Monday, July 17, 2023

I Am A Rock!

I had a unique dream the other night, most of them I can’t remember, but I remembered this one.  My dreams aren’t usually nightmares unless I had eaten beef that afternoon.  However, this dream made me feel that the universe was trying to tell me something.  A large rock was the main focus.  It was rounded around the edges but very smooth.  The rock appeared to weigh about 40-50 pounds and was translucent.  It never got in my way wherever I went, but it was always there no matter where I went.  The rock was always where I could see it; it stood out but seemed acceptable wherever it was.  It seemed to move on its own accord.  Whenever I came across the rock, I felt confident, safe, and protected.


When I woke up, I felt refreshed but was curious about this dream.  The rock didn’t play any significant part; it seemed to let me know that it will always be where I am.  I don’t remember any critical events, or anything else about the dream, other than the rock being everywhere I went.  I have some spiritual thoughts about Jesus being a cornerstone, Peter being appointed the rock that Jesus will build His church on, and men making their houses on solid rock, but finding a connection is still complicated.  I know that Jesus is my rock and refuge and that He will always be with me, but dreaming about a rock.  What does it mean?  I’m sure something meaningful is behind it, even if I may never understand.

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