Monday, December 17, 2012

John Preached The Good News To The People! Luke 3:10-18

This below essay was written in this past Sunday’s Bulletin, December 16, 2016.

You get a sense of how hungry people are for a prophet when you read John’s advice to the crowds. He says very simple, obvious things. Share with the needy. Do not cheat. Do not throw your weight around. And people are ready to call him “messiah.”

In our time, people are still aching to be saved by some great leader. Dozens of contemporary gurus off their books, seminars and communes to people looking for salvation from themselves and the world that disappoints. The new gurus say simple things: Do not eat too much junk; be nice; go for a walk in the woods; and do not worry, the aliens will save us. And many are ready and eager to follow. Unlike the new gurus, however, John the Baptist was not interested in being proclaimed their fearless leader. He pointed immediately to the one who was to come, and humbled himself. What a strange thing to do with power, to lay it down.

John was, of course, anticipating a real messiah who would do the same. We call this good news, the way of surrendering power in order to be lifted up. We have a goal beyond good rules for livi8ng, as we follow this leader. Not mere good advice, but redemption from all that kills.

Become a messenger of joy. Turn your anxieties into fervent prayer, and leave them with God. Reflect on your faith, and write down what you really believe. Practice witnessing to your faith with your words and your confidence. Joy is a sure sign of the presence of God’s Spirit.

Taken from “God’s Word is Alive”
Permission granted from Alice Camille

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner 2012, Franklin, NC
The third Community Thanksgiving Dinner, held at Louisburg College, was the place to be for food, fellowship and fun thanks to A Blessing, Inc., the group that operates soup kitchens in the county the rest of the year. But on Thanksgiving, it takes Pilgrims, turkeys, a few dedicated cooks — and lots of hard work. When Joyce Green-McLeod of Louisburg volunteered to help with the Community Thanksgiving Dinner put on annually by A Blessing Inc., she spared no effort. In fact, she greeted guests at the cafeteria door at Louisburg College with a hearty “Happy Thanksgiving” while wearing Pilgrim-century inspired dress.

(Joyce and Joy are dressed alike.)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

God Bless You This Thanksgiving Day!!!

Thanksgiving should be celebrated every day! Don’t you think! Do we wait until a certain day of the year to show our appreciation towards God and family? Is this day so special that we set it on the same level with Mothers’ and Fathers’ Days? Thanksgiving Day is so special that it requires a day off from work! And we all like to have those holidays off, don’t we? Even though there will be working on the holiday because it is the bottom line that many companies view more importantly. We should be thankful that we are working. There are so many people who are not employed and are not looking for handouts. But they are still thankful for being alive. We have roofs over our heads and food on our tables while there are millions in this world that have neither home nor food. There are people suffering from all kinds of abuse yet are still able to smile and make the best of what they have, surviving…living… Survivors of catastrophes are still thankful even though they lost everything they had except their lives. I say all of this because we do lose focus when we take what we do and get for granted. And when it becomes routine, we just complain why anything should disrupt us from our routine lives. We truly forget at times that God is always in control and we should be thankful at all times for the many blessings he has given us. I am not talking about the material things that we have to show off but the things no one can see or know except God and you. Look inwardly, my brothers and sisters, what are you faced with and how do you deal with it? How are you physically, mentally, and spiritually? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Can you compare them to someone who is handicapped, in the hospital, in a hospice? Do we forget to thank the Lord when we wake up each morning, see our love ones, get to and from our destinations, enjoy laughter and even crying? Our loved ones are no longer here to share our holidays with us but shouldn’t we be thankful that the times we had with them were fruitful? Shouldn’t we be thankful for the time with them? Thanksgiving isn’t just a day to eat our favorite meals, watch TV, and be around our family and friends. It is a day to recognize just how loving God is allowing us to have the benefit of sharing our lives with others. That love and mercy He gives us should be recognized throughout the year by us being compassionate, caring, patient, and tolerant towards others. What God has blessed us with, He can remove. He should be first in our lives, always. My thanksgiving message to you is enjoy your time with the people in your lives. Be patient and loving towards them. Appreciate them and think of pleasant things. Don’t let anyone still your joy. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. (Psalm 107)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Boss Prayed With Me Today!

