heroes’ blood.  This is the direction our country is headed and it has nothing to do with the government or the current administration.

Rest In Peace, Gil Scott Heron - (April 1, 1949 – May 27, 2011)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, 2011

The world is full of disasters, civil unrests, wars, political upheavals, and financial disarray.  Our politicians are arguing and disagreeing over interests that are not best for the nation because they owe their souls to the highest bidders.  Tornadoes and tsunamis are destroying cities and reshaping the destinies of their residents.  Families are being torn apart due to countless reasons but mostly infidelities and financial.  It is easier to fall out of love now than it is falling in love.  Yet, despite it all, there are families that are still grateful that they are still being blessed even when they have lost everything they owned.  Still the sun rises and sets, and during the days and nights we witness beautiful sights and share joys and sorrows.  Today is Memorial Day!  We pay tribute to those members of the military that have given their lives for our country.  Without such gallant hearts, there is no telling what kind of country we would be living in this day.  They fought for this country in the beginning from the Revolution to Civil War and Civil Rights.  Including all other countless battles where people died for believing that there can be a better way to live.  We owe these heroes our respect, honor, dignity, and appreciation.  Let us never forget!  Yes, indeed there are many of us mourning together today.  So while many of us will be grilling, sailing, and drinking keep our men and women in the military in your prayers.  They are risking their all in some very dangerous and hostile places. 

I don't want to take anything away from our military and that is why this is under a separate pragraph.  But there were many freedom fighters, poets, law enforcement officers and others that deserve our tribute, too!  Many are not famous at all.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Devil Is A Liar!

Accept the truth that Rep. Jim Clyburn is telling the truth that racism is part of the blame for President Obama’s political problems. The birthers never questioned John McCain. The Tea Party never needed to speak out against past presidents but they sure are now. What is getting these folks in an uproar is that the term racists is considered lower and worse than being called liberals. We must acknowledge that some “closet” racists are using smoke screens to say that they are against the President’s policies when in actuality that is what they are hiding behind. Yes, hiding behind his polices when they are able to confront their true fear which is this black man is one of the most powerful in the world. They need to come out of the closet and stop hiding behind excuses, computer screens, and places where their faces can’t be seen. The KKK used to hide behind hoods but at least they began to show their faces. President Obama has been criticized from drinking a Guinness Beer in Ireland to his walk. There have been polls taken every week on what he does. How much under the microscope do the media intend to keep this man? The owners of this conglomerate enjoy fueling the fires of hate because they still want him to fail. Perpetuating lies is part of the agenda for these folks. So what if they bend the premise a little to a lot. As long as it affects someone then the objective is completed. I understand this. What I still don’t understand is the same policies that the conservatives wanted to use before are now being rejected by them when the President wanted to use them. One example is Cap & Trade. Even part of the HealthCare Bill had Republican components. The Democrats on the left moved toward the right and the Republicans on the right moved further right. They would rather cast him as a liberal rather than state President Obama is a moderate. I’m sure you have noticed that anytime the term racist is used by a minority he is slapped with using the race card. I’ve always said this and I am still saying that this is a crock of bull dodo. Face the facts; there are still so many people that would love for black folks to be slaves again! These folks are still full of hate for whatever their reasons for hating blacks are. They feel black people has their place in society and it is definitely not as President of the United States. Have people forgotten Jim Crow days? Are do they want to bring those days back? Have they forgotten that some towns actually celebrated the hanging of a black person and had the whole family attend to witness the death of many innocent people? That very same feeling was passed down from generation to generation. Some people don’t even know why they hate. What’s worse some of these people are saying that happened in the past and we weren’t there. That may be true, but if the past is trying to repeat itself, we didn’t learn a damn thing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rest In Peace, Mr. Verne Buechel!

