What's Your Excuse, Now?

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

After Storms Comes Fresh Air And Clear Days!

I am not surprised by the lack of empathy many Christians show towards foreign and domestic issues. We have become desensitized to crises and accept them as inevitable.  It often seems we will do nothing, and those with money and power use their influence to deceive the public.


People will always have concerns and issues.  We worry about family, new neighbors, jobs, politicians, traffic, and health, to name a few anxious moments.  Some of us worry about the radical right not addressing the violent threats made by the MAGA followers towards government officials involved with the Trump indictments.  I remember how concerned the radical right was about the liberal left Antifas and the Black Lives Matter Movement.  Are the Republicans afraid of the Nazi-like monsters they created by following Trump?  Or, more afraid of not being reelected?  The Klan was formed after Reconstruction to promote fear, hate, division, and superiority.  After the Civil War, the founder, Nathan Bedford Forrest, couldn’t disband the Klan; they had become too powerful, and the group was uncontrollable.  Hate can be overpowering in its darkness.  Trump tapped into that hatred, kept the Civil War regrets heated, and Republicans ran on his coattails to get elected.  Europeans left indentured servitude to come to America for freedom.  Ironically, their descendants put other people in chains and took away freedom that didn’t look like them.


I've heard that Trump is complaining about double standards, but he didn't consider this when pushing the "Lock Her Up" slogan about Hillary Clinton.  As President, he appointed Republican judges to the courts with support from Congress, using the Evangelicals as a shield.  Trump aspires to be like a dictator and clearly thinks he's above the law, yet he claims to be a victim.  He's an adult used to getting his way and well-versed in lying.  If you repeat a lie enough times, people will eventually believe it.


America has a growing peace movement as people unite against extremism.  Women are tired of old white men telling them what to do with their bodies, and the young are tired of seeing the same old men in positions of authority not listening to them.  People who have been ignored for too long are now standing up to be recognized.  Students want to know America's history, even if it is disgusting, humiliating, and embarrassing.  Policies should not be beneficial only for those who make the laws; they should be beneficial for all, and partisan beliefs should be kept out.

Malachi 3:5-7 Bible New International Version


5.  So I will come to put you on trial.  I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers, and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,” says the Lord Almighty.


6.  “I, the Lord, do not change.  So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.  7.  Ever since the time of your ancestors, you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them.  Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Grandparents Appreciation Moment!

            People show appreciation to your grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandmothers, great grandfathers.  They are the unappreciated, silent heroes and heroines that are taken for granted for simply being who they are.  We salute you and thank you!  Those still living kings and queens, thank you for helping keep our villages together.  It doesn’t matter the color, culture, or creed.  They stepped in and cared for the children when no one else would, closed the loops on what wasn’t taught, and passed on to the children their wisdom and experience.


            Grandparents, as a whole, saw the world much differently than we did.  Of course, times were different.  Technology and the environment were different, but the outcome of the various cultures and the treatment of people is still about the same: wisdom.  Our grandparents saw the world through clear glasses, learned from their experiences, and still thrived in the midst of it all.  Now that they are much older, they share those experiences with their grandchildren.  Grandfathers worked their hearts out to build a decent life for their families back then, and many died without reaping the benefits.  Women have always been the family's heart, but they can’t do it alone.  It takes a family to stand together.


            It’s no secret that several caring grandparents opened their once-empty homes to their returning children.  I can relate to looking forward to the children leaving home once they’re grown.  There’s a surreal stillness and silence once they’re gone; one can say that they miss the noise and action.  When the grands started visiting and getting into mischief, they reminded us of their fathers or mothers who grew up in the home.  Single grandparents who are alone welcome back the sound and busyness, mainly because the other spouse isn’t there to share laughter together anymore.


            I don’t need to stray too far; the fact is, grandparents leave positive, lasting impressions on their grandchildren more than they realize.  Most of the time, they only see it in their children.  Children and grandchildren should feel blessed that they have them in their lives.  Appreciate your grandparents more, people.  They may not always get it right, but they are all you got.  They can be great baby-sitters, too, if you treat them right.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Blessed Be The Widows And Vulnerable!

I visited my 101-year-old godmother the other day.  When I saw her, I had to hold back my tears.  She had called me a few days ago that she had fallen asleep in the table chair and fell onto the floor.  She didn’t call for help and felt all right as long as she could move her legs.  She did call her one of her granddaughters, who came over immediately.  She wanted to take the petit, fragile centenarian to the hospital, who said she didn’t need to go.  My godmother is an old-school woman who worked hard all of her life and dealt with all types of challenges during her lifetime.  She could handle it.  She enjoyed being on her own.  Sometimes, we could use some help, and none of us are young anymore.  


She had fallen on her face with her glasses on.  There were big, dark bruises all over her small face.  One prominent bruise was on her forehead, another on the right side of her face, and you could see the imprint from the bridge of her glasses over her nose.  I could only imagine her facial appearance a day later.  Yet, my godmother was in great spirits even though the rest of us were deeply concerned.  I got emotional when she said, “First, we start falling, and then we die.”  I never cared for hearing that statement and others from the elderly.  I knew that they were serious when they said things like that.


