Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We’re Praying For You, Nichael!

Our co-worker, Nichael, had a very serious seizure today. During lunch hour around 1:15, we heard a very loud and long inhale as if it was someone was taking a final breath come from her cubicle. She’s had mild seizures before and we all, in the close area, check on her. We were attuned to unusual sounds from her cubicle so we all knew that something was wrong. Well, this time, she was rigid and was foaming at the mouth. I personally thought that she was having a stroke. If it wasn’t for Greg, a trooper who trained for these types of matters, I truly believe this incident would have been worse. While Greg & others were busy attending to Nichael, a couple of us were calling 911. She had fallen and bumped her head but Greg & Carolyn did outstanding until the EMS folks got there. It was a very frightening moment. When I first saw Nichael in that rigid and shaking state, I immediately thought of my mother when she had her heart attack. My God, it took everything I had not to break down wondering about my mom’s final moments. Thank God Greg took charge on this. I don’t think I could have handled it. They took Nichael to the hospital but she was seating up in the stretcher looking normal. I thought the EMS was taking her to Lexington Hospital but when I called, no one by her name had been admitted today. I wish this young woman well. She is going through quite a lot.

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