Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pitiful Me

I got through yesterday and tomorrow was overdue.
I’m bruised from the problems of today’s news.
I built this wall, this fortress of distrust. I had to do it before I got lost.
I wished that our forever would have last,
instead it became another sore spot in my soiled past.
I kept looking for another you, substituting my loneliness just won’t do.
Torn pictures in my mind keeps dragging out the hurts left behind.
I can’t see ahead because I ignore the signs.

I wanted to be needed, but always got used.
My attempts at love always ended with me being the abused.
The wall I have is as strong as steel, I don’t trust the love that I feel.
I fall in love instantly, not considering the path it’s leading me.
I have so much about love to learn, I guess that’s my reason for getting burned.
Take it or leave it, I hate being alone. I failed as so many others have done.
No more pointing fingers, no one to blame, no more it’s your faults,
no more calling each other names.

The ripples of hurt are smooth as silk, yet they are deep and cut to the quick.
How can I pursue the future still caught in the past?
How can I go forward if I think love won’t last?
Where is my faith, what do I believe in?
Lord, send me someone that will love me again.

A Part of Things ©

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0