Verne Fredrick Buechel was born is Sacramento on November 11, 1943 and passed away at his home in Sacramento on May 4, 2011, after fighting a courageous battle of cancer. He was preceded in death by his father and mother, Albert & Charlotte Buechel, and his son Anthony Buechel. Verne is survived by and will be deeply missed by Linda Harvey, his long time companion, brothers; Dr. Sevron Buechel (Carol), Dale Buechel (Janey), his children; Donna Boyd, Theresa Bottino, and Tom Buechel, granddaughter Amber Bottino, and many nieces, nephews, and friends.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

40 Years and Counting!

Plina Celebrating 40 Years at NHTSA with the Director, David Strickland.
Plina has been with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) for 40 years and a wonderful person to meet!  She has counseled so many of us that worked in Fatality Analysis (FARS) and patiently steered us in the right direction.  Who knows what anyone goes through working with the same company for 40 years.  No different than the military, I suppose.  “P” is also a Delta.  What more can I say other than I wish her the very best that life has to offer.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rest In Peace, Ms. Leaks!

Ms. Leaks & the family celebrating her 88th birthday!
On Tuesday, May 10, 2011, at the age of 88, Mrs. Phebbie L. Leaks entered into eternal rest. Mrs. Leaks peacefully passed away at the Palmetto Baptist Hospital in Columbia with many of her family members at her bedside. Her husband, the late Roger Leaks Sr., preceded her in death on Feb. 18, 1974.  Our prayers are with the family.

I failed to mention, with all due respect and sincere apologies, that this is Lady Z's, our guest writer, mother.  You got a great example to live by, my sister, she taught all of you well.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

See You Later!

See You Later!

I know, I said that love is temporary,
You knew what I meant.
You understood, because you
Were heaven sent.
Well, heaven called you back home.
To me, it was much too soon.
I miss you, sweet pea. You knew
Me better than anyone.

I miss the noise,
the clatter in the kitchen.
I missed the chance for
The words I should have mentioned.
I thought I would have the time.
I didn’t think that it would be too late.
We take so much for granted
But God had already set the date.

Our bed is cold.
I sleep on your side every now and then.
The bedroom is still the same,
I couldn’t bear to make a change.
I miss your laughter,
I miss your smile.
I miss your anger,
I miss your smell.
The baby still doesn’t know
That you’re gone.
Little Kenzie still calls your name
Even though we visit your grave as much as we can.
I miss your voice,
I miss your touch.
I miss your love.
I miss you, honey.
I’ll see you later, my dearest.
I hope it’s in the same place.
I long for that day
To see you face-to-face.

“A Part of Things”
E. S. Litman

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I don't know who wrote this but it's on time! There are so many mothers who are angels and willing to sacrifice all for their children. I know that we were lucky, too! Enjoy your day, ladies!

A Newborn's Conversation With God

A baby asked God,
'They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow,
but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?'
God said,
'Your angel will be waiting for you
and will take care of you.'
The child further inquired,
'But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything
but sing and smile to be happy.'
God said,
'Your angel will sing for you
and will also smile for you.
And you will feel your angel's love
and be very happy.'
Again the child asked,
'And how am I going to be able to understand
when people talk to me if I don't know the language?'
God said,
'Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet
words you will ever hear,
and with much patience and care,
your angel will teach you how to speak.'
'And what am I going to do when I want to talk to You?'
God said,
'Your angel will place your hands together
and will teach you how to pray.'
'Who will protect me?'
God said,
'Your angel will defend you
even if it means risking its life.'
'But I will always be sad
because I will not see you anymore.'
God said,
'Your angel will always talk to you about Me
and will teach you the way to come back to Me,
even though I will always be next to you.'
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven,
but voices from Earth could be heard
and the child hurriedly asked,
God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name.'
God said,
'You will simply call her,

Rest in Peace, Ms. Frances Gaylord!

One day and a half before Mother’s Day, my co-worker’s mother-in-law was buried.  Ms. Francis was 72 years old.  Her suffering in this world is now over.  She has found peace.  For the rest of that family’s life, Mother’s Day will always have a different meaning.  In fact, all holidays that the family has shared with each other will be different.  It is the same for me with Easter, Mother’s Day for me will never be the same.  My prayers are with the family.  Yes, dying is easy, it’s the leaving part that’s hard to cope with.  We all will leave someone behind, but we pray that we will see our love ones again in the new life.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Deal With It! But, Don’t Give Up!

