Friday, April 9, 2010

Turning A Page In A Life

Today, 5 adults decided to volunteer their efforts towards the improvement of helping our fellow man. We all met at an orientation towards improving literacy in the state of South Carolina with the help of Turning Pages. Turning Pages is a local non-profit organization serving adults in the greater Columbia area. Their mission is to help adults reach their full potential by helping them improve their reading, math, computer, and English language skills, through customized learning plans. They want to open doors of opportunity for adults, children, and families to become enthusiastic lifelong learners. It was exciting to meet such educated and prolific individuals who continued to better themselves throughout their lives. In attendance were educators, past principles, French chefs, engineers, missionaries, and world travelers. Most of them were fluent in two languages and understood a few others. One lady was so fluent in German that she still read her books in German. Even the director and her assistant were former educators and are still teaching because of their compassion to help others. I felt that I was sitting on the board of directors in such esteem company. So, hats off to Edwina, Laura, April, Anas, Malcolm, Genevieve and Deborah, they deserve a hearty pat on the back. I do have to say that Malcolm a retired French chef, who has cooked around the world, is returning to school at Carolina for a Masters in Linguistics and a Ph.D., at 70 years of age. How’s that for not slowing down? Volunteers are people willing to help each other for free. I never thought that I would be a part of that group. I hope someday, if I have any readers, would be willing to take that chance, too.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0