What was determined by all medical experts was that my godmother had blacked out from bending down too low to clean coffee and other stains from the floor using a little amount of bleach.  She got up too fast.  I’m picturing a 101-year-old cleaning the carpet and inhaling a powerful irritant, using much energy, then immediately sitting down from being tired.  Thinking that she had fallen asleep because she was tired, she passed out from the blood flow as her head was lower than her heart and rising too quickly.  The same thing had happened to me months ago, except I “woke” up in a wheelchair at a hospital and underwent wires, IVs, and blood tests.  I ended up wearing a heart monitor for two weeks.  My diagnosis was severe dehydration.  That’s another story.


My godmother is very independent.  She'll do it herself if someone doesn’t notice what needs to be done around her.  Well, she’ll try to.  We could do those things when we were younger.  The granddaughters and her son offered her to stay with one of them, which she declined.  She likes to come and go whenever she wants to and enjoys doing things for herself.  Like most seniors, including myself, we don’t want to be a burden.  As long as we can do for ourselves, let us be; we’ll let you know when we need help.  As we age, we realize the end time is coming; it’s inevitable.  Living in our circumstances has taught us how to adapt, positively or negatively.  We learned from our parents and those before us that good times and challenging times exist.  What we do with those times is up to us to learn from them.  My mother, grandmother, and godmother exhibited what it takes to survive.  They all told me they wouldn’t be around forever, and neither will I.  We are in this world for a short time.


I’ve always tried to push people away because I didn’t want to miss them or be missed.  It was an error in my judgment.  Some people care and don’t have any other motive but to share that love with you.  No matter how old we get, we will have broken hearts and regrets, but it’s never too late to accept love.  I guess, eventually, we have to let the barriers down and give love a try.  Make peace with those you care about; time waits for no one.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Do Your Best To Be Prepared!

We can only partially prepare ourselves for specific situations, even knowing their inevitability. We have all encountered such circumstances, such as when a beloved family member must move from the hospital to hospice care, when a dear friend or family member is diagnosed with a terminal illness, or even when we visit specialists like urologists, proctologists, or dentists. Although there are certainly more unpleasant professions than dentistry, the sound of the buzzing instruments, the smell of burning flesh, and the sensation of scraping and pulling can be mentally taxing for the patient.  It matters considerably when you have to return for a follow-up and or fitting.  Don’t wait until we’re too old to regret what we placed on our bodies and souls.  Such is the life of not caring for one’s health and teeth.  Live wisely, my brothers and sisters.

Monday, July 17, 2023

I Am A Rock!

I had a unique dream the other night, most of them I can’t remember, but I remembered this one.  My dreams aren’t usually nightmares unless I had eaten beef that afternoon.  However, this dream made me feel that the universe was trying to tell me something.  A large rock was the main focus.  It was rounded around the edges but very smooth.  The rock appeared to weigh about 40-50 pounds and was translucent.  It never got in my way wherever I went, but it was always there no matter where I went.  The rock was always where I could see it; it stood out but seemed acceptable wherever it was.  It seemed to move on its own accord.  Whenever I came across the rock, I felt confident, safe, and protected.


When I woke up, I felt refreshed but was curious about this dream.  The rock didn’t play any significant part; it seemed to let me know that it will always be where I am.  I don’t remember any critical events, or anything else about the dream, other than the rock being everywhere I went.  I have some spiritual thoughts about Jesus being a cornerstone, Peter being appointed the rock that Jesus will build His church on, and men making their houses on solid rock, but finding a connection is still complicated.  I know that Jesus is my rock and refuge and that He will always be with me, but dreaming about a rock.  What does it mean?  I’m sure something meaningful is behind it, even if I may never understand.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Woke Is Not A Joke!

Believe it or not, the words “Stay Woke” were used by blues singer Huddie “Lead Belly” Ledbetter back in 1938 in a recording of the “Scottsboro Boys.”  It told the story of nine young black men, ages 12-19, falsely accused of raping two white women on a train in Alabama in 1931.  The men were not executed but were jailed for years.  Even after their release, they never fully recovered from the mistreatment.  The evidence unquestionably proved their innocence, but it didn’t matter.  Collectively, they spent over 130 years in jail.  The appeal trials lasted over 80 years when the women finally recanted their previous stories that they were never raped, and the story was made up from being arrested for vagrancy.  No forensics or other evidence were considered other than the white women’s words over the black men.  What did you expect in the 30s? It doesn’t look too different from now.  Politicians and the justice system are still lying about the truth.  Now Governor Ron DeSantis Campaign Slogan for President is “Our Great American Comeback Never Back Down.”  It sounds like a takeoff from Trump’s MAGA; bring back the old way of mistreating people, and we can rule in tyranny again.


            As you can see, “Stay Woke” or “Woke is nothing new; it’s an awareness of being attentive to the critical fact and issues regarding racial and social injustices.  It’s for people to stay awake during these times when they are trying to cover up past misdeeds and claiming that those things didn’t happen or were done by others that should be forgotten. We don’t want anything to let our kids know the truth, for they might be blamed for their parent's sins and woke returned during the Black Lives Matter movement, which brought attention to the killing of young black men by the police and fake vigilantes under the disguise of being patriots.  It seems all the red states are finding ways to use the law to suppress voting registration, redistricting, and excluding people of color from participating in government and education.  It seems that rewriting history and banning any account from days gone by should be stricken or not even taught in schools.