I can’t recall ever joining with any of my bosses for prayer since I started working at an early age but I did today. We all know that the devil is seeking to steal our joy, well, he tried to steal mine. I was in a great mood this morning but heard some unsettling news about how a co-worker was being treated. I could feel the negative reaction coming and decided that I will not give the devil the benefit of taking mine. My boss is a spiritual person, one who doesn’t mind praising God in front of people and admitting that Christ is his Lord and Savior. So, I went to him and asked that he pray for me because I was under attack. Without hesitation, he stood, bowed his head, and led us in pray. This may sound corny to some of you but to me, that burden of negativity was lifted. Prayer is more powerful than we think and I believe that without it, many more of us would be left for the buzzards. I appreciate what my boss did, because he didn’t have to do it. Real Christians are like that, they know that God is in control and will fight the enemy whenever and wherever it rears it head.  Remember: We pray for each other always.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same!
Why is there such a major problem to the GOPers that we lost the election? It doesn’t seem that hard to understand to me. The party did not accept the fact that they did not care about the real facts. They are simply exclusive and did not seek the minority or women vote and appeared to care less. They wanted more white men and use their ace in the hole, voter suppression. Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and company seemed to tell our representatives what to do instead of truly representing all Americans. Grover Norquist put the party politicians in jeopardy by having them take an oath not to raise taxes. Karl Rove could not pull a Lee Atwater even with the millions of dollars contributed towards the campaign. The billionaires could not buy this election even though these folks have been used to buying and getting what they want with the money they are blessed with. But no one will accept the blame instead point their fingers and make excuses. The majorities of Americans are tired of this foolishness and want to move forward. Foolishness will outlive you. Top GOP leaders were proud to make this President a one term President. The divisiveness within the country went as far back as the OJ trials where the media pushed for racial polarity. Lies from both sides smeared this election but some were just unbelievable and the American people did not accept it. The irony that I saw was the audacity used by GOPers to say that minorities are voting for the President because he is black. Although many white people voted for Romney because he is white. But that was okay, for them. Another difference that I saw was Romney was selling snake oil, we were suppose to buy it but not test it until he was in office then we would see the actual effects. And we were supposed to trust him? Most people buy things because they know what they are getting and trust an informative salesperson. As a former CEO, he would know this. But after this election, the hate tweets and comments cried out. Trump wants a revolution, some Ole Miss students rioting, Ted Nugent and Chuck Norris declaring the end of America is at hand. What are these people thinking? What parallel universe are they living in? They don’t even live around us regular people. I found the above map browsing the news. I need to take a break from this stuff. The good news is that there are a lot of good people out here. It’s time the media acknowledge the good that Americans are doing instead of making money off of the bad news.

Happy Veterans Day!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Your Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback!

Congratulations, Mr. President and America!

The Winner Is The Nation!

President Barack Obama was re-elected despite the disrespect and obstacles set before him.  The obstinate neocons determined that they would make this President a one term President was undermined by the American people who voted for continuation of the program President Obama started.  The economy is on the way up and I wonder who would take the credit for it.  This is also such a sad time that America has to face the reality that racism is alive and well.  Please don’t patronize me by saying that you have a problem with his policies.  And don’t use Rush, Glenn, or Shawn biased words.  I will give you an example why I used racism.  A fellow of a different appearance that works in the same building that I work in would always in passing speak to me throughout the year.  It was always a polite greeting.  But this morning, he walked right by me as if I didn’t exist.  No, I did not speak out and there is no excuse.  I wanted to analyze the situation.  He did not know what political affiliation that I belonged to.  Most of my co-workers and friends know that I’ve been a Republican for 40 years.  But what I saw was an angry white man who looked at my color and assumed that because I am Black, I must be a Democrat and voted for the four more years for the President.  He’s partially correct, I did vote for the President but not because he is Black or biracial.  I voted for him because he has been consistent throughout his campaign.  Governor Romney never defined to me what he was going to do for the middle class.  We heard his various speeches appealing to different groups people.  He was like a chameleon as far as I was concerned.  Romney was selling me something but he wasn’t showing me anything.  What these extreme political pundits have done is succeeding to polarize this great nation.  They don’t really love this country as a whole.  They love the benefits of getting wealthy off the hatemongers.  The GOP has forgotten the people who are suffering because of social and economic issues.   Look around you.  Nooses around this man’s effigies, blatant phrases of “need more angry white men, and white people are now the minority.  Ole Miss even had a riot protesting the presidential results.  What do we want for the citizens of America?  We can buy more guns and they can still wind up in the wrong hands.  We can still continue drinking from the poison well of negative voices and still fake that we are Christians.  Or we can return to the most important commandments that Christ said: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.  Matthew 22:37-40.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Somebody Told The Truth!!!

Bob Cesca said, "Republicans Filibuster Everything, Romney Blames Obama for Not Working With Congress" in an article for the Huffington Post. "From the very beginning, congressional Republicans fell into lockstep with Rush Limbaugh and the collective wish for the Obama presidency to fail. Limbaugh set the table several days before the inauguration."  Tell it like it is, Bob.  The Republicans simply will not work with the President and make that very clear. Seems like a lot of people have forgotten that.  We must remember that the far right consider themselves true Patriots looking out for Americans and their interests.  Evidently, they just support our Veterans in words only because their actions do not. Our Veterans are losing their lives for this country weekly if not daily.  These so called real Americans voted against H.R. 466 - Wounded Veteran Job Security Act, H.R. 1168 - Veterans Retraining Act, H.R. 1171 - Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization, H.R. 1293 - Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act, S.3457 - Veterans Jobs Corps Act, and S. 3816 - Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act.  Bills that the President wanted to pass.  So much for our Veterans.  The money these billionaires are contributing to the campaigns are enough to pay for them without costing the country any money.  Again, I wonder why so many people can't see through this hypocrisy.  Shameful!  November 6, 2012, will be here very shortly.  We must use common sense, people, vote wisely!  Here's an another opportunity to make history!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rest In Peace, Lenard Pinckney!