As kids when we fail off our bicycle for the first time trying to ride it, our mother or father told us to get up, dust ourselves off, and get back on.  We had some scrapes but we got back on because we knew that they would be there to support and encourage us.  No one ever said life was easy.  As long as we live, we’ll experience more bumps and bruises.  Our parents are no longer here with us so deal with challenges the best way we can.  We grew up.  The most important thing is not to give up or give in.  We have our pity parties because they help to cope with our situation. And we’ll feel sorry for ourselves for a while.  Everybody has something going on in their lives.  We control what we can and give the rest to God.  We have to regroup and we start by appreciating the small things.  I call them blessings.  We all can’t drive luxury cars or live in mansions and be CEO’s, but we can be grateful for what we have.  We don’t know what people have to go through to get what they have.  If we think we’re unhappy with our current conditions, how do we know what others feel?   We all see the outside but we really don’t have a clue what is going on inside that person.  We only know about ourselves unless we’re fooling ourselves.  We tend to do that a lot.  But, we still find time to judge others.  We still find time to complain and continue to make ourselves miserable and even the people around us.  We’re not satisfied with the way we look, talk, act, or live but we forget that everyday we live is a blessing.  We can change our negative habits if we put our minds to it.  It’s not easy to change or even accept change but we can do it.  How bad do we want it?  What and/or who are we willing to give up?  What kind of sacrifices will we have to make?  We begin within.  We have to look deep in ourselves and come to terms with the naked truth.  We are not what we think we are.  When we think we are more than we are, we are less.  We inflate our egos for all of the wrong reasons.  We forget that we are being blessed everyday even we have setbacks, there are blessings within.  We have to pray for wisdom and understanding.  We need them.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama Got Osama!

Obama announcing that Osama was killed May 1, 2011

Obama announcing that Osama was killed  May 1, 2011
The area of a compound where it is believed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden lived seen in Abbottabad, Pakistan on Monday, May 2, 2011.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I've Got So Much To Give - Barry White

Can You Hear Me Now?

It’s interesting that Verizon uses the term “Rule the Air” and has an outline of the world with the radio tower on top.  I know that it’s a commercial and has a very catchy ring to it but to me, there’s a subliminal message.  I liked the “Can you hear me now?” ad.  It put Verizon on the map, maybe on top.  But, whenever I hear “Rule the Air”, I think of the Biblical meaning.  As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient (Ephesians 2:2).  Yes, we have conformed to the ways of this world, mostly to be accepted.  I don’t think we “Christians” can handle persecution well.  Besides, its tough doing the right thing, isn’t it?  Look around, whenever someone wants to help another, they’re called a socialist or a do-gooder.  These are considered bad labels.  I’m digressing; let’s get back to ruling the air.  We don’t even realize that through modern technology, we are becoming brainwashed and controlled.  We want the latest gizmos to keep us on top of the game.  Yet, recently, it has become known that many of these smart phones are keeping track on us!  The cell phone towers signals map our locations but provide real improved functionality.  I refer back to the cell phone tower on top of the world in the logo.  Remember, I’m giving my own opinion, but so many opinions have been given on so many topics that people have taken them at face value rather than doing an in-depth study on the facts.  The bottom line is this!  Satan is running rampant in this world doing all that he can to cause us to fall away from God.  Whatever it takes to distract us from good and kindness, whenever we can hide behind these monitors and screens to spew our hatred towards others, we are doing what the deceiver wants.  Modern technology, progression is helping man, some of us are using it to take advantage of others.  I personally, question this connection.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Has Risen!

Happy Easter!  I'm beginning to see a trend during the holidays that peace and harmony towards our fellow man is becoming less and less.  Apparently, the birth, death, and resurection of Jesus Christ is not what people are thinking of.  The thought is what do I look like dressed in that outfit and what am I getting to make me look better?  We all know that the holidays are commercialized but are we also drifting farther apart from Christianity?  We are experiencing more hatred than ever towards each other.  And no one seems to admit it.  We speak of God and announce our religious beliefs but we sure don't seem to practice them.  What a bunch of hypocrites we all are!  Christ died so that we might live.  A father gave up his son to better mankind but what are we doing about it.  Accept the facts, Christ's death didn't mean much when he was crucified and it looks like it means even less now.  Those that do accept Christ has Lord and Savior will have to step up as examples.  Don't make a show of it, just do it!  Little by little, a difference can be made.  Christ has risen!

Ephesians 6:12. The Many Versions Mean The Same Thing!

                I know I’m not the only person looking at these campus protests with many questions that have no answers.     I understand t...