What's Your Excuse, Now?: Deal With It! But, Don’t Give Up!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Deal With It! But, Don’t Give Up!

As kids when we fail off our bicycle for the first time trying to ride it, our mother or father told us to get up, dust ourselves off, and get back on.  We had some scrapes but we got back on because we knew that they would be there to support and encourage us.  No one ever said life was easy.  As long as we live, we’ll experience more bumps and bruises.  Our parents are no longer here with us so deal with challenges the best way we can.  We grew up.  The most important thing is not to give up or give in.  We have our pity parties because they help to cope with our situation. And we’ll feel sorry for ourselves for a while.  Everybody has something going on in their lives.  We control what we can and give the rest to God.  We have to regroup and we start by appreciating the small things.  I call them blessings.  We all can’t drive luxury cars or live in mansions and be CEO’s, but we can be grateful for what we have.  We don’t know what people have to go through to get what they have.  If we think we’re unhappy with our current conditions, how do we know what others feel?   We all see the outside but we really don’t have a clue what is going on inside that person.  We only know about ourselves unless we’re fooling ourselves.  We tend to do that a lot.  But, we still find time to judge others.  We still find time to complain and continue to make ourselves miserable and even the people around us.  We’re not satisfied with the way we look, talk, act, or live but we forget that everyday we live is a blessing.  We can change our negative habits if we put our minds to it.  It’s not easy to change or even accept change but we can do it.  How bad do we want it?  What and/or who are we willing to give up?  What kind of sacrifices will we have to make?  We begin within.  We have to look deep in ourselves and come to terms with the naked truth.  We are not what we think we are.  When we think we are more than we are, we are less.  We inflate our egos for all of the wrong reasons.  We forget that we are being blessed everyday even we have setbacks, there are blessings within.  We have to pray for wisdom and understanding.  We need them.

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