The funeral service for Mr. Lenard "Lee" Pinckney, 59, of 124 Bottlebrush Road, North, will be noon Thursday, October 25, 2012, at St. Peter A.M.E. Church, 954 Bull Swamp Road, North, with the presiding elder of the Wateree District, Rev. Barbara Chislom, officiating. Burial will follow in First Baptist Church Cemetery in St. Matthews. Mr. Lenard, who was the son of the late Mr. William and Mrs. Geneva Matthews Pinckney, passed away Friday, October 19, 2012. Survivors include his wife, Bernice "Bee" Pinckney, and son, Jermaine Leonard Pinckney.

Monday, October 15, 2012

In - William McDowell

We stand at your door, O Lord, in need of your grace and mercy!  Help us, O Lord, we don't have anyone else to turn to but You!  We smile on the outside, but no one knows but you, the suffering that is inside each of us!  Don't abandon us, Lord!  We need you now more than ever!

I Belong To You - William McDowell - Arise

Not Everyone Will Share Your Happy!

Many years ago, a friend of mine told me that she was engaged and showed me her ring that same day. She was extremely happy and excited while she showing it to me. I asked her if he loved her more than me. Oh, yeah, I failed to mention that I wanted more from her than just friendship. She knew how I felt but it was more important how she felt towards her fiancée. She shrugged it off and said, “Aren’t you happy for me?” In a way, I was but in another way, I accepted the fact that I lost the battle. I saw my friend being whisked away and no longer being a part of my life anymore. I wasn’t ready to immediately share her Happy. I saw my Happy being taken away. How selfish is that? They didn’t get married, but I wasn’t happy about it. I had gotten over the fact this man had made her happy and now she’s sad because of this guy. Instead of taking advantage of her vulnerability, I set out to become her best friend and she became mine. Over the years, we have shared our ups and downs and are able to talk about anything and everything that has happened in our lives with the sincerest trust and confidentiality. We are best friends and in any relationship that I may be involved in, it is important to me that I be honest enough to share that info with the new person. She shares my Happy. Let’s be clear we are not having an affair, we are on a level that transcends pettiness. When I told her about meeting the new woman in my life, even if it has only been three weeks, she shared my Happy. My new friend is secure with herself not to be concerned over small matters. We take things one day at a time and have been through our share of disappointments. It’s amazing that I got the opposite feelings from another female friend who started trashing men and simply being wrong with her accusations. Yet, she gave no sign to me that she wanted anything more than just being a friend. Even though, she never had the time to do anything with me, she was always too busy. It’s perplexing, but not everyone will want to share your Happy. This is life! We don’t know how we’ll react until we face adversity.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Lead Me - Sanctus Real

Sometimes we get caught up in this “busy” life chasing our dreams that we forget what is really important to us. There is nothing wrong striving to achieve our dreams, we all want a productive comfortable life, and we will sacrifice to get it. Sometimes we forget who is important to us on our way to reach those goals. The person facing us, now distrusts us, and we won’t back down because we’re feeling disrespected and misunderstood. Where did we go wrong? More importantly, what are we going to do about it? We loved them for a reason, we need it find it, grab it, and keep it. Is it worth it to lose the best thing you ever had?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Why This Man?

Praying For Our President
Frederick Douglas
Can anyone man up and admit the truth?  Why is this current President of the United States disrespected so much?  Even past Presidents’ whose policies were the opposite of the majority weren’t treated this bad.  Is there an inherent emotion among some people that when threaten, resort to animosity and hostility towards anyone that doesn’t look like them? Can it be that racial tolerance extends only to those who follows, not lead?  This is the first time in the history of this country that a man of color, albeit biracial, was elected President among world leaders. Could Frederick Douglas be right when he said, Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale, he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress. If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence. In one case he may provoke contempt and derision, but in the other he is an affront to pride and provokes malice.” September 25, 1883.  It’s offensive to me when I hear that America is past racism just because a Black President was elected.  It is ignorant to believe that the caustic and divisive language used towards him is not just against his policies.  Some would have you believe that the national debt is the issue.  It’s apparent that no one is willing to tell the truth that “this guy” doesn’t belong here.  Colin Powell knew even when asked years ago to run that there is a section in our country that despises people of color and they yell the loudest.  Another Frederick Douglas quote was, "I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong." Are we united to save the country or united to destroy the country at whose expense?  Who is willing to stand up and admit the truth?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Waited All My Life - Raul Midon

