Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What's On Your Mind?

These are actual excerpts from an Atlanta Journal Constitution about NPR’s Vice-President of fundraising, Ron Schiller being secretly recorded. The truth hurts and it is amazing how being “ambushed, set-up” is widely accepted especially how much of it was edited. I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot, would the outcry be controlled by the media, too?

NPR officials scrambled Tuesday to contain damage caused by the release of a secretly recorded videotape that showed an executive calling Tea Party supporters "racist" and questioning his organization's reliance on federal funding.

Read and believe that this is how people think and what they truly believe in. I did not use any of the names but the links are in red.
teaparty people are not racist , however black people are not racist either just like some of the comments the NAACP and other black leaders tell us all the time. This cry racist is a old democratic tactic to hide their true intentions, to shame people into believing they the democrats are the party of civil rights which is wrong. Democrats instituted slavery, Jim Crow, fought against all civil rights legislation even the 1957 civil rights acts, and the 1964 civil rights act, so now the tea party comes along and trys to open the eyes of america on government corruption in both parties and democrats cry racist. This bull will not work again, and I am a minority, I hear racist rants from blacks all the time about whitey, and republicans.
and I agree the “tea party” members are mostly racists….they did not say a word when George Bush was running up the debt but soon as Obama came into office now its “we want our country back?” you guys are complete idiots. No wonder people do not take you seriously. The Republicans hijack the white poor and sell them into the falsehood that one day they will be rich like u one day just to get their vote and u care nothing about them and they are too dumb and uneducated to realize theyre getting pimped….u pee on their backs and tell em its raining and they’ll believe it.
So cut the damn money so these t-peers can shut up. Like ACORN, NPR will continue. As a matter of fact, NPR would probably skyrocket without the limitations that small portion of their budget.

T-peers are racist but like every other word in the English language it has a different meaning in the dictionary of those who seek “personal responsibility”. They don’t know that that term has an Aryan history either.
The NAACP is not a racist organization. Please check your history before you begin to give out false information. In regards to the Tea Party, check the history of what the original Tea Party stood for and who the people were that were involved; the Tea Party members that arrived today are not the same people as the historical Tea Party members were. Where were these members when the Bush Family was down sizing America???!!!
Just a bunch of angry, ignorant christians clinging to their hatred of any race, religion, or creed that differs from their beliefs. Bagger’s have much in common with Islamic fundamentalist’.
I like Koolaid, blue in color. It turns my lips the color of Obama’s when he’s not telling the truth, which is unfortunately all the time.
“So the employees with their blue lips from Koolaid can discriminate all they want, but employers and retailers cannot”

Meth or crack – which drug are you on?
Race discrimination is illegal because it interfered with capitalism. Consequently the Commerce Clause in the Constitution was utilized to make it illegal and eventually expanded to encompass disability, gender, religion, etc. (via Section 2000e2 of Title 42 of the US Code). So the employees with their blue lips from Koolaid can discriminate all they want, but employers and retailers cannot. It’s all very acceptable in our Comfy Quilt of all that’s American.
we should take a totally useless state, like utah or south carolina, and move all the teahadists there. put up a big fence. let them all kill each other off in a frenzy of holier than thou hatred. then we can get on with fixing america once all those morons are dead

you simply can’t fix stupid. our public education system is broken, clearly, else there wouldn’t be so many utterly gullible americans strutting around complaining about government money while suckling the government teat. best thing to do would be to let them kill each other off in the name of Jesus or NASCAR or whatever these idiots hold dearest
I see no problem with what this guy said.
Enough said.  Georgia folks, our neighbors, don't seem to think much of South Carolina.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0