Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Other Side by Tia D.

This is a beautiful and poignant poem written by a young lady who is facing a lot of obstacles in her life. I received her permission to post this heartfelt view of herself. I’ve said it before, that we all are going through something, it’s how we handle it. I believe this young lady has found a stabilizing force, her center, to overcome these things that are troubling. I sincerely believe that she found God to help her work through this.  Let's keep her in our prayers.

The Other Side

I’ve been through a lot in my twenty-two years
had more than my share of trials and tears.
But you do not know this ‘cause all that you see
Is a smiling face when you look at me.

You don’t see the fear that cuts to my core
Or pains from a past which I try to ignore.
I’m far too afraid to show you that side
And so yet again behind laughter I hide.

The laughter is real and the smiles are too
So please do not think I’m lying to you.
It’s just that I really want you to see
That fun-loving side is just one part of me.

The other side, which I seldom reveal,
(in its entirety) has the power to steal
The smile from my face and the prance in my walk
And so of it I don’t often talk.

It’s not that I won’t or don’t want to share.
The fact of the matter is I want you to care.
I want you to listen and I want to hear.
There’s freedom in sharing. A freedom from fear.


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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0