Friday, March 11, 2011

Proposal To Ban College Students From Voting!

This is another informative commentary from Lady Z!  She saw something very important that should bring notice to our representatives.  The ultra-cons has introduced a bill in the New Hampshire House of Representatives earlier this month to bar college students from voting in their college towns unless they live there before enrolling.  Another example of the class war.  If you don’t have the money/property you don’t have any rights.

“Just when I think I have heard it all regarding the Republican’s shock and fury over a black man being elected President of the United States, something else comes along to make me stop and say “unbelievable”. This morning I heard on the news that a legislator in New Hampshire is proposing legislation that would ban college students from voting in college towns. Now of course he claims that his proposal is based on the fact that college students often vote on emotions and don’t have enough life experiences to vote. But yet, it’s not a problem for an 18 year old to have enough life experience to decide to join the military and go off to war to serve, fight, and die for this country. I digress though so back to the original subject. The legislator was thoughtful enough to say that if the student’s parents own property in that college town, then the student can vote in that college town. Granted a lot of young people today don’t seem to be as mature and responsible as back in the day when I was a college student and probably even in the days before that, but that’s not the point. First of all, a LOT of young people are mature and responsible so that is not even an issue. The point is that somewhere along the line, there was a constitutional amendment that gave 18-year olds the right and privilege to vote and if that amendment was good enough for college students back then to be allowed to vote, then that right and privilege is still good enough for college students today.

Sure on the surface and at a glance, somebody might say the legislator has a point; but if you look deeper and recall, reports indicated that the 2008 election had the largest turnout of college students in history and that this turnout helped put Barak Obama in office. I think the legislator’s bill is in response to the 2008 election. There was also an incredibly high turnout of black voters in the 2008 election and what has happened in response to that? Georgia has passed a law requiring voter ID’s. South Carolina’s voter ID bill has passed in the Senate, and North Carolina is working on a voter ID bill. Are these new bills and laws coincidences and the legislators just happened to come up with these ideas AFTER the 2008 election? I don’t think so. These things are designed to make sure that another black person never ever occupies the White House again as President of the United States.”

This article begs the question are the ultra-cons are doing everything they can to keep out minorities from holding the highest office in the land?  If so, whatever they will try to do will backfire.  President Obama is a pioneer being the first “true” Black President.  But, he will not be the last.  More minorities will come along, maybe not in this lifetime but in another.  I appreciate different perspectives and this post is not leaning towards any political affiliation.  It states the real facts, whether we like them or not.  So, don’t play me with smoke screens of using the race cards, it’s also the class card.  Keep people poor and the world won’t care about the difference.
 Thanks again, Lady Z!  I appreciate this article.  Come back soon!

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0