Many times we don't accept that special moment when it happens.  We look for something explosive and breath taking.  Both are short term effects that when wears off, was nothing like the initial reaction.  In other words, we fall for the wrappings but not the contents.  Beautiful things come in plain brown paper.  They come as they are and last a lifetime. The truly beautiful won't need the glitter and glitz to hide who they really are.  They have a spiritual connection that separates them from the charades that we are often times fooled by.  If we're lucky enough we will know the next time what we've been waiting for.  We've all had those moments when what we dreamed of or anticipated arrives only to discover its more than we ever expected and its makes us nervous and unsure, but the beauty is it reminds us our humanity and constant desire we all share to be loved and to be happy.  I am eternally grateful that we chose to share a moment with each other.

Two Weeks!!!

We made two weeks so far and no major glitches!  Thank you, Lord!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The New Normal!!!

What is acceptable to one group of people can be unacceptable to another. Does this make them abnormal? If I thought on a different level about God and you thought on another level about Him, are we normal or abnormal? But if we had a revelation along the way that took us out of our old comfort zone and found peace in a new one, then we could agree that our different methods could yield the same results. We could both say that we reached a “New Normal.” A place now where we can learn to slow down and take life one day at time, enjoying each moment and appreciating the people around us and the time that we have with them. When you forgive, you lay the burden at God’s feet. Anger and bitterness are intangible but still heavy enough that you can feel. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30). Unforgiveness is baggage that affects all areas of our lives except the person you will not forgive. That person will go on while you stagnant and ignore the blessings that pass you by. I got the expression “New Normal” from a friend who experienced her share of rejections and hurts. But her spiritual relationship with God propelled her to a higher dimension that she learned to be patient and tolerant of others. Don’t misunderstand me, she will not put up with mess, yet she won’t be judgmental. One other thing, she will not be labeled, categorized, defined or stuck in anybody’s box. She knows what she wants and what it will take. Her goal is doing what is right in the sight of God. The “New Normal” is becoming a better person that will submit to the Will of God. The “New Normal” is treating all people with patience, respect and seeing that flicker of light (hope) that is in all of us. The “New Normal” is standing strong in the face of adversity and knowing that you are the conqueror. The “New Normal” will have many descriptions for each of us who are willing to step forward out of “what was” towards “what is.” That is being better men and women. I, for one, will stand beside her in this “New Normal.” “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:6).

Monday, October 1, 2012

He Heals Me (Live) - India Arie & Idan Raichel

India is using her blessings wisely by sharing her God-given talents with the world. The comment below says it all. Real Love can make you feel that good. 
"I love this song.. When you find someone who you are willing to spend your life with & give all your love too, Keeping no walls up @ all, Someone you can trust with your heart & feelings, Someone who makes your heart beat even when your not around @ that moment but you can still feel the love from them more & more blowing over your heart... We have such a wonderful time when we're together... All he does is HEALS me... Thats Love & I am so thankful for him :~}"

Sunday, September 30, 2012

News Flash!

This is an imitation of a news flash from Edgar R. Murrow, a famous newscaster from the 30s and 40's. Try to imagine it anyway. “This is South Carolina! My sources just gave me the rundown on a certain young couple that seems to be marinating over their future together. Their names will remain anonymous since I don't have all the facts.  Seems like the young man is already head over heals for her constant energy, sincere positive attitude and consistent spiritual development. Considering my sources that haven’t been reliable in the past, this information deserves a more critical view. I've heard that the young couple’s mantra is, ‘Take it one day at a time’. Not much to go on that, folks. Further details to follow in months to come. This is Edgar R. Murrow signing off.  Good night and good luck.”

Friday, September 28, 2012

Republican Voter Registration Fraud?

Allegedly.  Say it isn’t so?  Especially, not in Florida!  The same place some said that the 2000 Presidential Election was stolen because of the Chad counts.  Remember the controversial acts of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in 2008?  Obama was running for President.   The Republicans demanded that all federal funding be withdrawn due to ACORN's widespread voter registration fraud.  Of course they tried to connect Obama to it but that didn’t work.  Negative publicity was brought in by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles, two conservative activists, playing pimp and prostitute secretly recorded and videotaped conversations with some ACORN employees that was portrayed as criminal activity.  The Government Accounting Office cleared the employees and the federal funding was managed appropriated, but it was too late.  The deception and selective editing of the tapes was so damaging that ACORN had shut down by 2010.  Hence, the beginning of the Voter ID movement. Now the Republicans are doing the same thing and they weren’t set up!  Nathan Sproul, who runs the GOP consulting firm in Florida, said, "No matter what quality controls you have there are always going to be bad actors in any large scale operation."   A few bad apples?    ACORN was not any different, wait a minute, yes they were.  You know the answer.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

How Well Are You Sowing Your Garden?