            The Supreme Court verified that systemic racism exists by ending Affirmative Action.  What I found about this disastrous move was that Judge Thomas, a recipient of Affirmative Action, decided because of his toll and guilt.  He has obtained his dream and let the others find their way in education.  Justice is not and cannot be colorblind.  To me, this system was built to protect its own, and those who are privileged will do anything possible to protect it.  Laws are wrapped within hidden laws that enable the users.  Yet, their truth is also their falsehood, so they campaign to reject anyone who can it.  We’re not the only ones who see it; God also sees it.  Vengeance is His, and those of us that believe in Him have the faith to know that the wicked will be exposed.  When we put our trust in man, we will be very disappointed.  Even amid this chaos, there is an opportunity.  Let’s all be calm in the middle of another storm and watch the Lord fight our battles.


            There will be a time when there are no more excuses, and we will have to face the fact that we are all liars.  The time will be unexpected when we feel all is well.  In our unrepentant life, we will feel a burden that the living cannot lift.  The guilt we denied to ourselves has accumulated over the years, lusting for money, power, and authority regardless of the costs we paid.  It will be too late for any regrets because it will follow us to the grave.  How will we want to be remembered?  It will depend on who is writing the history.  Will the story be objective or biased?  We can only hope that it is truthful.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Not By Proxy, Go To The Source!

            Sometimes, conflicts can arise within families, even on days when everything seems to be going well. For instance, a sibling may share unsubstantiated rumors that can quickly ruin your good mood, leaving you feeling frustrated and curious about the source of the information. This situation can put you on edge, making you cautious about showing too much joy around others. Unfortunately, there are always those who seek to cause trouble and distract people from enjoying their day. Currently, dividing families seems to be a top priority for these troublemakers.  Nevertheless, we should pray to have the discernment and wisdom to know that a house that is divided, will fall.  Life is too short and we tend to wait until things cool off and go away but life doesn’t always go our way.  Many times, it’s too late and we didn’t get the chance to apologize.


Strife can arise from unexpected sources, including family, friends, and co-workers. Even minor issues can quickly escalate, causing emotional turmoil. It's especially difficult when those closest to us misunderstand or jump to conclusions without seeking clarification from the source of the confusion. Some of us struggle with admitting fault or appearing vulnerable, which only allows negative emotions to fester and can lead to lifelong grudges. However, it's important to consider whether a simple conversation could resolve the misunderstanding before it's too late. Let's not allow pride and stubbornness to stand in the way of reconciliation. It's possible that the confusion stemmed from hearsay and could be easily cleared up with open communication.


I prefer to ask questions rather than make assumptions. I believe in keeping things simple. If I have done all that I can and the other party is unwilling to compromise, I move on without feeling like I wasted any energy. It only becomes a waste of energy if I keep trying to convince someone who is unwavering in their beliefs. I personally ask the questions myself instead of sending someone else to do it for me. I believe a third party could potentially miss important details that could help clear up any misunderstandings. That's why I ask questions when necessary.


It's common for family disagreements to spread to other households and even the larger community, causing division and seeking allies. However, it's important to stay calm and find a peaceful resolution to avoid a bad situation. Though it's easier said than done, it's important to learn from experience and realize that negative emotions can drain our energy and shorten our time. We all have value and meaning, and it's difficult to make clear decisions when we're in a heightened state. We are stronger united, not divided.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Love is!

Love is a versatile word that can function as an adjective, adverb, verb, or noun. It embodies various forms of emotions and intangible qualities such as empathy, faithful, honesty, kindness, trust, and compassion. Love is hard to define and express in words, as it can mean different things to different people. It is a forgiving, patient, merciful, graceful, accepting, joyful, and peaceful feeling that fills the heart of those who experience it. Those who have experienced it can testify to its transformative power, while those who haven't may not fully understand it. Love is God, who is the source of all love. In times of difficulty, God can help us overcome our challenges and lead us to a more fulfilling life. However, it is important to note that love starts from within ourselves, and we must love ourselves before we can love others.  If anything, my situation was due to a lack of love.  I didn’t love myself; I didn’t fool myself into thinking I could see it in anyone.  What would I expect to find?  


In my childhood, my family was affectionate and caring, and we were not shy about expressing our love for one another. However, after our parents' divorce, my siblings and I lost faith in love. We began to view love and life as fleeting and temporary, and we became wary of giving ourselves to others. We witnessed our mother's struggles, and despite her forgiving nature, she could not shield us from the harsh realities of the world. She always reminded us of her love and desire for our well-being but also cautioned us against disobedience. As young black men, we knew that the world could be unforgiving, and that little had changed even though we were growing up in the 50s and 60s.


