Thursday, July 21, 2011

Not Fair & Definitely Misleading!

Once again the web of deceit and distraction is being spun by the ultra-right press against the President.  It’s not a surprise anymore, but I do feel disgusted at the acts and levels that these groups will resort to despite their own houses in disorder.  Faux News, unfair an unbalanced coverage of Rupert Murdoch’s scandalous wiretapping is a sham.  They barely covered their boss’s problem but ran all other negative news’ coverage in the ground.  Here are a few examples, Shirley Sherrod and the black farmers, ACORN, the President’s birth certificateAir Force One, and everything and anything about the First Family.  The media is deliberately misleading the public and some of us are gullible enough to believe everything we read and hear.  And of course, no one will refer them to FactCheck, an independent, unbiased group, because someone might get the truth and see how the ultra-rights and Tea Party Reps are making intentional misstatements.  I learned long ago that you don’t throw rocks at people when you live in a glass house.  Taxing the rich and our health care law are not job killers.  Economists found out that the wealthy were not creating jobs and that small business would not have a major impact.  Somebody turned the lights on and the haters are running for cover.  Their hiding in the darkness has affected their thinking and all they care about is staying in the muck and keeping things as they were.  Now we’re hearing about the President playing more golf than Bush.  President Obama is playing more golf than Bush did, even though Bush took more vacations.  It doesn’t matter because the things Bush did wasn’t under the microscope as Obama.  There’s probably somebody, somewhere counting how many times the President has passed gassed.  Why are some of these people so intense on destroying this country and blaming the black man?  Maybe, they just feel that this black man forgot his place and it’s somebody duty to remind him that he’s getting a little uppity and forgetting his place.  Civil discourse, courtesy, and respect are not the order of the day.  Let’s play rough until one of us gets hurt.  Then we can pick up our toys and go home.  Our elected officials sure have a lot of growing up to do.  Pray for these people, pray for this nation and pray for each other.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0