The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12,” For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”  It’s hard to remember this when you’re in the middle of a heated argument trying to prove your point.  We get overwhelmed such that we become blind to the person in front of us.  The person I see in front of me is the flesh I’m arguing with but it is also the same person I fell in love with.  Doubt and fear allowed negativity to enter into our love.  Evil divided what we had.  I believe strife can be avoided if you really try. The question is commitment.  Who are we committed to?  To ourselves or to our relationships?  Paul also said in Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.“  Relationships are what we make of them.  I compare them to gardening.  Some people are able to cultivate theirs into healthy gardens.  They sow their seeds in the right location with the right lighting, patiently nurturing them, spending time with them, and guiding them as they grow.  They keep them watered and clip away weeds that will choke them.  An apple tree by name is just a tree until it produces apples.  There are some people that are jealous of how well your garden is but they could have taken the time to take care of their own.  Not many opportunities come along that we can get a second chance.  And if an opportunity does come around, take it, and consider it a blessing.  Take time for the one you love, sow your seeds with divine grace, water it with the Holy Spirit, and keep your love in the light of God’s Precious Love.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I'm Gonna Be Ready - Yolanda Adams

A fresh Spring Breeze started my day off with this song! Thank God for April in the Fall!  Prepare my mind and prepare my heart for your blessing, O Lord!  You know what's best for me!!!

Optimize the Positive and Explore the Possibilities!!

Have you ever taken that leap of faith, stepping out of your comfort zone, and risking it all on something you never tried?  Has fear ever held you back from something that you wanted to do but was afraid of failing?  Did being afraid of being rejected, unaccepted, and unworthy make you stay back from being blessed?  We’ve all been there and most of would rather stay where we are in life.  Our relationships and friendships failed and disappointed us.  The scars left more than deep reminders, they changed our lives and our views of people and the world.  We believed that we failed.  It didn’t matter if we accumulated a lot of material stuff to prove that we accomplished our goals, many people still aren’t happy.  Negativity shut us down and we began to draw and associate that kind of mess around us.  When we look back, we mostly see the bad that happened to us and forget that a lot of good things happened, too!  We didn’t seem to learn much from it to move forward. Well, pick yourselves up!  We dwelt in the valley long enough.  It’s time to forgive and forget and climb the mountain!  It’s not easy to forgive and climb.  We can write a book on how bad our lives have been, but I’d rather write about where we can be!  We got to accentuate the positive and fight the negative spirits.  How do we do it?  We go before the throne boldly and ask in faith for help.  We make the most of what we got!  I’ve rejected my blessings long enough.  I’m going to take that chance.  I won’t rush blindly into it but I sure will give it my best!  We’ll see where this new path will take me.  I wish you all the same positive adventure!  We’ll pray for each other in the process.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Just To Keep You Satisfied - Marvin Gaye

Sunday was Fantastic and I Found Spring in the Fall! On The Elevator Ride That Changed My Life!

This past Sunday morning, September 23, 2012, I picked up my Godmother so that we can go to Mass together. We had lunch afterwards.  I needed to talk to her for advice and the changes I made in my life.  We had a great conversation and I did get some excellent advice that only wisdom and experience can offer.  After lunch we went for a ride through the city and looked at the sights.  It was a wonderful time.  My Godmother is in her 90s and she gets around better than a lot of younger folks.  My blessing is that she’s been a part of my life ever since I was a child. I had learned some accurate philosophies from her that still stands true to this day.  She is now the matriarch in my world.  We spent the better part of the day together and after I got her back home, I headed for the elevator when a young lady asked if I was going down.  I won’t go into the details but April & I talked in the parking lot for almost 2 ½ hours!  She was visiting an elderly uncle in the same building!  What I found interesting and stimulating was how positive and enthusiastic she was.  I was struck at the end of our conversation with her well defined explanation of how a marriage should be when built on a true relationship with God.  Bottom line, I was impressed, I learned a lot from April.  Yes, Sunday was filled with memories, opportunities and thought-provoking concepts.  It was a wonderful day!  Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Jon Stewart - The Daily Show!!

This is What The Candidate Said…Back in 1998!

Since the candidate Obama spoke about redistribution, in 1998, Mitt and FOX News can withhold a few words to get the conversation to their level of greed and deceit. I guess they prefer to fool American people in believing that two wrongs can make it right. 

Candidate Obama said: "I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot. How do we pool resources at the same time as we decentralize delivery systems in ways that both foster competition, can work in the marketplace, and can foster innovation at the local level and can be tailored to particular communities".

Interesting to hear that he said everybody's got a shot, an opportunity to contribute to the greater good! You won't hear that part on FAUX News, the unfair and bias news network. That would be nice to see community pride besides the Hamptons and other playgrounds for the rich and famous. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry with them at all. They earned what they got, just allow others an equal chance instead of putting roadblocks in the way. I suppose if they would block the President of the United States, common folks don't have a chance.

This Is What Romney Said in May, 2012!

The question doesn't just stop at, who will lead us to a better United States, but who will be the President for all of the people!  Mitt in a secret fundraiser had a lot to say about the people in America that doesn't live the way he does.  We all do not have the same opportunities, but that doesn't make us bad people.  We struggle to put roofs over our heads and provide for our families, too!  Many of us just don't have the benefit of having large inheritances left from someone who had others to help build their wealth.  Somebody had to buy their products and somebody had to make them.  Anyway...

An excerpt from Mr. Romney:  "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean, the president starts off with 48, 49, he starts off with a huge number.

These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. So he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean, that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people.

I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the 5 to 10 percent in the center that are independents, that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not".

Monday, September 17, 2012

Take Me To The King – Tamela Mann

These songs are dedicated to those of us that are still struggling with this journey we’re on. Be of good courage, my brothers and sisters, stay in your faith.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11/01 - 9/11/12 -11 Years!!!

Freedom Tower - April 17, 2012 - Photo by Mark Lennihan
Freedom Tower at Night - April 30, 2012 - Photo By Mark Lennihan
Nine-one-one is a date that permanently changed our way of life in America. It is another date that will live in infamy, just as December 7, 1941, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.  Most of us remembered what we were doing on 9/11/01 and still could not believe what took place.  19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked 4 airplanes, two from American Airlines and two from United Airlines.  Two were flown into the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center, one was flown into the Pentagon and the other crashed outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  Over Shanksville, the passengers fought back.  Forty lives were lost on that flight.  Heroes fought and died so that others would live.  Overall, almost 3,000 people died and as many families will forever be affected as the result of these terrorist actions.  So many men and women became heroes that day and should never be forgotten.  There are still first responders and others who are still dying and suffering from severe illnesses caused by the toxins.  I’m glad to see Congress pass the amendment to the Zadroga Act which expanded the list of cancers.  There is a lot of ill-will in this world but there are a lot more people who want to help others.  Remember, all of us are going through something, let’s try to be more understanding to each other.  Do something positive today to remember the victims and families of this tragic event.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ain’t God Good?!!!!

You’ve heard that statement somewhere. You might have heard it in church, in the workplace, and around friends. I’ve even heard it around strangers. It stands for so many reasons but most of all it shows the appreciation of what God has done. “Ain’t God Good” just doesn’t mean how merciful and loving God is, it’s also about saving us from situations that we couldn’t get ourselves out of, even with the help of others! God stepped in when it appeared that there was no other hope. It is at that point we realize that we are not in control and our faith is rejuvenated when the impossible became possible. “Nothing is impossible to the Lord.” Once again, we recognize that miracles are taking place. We can say this statement because there are so many things to be grateful for. We forget the many blessings that we get because we take them for granted. The Apostle Paul went through many trials but he still recognized the love of God and his infinite mercy. He knew that it led his faith to become stronger and life closer to God. Know that this day, at an already appointed time, that when we are called home, that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will be there. We all want to be ready because we don’t know when that time will come. Make a list of what you have and want. Now make a list of what you think the homeless, handicapped, incarcerated, and the terminally ill would want. I hope that you find how truly blessed that you are.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Michael Clarke Duncan, Rest In Peace!

Michael Clarke Duncan - 1957-2012 - 54 Years Old
There are many people that pass on from this life unnoticed and without any fame other than to the people and loved ones that are left behind.  We will all have to stand before the Judge when the time comes.  Not only are my prayers with the infamous, they are also with those that have left behind footprints in the hearts of many.  As I get older, I see that death does not discriminate from the old, young, gender, race, religion, politics, beauty, physical, and the powerful.  Please take a moment of silence for all of the unsung heroes, too!  We continue to pray for each other.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Truth Be Told!

Governor Mitt Romney said that President Obama let the American people down in during his nomination acceptance speech.  He vowed to move America past the President’s disappointments.  Do you really want to know who let America down?  Ask Congress, ask the Senate, and ask the Ultra-Conservative strategists who met the night of the President’s inauguration that plotted ways to make this a one-term president who failed.  We'll also disrespect him along the way.  They decided that they would attack in several areas to promote doubt and fear in the American people.  Ask Robert Draper who wrote “Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the US House of Representatives.  He said the following people attended a meeting in the Caucus Room in DC:  Republican Reps. Eric Cantor (Va.), Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Paul Ryan (Wis.), Pete Sessions (Texas), Jeb Hensarling (Texas), Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) and Dan Lungren (Calif.), along with Republican Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), John Ensign (Nev.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.). The non-lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich, several years removed from his presidential campaign, and Frank Luntz, the long-time Republican wordsmith. Notably absent were Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) - who, Draper writes, had an acrimonious relationship with Luntz.  Recognize any of these pyramids of righteousness?  These guys are more patriotic than most and more Christian than all.  How hypocritical can these people be?  They thrived on the lie that the President is a Muslim but don’t mention that Mitt is a Mormon.  That’s literally been kept out of the news.   It’s better to just lie out right and see how many people will believe it.  If necessary, apologize later.  Somebody needs to tell the absolute truth!  If you don’t believe me, disagree.  McConnell and Boehner might not have been there, but I’m sure that they got the message.  McConnell has said that he will do his best to make this a one-term president.  Rush Limbaugh said, “I hope Obama fails.”  And Rush used his radio show to prove it, too.  Now the Governor, the Republican Presidential Nominee, wants America to succeed.  Reaganesques?  Reagan wouldn't be accepted by his own part the way they moved to the extreme right.  No compromising and no giving in to the opposition.  I don’t know if any of you have ever read my blogs or will ever read them.  I’ve been a moderate over 40 years and don’t care if you call me a RINO.  I do know who I am and the challenges that I face.  I have been called worse names but I’ve learned that people when they are angry and afraid they will strike out.  The regrets might come later.  There are those that enjoys feeding them that fear.  These are the people that are content with destruction and division.  I’m amazed at the path our country has taken since a Black President took the helm.  Well, if they turned on President Bush, what would you expect?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dazzling, Deceiving, Distracting!!!

Paul Ryan

I'm surprised that someone from FOX News had this to say about Paul Ryan's speech.  This is what I call the cold, hard truth.  I hope she stays employed for showing what it really means to be fair and balanced.  We need more people from the media to be honest and truthful.

Jan Brewer
And to top it off, Arizona Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, who is always disrespectful of the President, accidentally endorsed Obama Wednesday evening in an interview with MSNBC.  Subconsciously, she might have a feeling for the man.  Isn't that what grade school kids do when they have a crush on someone?  Be mean to them?  What a mess!!!

Vote or Not Be Counted!

Most people minds are made up for who they will vote for.  There are still a few waiting for the untruths to settle and will make their choice in the voting booth.  During these conventions, I would like to hear some resolutions and real ideas instead of instilling fear. The world is still looking at us and remembers.  Flava Flav of Public Enemy is a hype man.  Why didn’t they get him at the convention? Oops, I forgot.  He’s not the right flavor.  In some states, we will see a change in voting laws to require a photo ID.  As you probably already now this was due to fraudulent voting in the past and to prevent the possibility of it in the future.  Even if there were no proven voting fraud in any states, these new restrictions fall most heavily on young, minority, and low-income voters, as well as on voters with disabilities. This wave of changes intends to affect the political terrain for the 2012 election.  I sure we all could take a guess at the reason for this dismemberment of particular groups.  I’ll help you.  Eliminate the fear of the black man taking the office of President! Disenfranchise the American voters.  After all, the GOP does speak up for the American people.  They just don’t listen.  They had 8 years to correct the wrongs but actually got us in deeper debt.  But that smoking gun was to eliminate the middle-class, anyway.  A hole was dug so deep that even if they had 12 years, it will still take more dirt to fill it.  And they are slinging dirt and people are believing it.  South Carolina used their voter fraud fears but the Election Commission found no evidence.  But the biggest fear and I do support this columnist on this possibility is the voting machines.  They could actually still the election.  Just because you finished voting before you call the poll attendant, double check.  Verify, verify, verify!  Then if you’re satisfied with making the right choice, leave in peace

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let Go Of The Past Hurts and Let God In For Future Blessings!

I’ve been self-incarcerated for almost 30 years.  It was a bad feeling being behind a self-imposed prison caused by my divorce. I had still harbored angry and bitter feelings toward my ex-wife.  I thought I had forgiven her but you can’t forgive someone if you stay angry with them.  You must forgive and forget!  I realized that my anger was misdirected and when we last talked, I called back to apologize for my rudeness.  I prayed to God to release this anger and bitterness.  I had a revelation that I wasn’t angry with my ex-wife, I was angry at where we should have been together!  The sad irony about all of this is I dwelled on where we both could have been instead of moving forward where I should have been.  I couldn’t successfully continue other relationships because I saw her in them and did not give anyone a chance for fear of being hurt.  Being unforgiving can cause you more harm than a disease.  Carrying baggage is more than a burden, it’s a handicap. It’s crippling.  The older the baggage, the worse the back will ache and the mind torment.  I let someone else deny my dreams while I sat back doing nothing about it.  We blame people for our own actions.  How pitiful and pathetic I am.  After this eye opening event, I realized that my purpose is in this life is not yet over and I am a better man for this.  I wanted to be in control and lost. I had to yield to God Who always remains in control.  There is a distinct difference between regret and anger.  I don’t regret ever being married to her, she is a wonderful woman.  We could not compromise on our differences.  Was it pride or individualism, I don’t know.  It was probably that and more.  But I do feel lighter mentally and ready for a new chapter in my life.  We all have struggles. Don’t be angry or jealous of someone else’s blessings.  We don’t know what they been through to get where they are.  The sun shines and the rain falls on the good and bad.  We should treat each other as we would like to be treated and keep God first and foremost in our lives.  Things don’t always go as we like but we can keep a positive attitude so that the next time it happens we can find a learning experience from it.  We have to let go and let God.

We Stayed Put!

Excerpt from A Part of Things:

I am clumsy and portly while she is graceful and agile. She is quick-witted and intelligent but I catch on after a few minutes. She is patient and kind while I’m the opposite. While she remains loving and caring, I have a long way to go to overcome my selfishness and pride. She is Black and I am White. She is the opposite in all things except two important similarities. We both believe in God and trust in Him. Maybe that’s why I care so deeply about her. I don’t know about her political affiliation, it was never discussed. We are both military veterans, she from the Navy and me from the Air Force, we teased each other about that a lot.

I was concerned about how interracial dating would affect us and our friends. But it was more important, to me, how we respected and trusted God. I believe if we keep Him first and foremost in our lives, we’ll be able to survive the storms that will come because of our differences. The stares and the nasty remarks will come and it was hard not to react in kind. Portia’s attitude did not seem to let it bother her. She would still smile, make jokes, hold hands, and reassure me of her love. I loved her, too. My problem is falling in love too easily. I read the signs wrong and then I’m broken when love isn’t reciprocated.

Portia made sure I ate the right foods and exercised. She said she wanted me around as long God would keep me and that there was need for me to rush. I didn’t know how to take this kind of affection. I felt that after my divorce if given a second chance I would live differently. Portia has two great kids from her previous marriage, an eighteen year old young lady and a fourteen year old future NFL/CPA superstar. She worries about those children more than anything. I respect her so much for that. All mothers want only the best for their children.

Another problem I have is we work together and I don’t want her embarrassed or harassed by our co-workers. It might be the 21st century but people really haven’t progressed enough to accept interracial relationships. I know, I was like them until the past two years, when my best friend married a black woman. I always believed that you don’t have to go outside your race to find love. Now here I am feeling Portia. I got issues.

But none of these issues matter. They are not real. They are products of my imagination. I know that this can’t happen because I’m really stuck in my old ways. We stayed put. Portia will never know my feelings about her. I just wondered what would make my life different.

A Part of Things ©

Monday, August 20, 2012

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over!

DUI Fatalities at the State Capital, Columbia, SC, August 16, 2012
We hear, read, and see almost everyday about DUI-related collisions and deaths.  Some of the victims we might know personally.  We know it’s wrong to drive under the influence but some of us still do.  I don’t need to provide statistics or links to web sites to support the problems we are having on our highways.  All of us want to make it from point A to point B safely and return home safely.  We all want our family and friends and the people we love to come back home safe.  A nationwide crackdown is going on.  Help law enforcement get these offenders off the road.  Call them in, get tag numbers, vehicle descriptions, but don’t endanger yourself.  There’s enough danger on our roadways as it is.  So, please take a proactive approach by not getting behind the wheel driving.  Stay at home, get a designated driver who doesn’t drink, or get a taxi if you know you’re going to have a “couple of drinks.”  The penalties will cost a lot more than the drinks. Remember there’s someone that loves you and wants the best for you.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dealing With The Moments!

Remember a baby’s very first steps and first words, a loving first glance and first stolen kiss, a faint scent of perfume and a song that reminded you of someone special? Did those moments and events make an impact in your life? Did you see the significance? If you didn’t think they were important to you, someone else did. Some actions remain constant even if others completed them. All events will be important to some one.

We may not all feel important and question if our lives are meaningless because we didn’t leave a legacy for others to admire or respect. Well, living isn’t existing, it’s doing something that will affect positively the lives of those that you cross paths with. We all have a purpose and most of the time we don’t know what it is. And if we think we do know it, we still doubt that it would serve any importance anyway. We make life complicated and take our dissatisfaction out on the people that are close to us.

But our purpose doesn’t have to be complicated. It could be a simple thank you to the cashier that’s been on her feet all day and just had a customer take their bad day out on them. It could be that waiter that’s working their way through school or taking a job to support their family and could use a kind voice and tip. It could be just saying something nice to a co-worker and neighbor. We don’t know the struggles that others are going through, we only see ours. