Saturday, April 3, 2010

Same Old Negative News

I don't know about anyone else but I have heard enough about Tiger and his sexual exploits.  If I want to read or hear porn, I can go to the internet.  Is this a new found way that the "purist" reporters get a chance to talk dirty and cover steamy news without feeling guilty?  Seems to me this a new reason for the media to go into our bedrooms.  Even though Jesse James and Sandra Bullock are making the latest news, we still hearing the old news with the same players but new information.  Tiger screwed up and let's move on.  Jesse screwed up and lets move on.  David, Eric, Charlie and a whole group of famous and not so famous guys screwed up and some are making the news.  Apparently, people that are doing good deeds aren't worth reporting about.  And if they are, they will get only 5-15 minutes of fame.  Bad news continually sells.  If we don't want to hear it, turn away from it or turn it off.  Adulters have been around for a long time and they aren't going away.  But not everyone is and not everyone will.  But is sex is addictive, I'm not the shrink to figure it out.  Was the same said for alcoholism?  Drugs?  Can you be addicted to porn?  Particular foods?  You see where I'm going with this?  If you have a problem, find a way to get help and work it out.  Do we need others to air our problems?  I know that people are nosey and love to gossip about other people's business instead of their own.  Is insecurity an addiction?

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0