Love was a unicorn to me, a mythical creature that someone might see once in a lifetime, but not everyone will see it.  I even had a woman who told me that she never grew up with love in her home, and that’s her reason for not being loving.  I wasn’t searching for it, it showed up one day in the form of a petite, spiritual woman who wanted me to pass kindness forward.  I was leaving my 91-year-old godmother’s apartment at the time and this small, slender, young woman was holding the elevator for me.  I said thanks, but I’ll take the stairs.  I didn’t want to be accused of anything since there wasn’t anyone else but us.  She said okay but the elevator was fast and she was downstairs by the door, which she was holding.  I mentioned that she was very kind, holding the elevator, and now the door.  She said that I should do kind acts for others, and pay it forward.  After 10 years of being married to that sweet, young thing, I truly feel what love is about.  Yes, she’s still spiritual and I have become the same.  My perspective of love has deepened because of it.  I see God in her and she sees God in everyone.  I’m a complicated person, I don’t want many friends and I’m comfortable being alone.  But since she has been in my life, it’s hard for me not to have her around me at all times.  She has been my counselor, caregiver, confidante, accountant, and lifesaver.  She was undoubtedly a divine gift.  I’m not boasting, I’m grateful.  I’ve been used and played.  But, every now and then, we get blessed more than we can imagine.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

In God We Trusted!


On all American currency, from coins to paper money, you will find the phrase "In God We Trust." This idea was first proposed during the Civil War when even political enemies agreed that God was important to the country. In 1955, President Dwight Eisenhower endorsed a law passed by the 84th Congress to have the phrase on all American cash. The following year, Congress passed another law, with Eisenhower's signature, declaring "In God We Trust" to be America's motto. I recently learned that April 22nd is recognized as "In God We Trust Day," although it is not a national holiday and is not widely publicized.  It may be considered alongside other religious holidays that have become more commercialized than revered, such as National Prayer Day, Easter, Christmas, and the like.  We might have trusted in God, but at some point, we stopped.  At one time, we may have had faith in God, but we eventually lost it.


I've noticed that there is low attendance in churches, and pastors seem to be more focused on building grand structures for their legacies. Many are afraid to speak out against injustices and share Jesus' teachings. Are the churches complicit in silence to these injustices that surround them?  Do they actually want to see the dividers doing and saying what they always wanted to do?  Is this the way the churches expose their bigotry hiding behind those that are?  Despite being the shepherds of the church, they avoid getting their hands dirty and fear losing members or financial support. It seems like they prioritize pleasing their congregation over obeying God. Sadly, some Evangelists and hidden Christians choose to follow extremist beliefs and exclude certain individuals instead of welcoming everyone into their churches.  I suppose another name for these “Fake Christians” is Hypocrites.  They love doctrine but not people.  We’re not asking for role models.  We all are works in progress.  Let’s be adults to address the elephant in the room.  There are several fears and doubts that are troubling, fear of reprisals is near the top of the list, and somewhere in there, being discovered that they are wearing masks and not at all who they appear to be.


There is a division in some churches regarding the inclusion of women as pastors.  However, it is important to acknowledge women's valuable contributions to a growing church, supporting prophets and apostles throughout history.  If women are considered sinners, then so are men.  We are all flawed.  Despite progress in some areas, women still face barriers to holding leadership positions in the workplace, home, and church.  If we only rely on men to do the Lord's work, we risk repeating the decline of our nation.


Do we still hold onto our faith in God outside of the church? I believe we can but life has taught us some hard lessons.  Money seems to be the driving force behind everything, as it provides satisfaction and cures all evils.  However, it can also turn a person cold-hearted, unforgiving, and cynical.  We allow our emotions to manipulate how we worship.  Despite being human, we still trust inanimate objects; idols.  When will we realize our mistakes and trust God?  Have we gotten too comfortable in our devious, hateful ways? John the Baptist preached about repentance, but that might sound too weak for some people.  We find any kind of excuse for our actions and loyalties.  Life is tough, but we must have faith in God's plan for us.  The sooner we align our will with Him, the sooner we will see His plan fulfilled.  Loving our neighbor is very hard to do when we don’t love ourselves.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Tolerance, Tolerate or Both? Is There A Balance?

Merriam-Webster explains that there is a distinction between the two words.  "Tolerate" is a verb that indicates an action, meaning either to allow without hindrance or to put up with.  "Tolerance" is a noun referring to the ability to endure hardship or pain, as well as the act of allowing something or showing sympathy for beliefs or practices that differ from one's own.


I have noticed that some people express a low tolerance for foolishness and incompetence, and I can relate to that sentiment. However, I have come to realize that others may feel the same way about me. We all make mistakes and have to learn from others. When someone struggles to complete a simple task, I can sometimes become impatient. However, I realize they may be dealing with challenges that I am unaware of or don't understand. I may even be the one preventing them from learning. 


I understand that I can come across as harsh or arrogant. I may use unnecessary language and my approach may be intimidating. I acknowledge that I may have a biased mindset and that others may be tolerating my behavior. To improve, I try to put myself in their shoes and treat them with dignity and respect. After all, I would want others to treat me the same way, regardless of our differences in color, beliefs, lifestyles, and social standings.  The question remains if we are all imperfect, why are we still intolerant in the 21st century?  Is this truly a question for some or a problem for others?


As we live together, we choose to tolerate certain things in the name of peace and compromise. For example, I tolerate my wife's cooking and she tolerates my snoring. We also tolerate our children's music and our neighbor's barking dogs, but there may come a point where we can no longer handle the discomfort. In those situations, we may have to reconsider the investments we've made over the years. Sometimes it's easy to forget the value of forgiveness and mercy, especially when we've faced judgment from others and felt like second-class citizens.  How can we overcome our selfish tendencies and embrace acceptance, even if it requires enduring economic difficulties?

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Struggles and Conflicts!

Everyone faces struggles, whether they are internal or external, big or small, pleasant or unpleasant. Conflicts can arise anywhere, from the classroom to the workplace, from hospitals to families, and beyond. They usually begin in uncomfortable situations when someone disagrees with you in some way. I have seen conflicts arise due to differences in appearance, competition, intelligence, skin color, religion, and politics. Most conflicts arise due to a lack of honesty, humility, and direct communication. These are the foundations for understanding and finding peace. Some people prefer to talk to others about their problems rather than addressing them directly. However, this approach can cause more harm than good, leading to disruption, distraction, and stress for everyone involved.


Struggles and conflicts affect everyone, from the powerful to the poor, except for the dead. If left unresolved, they can cause mental, social, physical, and spiritual harm. Conflicts can destroy a person's well-being and happiness, leading to regrettable actions and outcomes. It is important to avoid pride and control our emotions in order to maintain balance and avoid negative consequences. The tongue has the power of life and death, and we should use it wisely. 


When we face challenges, we may turn to God for help. Sometimes, it may seem like our prayers go unanswered, but we should not interpret this as punishment. God is loving and wants to help us, even in difficult situations. It is up to us to take responsibility for our actions and seek guidance and support from God. Life is full of ups and downs, and it is up to each person to handle them with mercy and grace.

Monday, June 5, 2023

What Have I Been Doing?

    Over the years since losing my loved ones, family and friends, and being diagnosed with PTSD, I’ve been hesitant to submit entries to this blog. I did not seem to have the energy to type anything other than Happy Birthdays and Rest in Peace Titles. The subjects portrayed emptiness, depression, and some anxieties I felt within myself.  For me, the future during this time was depressing, the same as the news. Giving my opinion in the early days, released some stress and I felt better afterward. I wasn’t concerned if anybody ever read it, or if anyone cared. I was relieved to get the negativity out of me. Still, I have been lazy and complacent, I lost myself in my emotions. This is my excuse, for now.  Excuses, do not hold up for long, they will be exposed later. I’d rather expose mine now.


    In this age of social media and technology, I felt my age and that the world was changing before my eyes. Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, and the like surrounded me with content and the risk-takers who were jeopardizing their lives and others to get subscriptions and likes. I was never a fan of therapists who on old TV shows picked their subject’s minds making them feel less than.  I stereotyped all “shrinks” as manipulators until I started attending sessions. Now I look forward to the sessions.  I’m with a great group of veterans who suffered and gone through similar situations and who understood and respectfully agreed to disagree on many topics we shared and we all knew that what was said and heard would be kept confidential. I must give a shout-out to the therapists who assists us, they were always there for us and never gave up on us.  The few we have with us are overwhelmed by the increasing numbers but we have never heard them complain about carrying the extra burdens.  Where are our elected officials who say they care for the veterans during an election year but never do anything to help us?  We have to beg and plead for compensation, benefits, and housing and still get turned down, but they will support the Department of Defense for more killing materials.  I wonder if they really cheer for the home team in private.


    I must regain the same excitement that started me on this journey.  I wanted to record my thoughts then and I still want to continue.  It doesn’t matter if journaling is a gift or talent, I pray that this will be a platform to relay positive and honest messages.  I hope to use this platform to share experiences and opinions with the reader.  I’ll leave the past behind and move forward. I will leave these old experiences at the altar. I look forward to this redemption.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Today is Mother Appreciation Day!

Happy Appreciation to all mothers, biological, foster, new, past and old! You should be appreciated every day.  Thank you for the love and support you have given us through out our lives. You have sacrificed so much for us that we may never know. God bless you all!

Monday, March 27, 2023

Happy Birthday, Mother Irby.

October 3, 2020 was your transition home, Mother Irby but your birthday, today on the 24th of March, 2023 would have made you 89 years old! We miss you and love you so much!

Miss You, Mom!

 Another year and I'm still missing you, mom. You returned home in on March 24, 2018 and it's 5 years later. You'd be 82 now. Love you forever.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Happy 101 Birthday, Mother Bennett!

 What a blessing to live with all of your abilities and a sound mind. Mother Bennett is still taking care of herself and enjoying life. Somehow in all this social chaos, she has found peace. We wish you the best, Mother Bennett! We love you!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

We Will Meet Again, Some Day!

This platform has been a great place to air my thoughts for several years.  It was my therapy.  Even though I knew people were not reading the blogs, it still gave me relief.  I wasn’t looking for any compensation anyway.  Soon it will be changed whether I like or not under new management.  Management that I can’t afford.  It’s not easy to navigate around technical language and the instructions to convert so I will say my farewells now.  


I started in 2007 like a hungry lion but ending in 2023 as web-weary warrior.  All in all, this was also a great place for good byes that I never had a chance to say and a way to let my loved ones know that they are never forgotten.  Thank you, Google, for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts.

Farewell, Brother Allen!

Allen Singleton Davis Sr. transitioned to heaven on Wednesday night October 12, 2022 at Anderson Medical Health Medical Center.  He was born January 19, 1951 in Anderson County to the Late Bernelle Singleton Davis and William (Bill) Davis Jr. Allen leaves behind cherished memories for his wife of 50 years Geneva Thompson Davis, to this union three children were born: Lititia Sharea Heriot, Allen Singleton Davis Jr. (Kimberly), Chee Tony Mandrell Davis (Marissa), one god-son, Dale (Kristie) Herron, one sister Qualma Green (Ralph), Two brothers: Leon Davis, Quinton Eugene Davis (Virgina) 13 Grandchildren: Armani, Shomari, Durand, Lyric, Zentaye, Rekeem LaRae, Caleb, DeAnna, Octavius, Zhakiyah, Jaleel, Lucinda. 3 Great Grands: Princeton, Adrian, Peyton, along with many more aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives, and friends. 

Allen was also a good friend since our childhood days.  He will never be forgotten.  We wish his family well.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Election Day is Here!

 I voted! Whether the people I voted for wins, I hope, will depend on how many others voted for them.  At least, we will find out tomorrow.  This evening will be a cliff hanger and it will be no need to stay up waitng for the results. We will soon find out what America wants. I pray the polls, absentee and mail-in votes are honest and accurate, as well as, the US Post Office getting them in on time. It is out of our hands now. I'm putting mine faith in the Lord. Thanks to all who will and have voted. Americans have experienced enough anxiety already.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Do Not Miss This Moment, Vote!

The time is here and the time is now.  Vote!  Vote as if everything you hold precious for your family and lives depend on it.  Vote for correction, straighten what has been crooked and vote because it is a right that freedom gave to the lives it took.  America was built on the backs of immigrants fleeing from dictatorships and unrighteous governments and took the lives of slaves from their homelands.  People from all races were used for the benefit of the wealthy to get wealthier.  Have the Asian population forgotten internment camps during WW2?  Have the Cubans forgotten why they fled?  Did the Latinas people forget how they escaped borders and settled for a new life in America?  Most of all, did BIPOC forget how they lost friends, families and leaders from hateful, terrorist acts from the very descendants that parents fled from their own European countries?  Have we forgotten that there is power in numbers?  Have we all forgotten the Living God that can give and take away?


We don’t want to vote or don’t research who to vote for or don't care until it affects us.  Vote for the people that have a history that has shown they care, not for the sweet, deceitful speech you recently heard.  Wake up people.  This society isn’t as woke as some would have you think.  If they did, we would see more changes than what have not occurred in the since 2017.  Our politicians have done nothing but disagree along party lines since they were elected.  Even before then, the Republicans did all they could to hinder then President Obama’s policies.  The seeds were sown to divide the country and change voting rights.  I’m not ranting, I’m just tired of the political joisting which party is better.  I just want the elected officials to work for the best interests of this country as a whole. It is time for the silent majority to be heard through their voting.  Let's get their these officials attention.


Those same descendants that fled oppressing countries also had racial problems in them.  That seed has never left.  Now they are leading a democracy, a free country that has intertwined those same racial beliefs of superiority in the laws and institutions that they lead.  We are in the year 2022 and those changes of equality for all have not happened.  If these governing bodies are trading their souls for power and authority, in the long run, no American will ever see change in growth and equality.  Color is used as a fear tactic when needed.  During election years, we see more of it to support the racial views.  Instead of voting for reform in education, housing, physical and mental health insurance and equal pay for women and people of color, those in office rather find ways to disagree on everything if it’s not in favor of who donated the most in their campaigns’ best interests.


What is wrong with reforming gun laws?  Who spinned the lie that the government is trying to take away the right to own weapons?  If someone took the time to establish the second amendments right as being taken away, they will they ever find the value in the 14th amendment?

In the Constitution, it states that “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”  It was intended to undo the southern states attempts to limit free slaves in the political and social arenas using coding and other deceitful methods.  Doesn’t seem like much has changed since then.  The way looks longer getting there.


In 1963 in front of the United Nations, Ethiopia’s Emperor Haile Selassie said: “Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war. And until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes.”  Meanwhile, the nation is facing children and teachers are being shot in schools, racial unrest, political unrest, women’s rights, equal pay, opioids epidemics, Covid pandemics, climate change, earthquakes and an assortment of issues that are not discussed.  These efforts not to address the critical race theory and to rewrite the nation’s history, instead of admitting the wrongs towards the BIPOC, even legitimizing slavery and the humiliation humans felt are disgusting and shameful.  I see little no respect for the police including each other.  Yet, our politicians turn away, there’s no money in peace.


I repeat, please vote.  Remove the fake gestures, despite our differences, we need each other for each other.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Missing You, Mother Bertha Louise Irby!

October 3, 2020 was your transition home, Mother Irby. You left a legacy behind. April talks about you everyday! She can't help it, you left such an impression on her that she still hears you. I know how proud you are of her, you did an outstanding job raising her. I'm grateful that you gave your approval of me. I felt it when you started calling me son-in-law during our dating. We love you and miss you. Thank you for interceding for us.

Friday, September 23, 2022

September 23, 2022 - Happy Anniversary, Babe!

 10 years ago on this exact date, 2012, even very close to the same time, my future wife and I met at a senior citizen home. I knew our meeting was special, but had no idea that this woman was predestined to be my wife. (Reference: "Sunday was Fantastic and I Found Spring in the Fall! On The Elevator Ride That Changed My Life" published September 24, 2012 on this blog). She has helped me to grow spiritually and lovingly. I am grateful that we met. Loving her with the same intensity, I wish her the best and much love on our anniversary!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Who Have We Become?

        I recently started researching my family tree so far, it’s been fascinating and frustrating.  Fascinating, getting glimpses of the past and what my ancestors endured as slaves, sharecroppers and farmers. Frustrating, seeing how they persevered through the injustices, abuse, mistreatment and prejudices to make a better life for their families at the time.  I really doubt that they saw the effects from their sufferings on future generations, for at the moment, it was more important to survive.  I found how so many large families coped with farming buy using family members as help to survive.  I also saw mixing with the owners resulting naming the offspring as mulattoes on the census.  Thus, some family members decided passing as white and others who are actually white.  There were many unkept records and misspelled names that I found as I dug deeper into my ancestral tree.  What should have I expected from people that were not educated and census takers that didn’t care?  In those days, people of color or mixed were not considered equal so why care when and where they were born.  Not many records birth or death records were kept of them.


            Research is like solving puzzles with pieces that look similar but doesn’t fit.  Many people, black and white, had the same names but were from so many different regions.  I got elated to find a piece but distracted when that puzzle piece took me to another source and that connection is a disappointment.  What I am finding is that we are all related in some kind of way by even just a little bit of blood.  We all are intertwined; we are all related and denounce our relationships because of race.  Yes, we were taught it and experienced it.  Even now, some of the very people that I descended from may very well be passing because it is a lot easier to bypass the abuse and discrimination set upon people of color.  Why should we all go through this?  Why should anyone go through this?  


            Look at our country now and the division it is experiencing.  We are more related than we think but it is hard to see.  What a shame.  We’re better off not knowing each other because it’s easier to fear, destroy and hate what we don’t know.  Recognizing the truth would be an embarrassment to our intelligence.  After all, it’s not where we come from, it’s who we become.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Get Off the Boat!

Come Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus, reveal to me my thoughts and dreams.  Why did I wake up with Peter on my mind leaving the boat for Jesus?  Was it because he really wanted to do what Jesus is doing by walking on water?  Was it for the thrill of being one of the first to ever have done this?  Historically, Jesus and Peter were the only people to ever have accomplished the “impossible”.  I question what drove Peter, faith or fame?  The more I ask these questions, the more answers I get.  Peter wasn’t seeking fame; he didn’t need it.  He already had a business and extra boats, obviously, he was well known in the area.  I’m thinking with an earthly mind.  Socially, speaking recognition is important in today’s society.  There are so many social network platforms on the internet that have members from multiple networks getting attention and followers.  No fame, wasn’t it, fame can be temporary.  Hero to zero can happen in seconds.


            To me, staying on the boat is comfort, safe and secure.  Why leave a place of stability and familiarity?  The boat has certainty, it floats, it was built to hold itself together and could be steered to its destination fairly well even during storms.  It was a shelter against storms.  Why get out into the unknown, especially, if it hadn’t been done before?  Since Peter confirmed that it was Jesus and received the invitation to come with him, was it that call that Peter put aside his fears?  We all know that he was a fisherman, he wasn’t afraid of water and turbulent seas, he was experienced and respectful of rough seas.  Yet, he was willing to jeopardize his life and fishing business to walk on water with Jesus.  I need a revelation.  What are you telling me Holy Spirit?


            I think since Peter witnessed Jesus’ miracles, he wanted to be a part of it, to feel it.  Peter could be foolish, but he wasn’t a fool.  When he caught nothing the whole night and was tired, he listened to Jesus and placed his nets in deeper water (Luke 5:4-11).  When Peter obeyed, it took his and another boat to get the fish to shore.  He just witnessed the feeding of thousands, with only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread (Matthew 14:16-21).  Peter could act irrational and be quick tempered, but not a fool.  Peter believed that if Jesus told him to walk on water, he could and he did.  Peter’s faith at that moment was unquestionable as he walked on water towards Jesus.  How much faith do I have when I have witnessed miracles in my own life and cried out when things didn’t change in my favor when I wanted them to?  How strong is faith until tested by distractions? 


            When Peter took his eyes off Jesus and saw the waves driven by the strong wind reaching his knees, he panicked.  He stopped believing and started to sink.  He saw a threat and cried out for help from Jesus and received it from a waiting hand. Although Peter was lovingly reprimanded for his loss of faith and doubt (Matthew 14:22-32), Jesus still cared.  He knows our weaknesses, always forgiving us and waiting patiently for us to take the risk to believe in Him.  What if the odds are against us?  Would we be willing to step out in faith?  Of course, we are safe if we stay in the boat, but what if something happens to the boat?  Are we experienced swimmers or water walkers?  Can we handle unforeseen situations?


Even though my petition went full circle of leaving the boat, I get it now.  Faith is taking a risk, believing in something unseen but hoping that it will accomplish what it was set out to do.  Risk taking can be costly, it’s stepping into an unknown space an unfamiliar territory, possibly a dangerous but rewarding place.  We won’t know if we don’t try.  The unknown can be on so many levels.  We take vacations, fly, drive, ride, shop, run walk, we don’t know the future or the possibilities if we stay on the boat and become complacent.  I’m not sure if I would be any different than Peter.  I’m not sure if I would even be in that situation.  I do know that I pray for divine help when I’m afraid and anxious.  I do know that Peter got out of that boat and faced his fears head on.  Peter have been known to have said some foolish things but at that time he did not display any foolish behavior.  He knew that it was Jesus in the water with him.  Peter was a devout Jew who studied the scriptures.  He might have remembered God’s Words to Joshua “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).  Was this proof?  When all was said and done, they evidently got back into the boat (Matthew 14: 32).




This evening, the dilemma with the “Boat” was clarified.  While sitting in the waiting room at the hospital, I noticed a woman weeping.  A nurse was handing her a box of tissues and sitting next to her.  I thought to myself that I should pray for her, a stranger and a sister in Christ.  My wife and I pray to be blessings to others as God would have us do.  I thought it to be easier to pray for someone who doesn’t see me but to believe that I could be a help in a spiritual way.  As I started to pray, I remembered my “Get Out of the Boat” dream.  It seemed that I was literally being called out of my comfort zone and walk the distance to them.  The Spirit kept repeating to me “Where two or more or gathered in my name…Matthew18:20”.  I had to get off the boat and walk in faith.  I heard that peaceful, quiet voice that told me “I will tell you what to pray, I will go with you.”  I was having a Holy Moment and truly afraid of being rejected, leaving my comfort zone and doing something I have never done in my life.  I am not a people person; I have trust issues.  I think I am alright where I am.  I even felt like Moses, why should he go speak to Pharoah, can’t someone else replace me?  


            I was shaking and tears began to fall from my eyes.  I was fighting against a voice that I knew was telling me to “walk over there”, that’s your water.  I tried to find excuses but I could not find any comfort in staying where I was.  I was hoping that the nurse would leave but she didn’t, and I had to move.


            I grabbed my book bag, got up and walked over there.  I acknowledged them both but looked at the weeping woman and asked if I could pray for her.  I told her that I have never done this in my life but was led by the Holy Spirit to pray for her.  I prayed for Emily and during the entire time, I could not stop sobbing.  I don’t remember a thing said except lift the burden.  I gave her God’s blessing and left.  When I returned to my seat.  I realized that I got the revelation that I prayed for.  Peter might have been afraid but he was confident and faithful enough to get off the boat.  Seems to me that he believed and loved Jesus with all his heart, mind and soul.


To God, I give the glory and thanksgiving.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

July 15, 2015 - July 15, 2022 - 7 Years!

It's hard to believe how fast time flies, but as we get older, we'll soon find out. We visited Tia last week and she resembles you so much. She has a mixture of Beverly and you in the face and form. Her anxiety seems to run in the family, she can't be still. Michael is a wonderful son-in-law. He seems to be very devoted, but he can't stop her when she has her mind made up on something. Even recuperting, she can't rest. I'm sure she tries but, like me, it's hard to stay still. The children have all grown up. The baby graduated from high school in May.

Teria has started an online business, My Oh Mai Bawdy, skincare products for men and women.  The website address is:  https://myohmaibawdy.com She's a hard worker. I need to touch bases with Devin. You know he looks like you.

We had our differences but I miss you. I love you, Austin. I miss you and mom. Keep praying for us. The world is changing rapidly, too fast to catch up.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Happy Birthday, Robert Beck!

 Your wife, Carolyn, surely misses you. We all miss you.  Rest in Peace, Rob. Love always.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Everyone Is Going Through Something!

Once again, the social network has found relief in an incident that involves black men by keeping the Will Smith and Chris Rock “slap” in the news every day since it happened at the Oscars. The Oscars has never been fair to people of color anyway.  Usually, incidents involving people of color is in the middle or on the back page with one to two paragraphs. But these are two famously known black men.  Now there are interviews from people who have never expressed themselves publicly deciding to speak out. I can recall Congressman Joe Wilson shouting to then President Obama “You lie” in the Halls of Congress getting shorter coverage. How about discussing more on the Supreme Court hearing with Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. How nasty was the senators treating her?  It’s better news keeping people divided with race coverage. Negative news sell. People get richer off other people troubles! Social networks find positivity, period!

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Miss you, Moms! And Happy Birthday, Momma Irby!

 Hello, mom.  March 24th passed quietly. You would have been 91 in 2021. Time flies. Momma Irby's birthday is today, Sunday the 27th, she would have been 88. We miss you both and love you so much!  

Ephesians 6:12. The Many Versions Mean The Same Thing!

                I know I’m not the only person looking at these campus protests with many questions that have no answers.     I understand t...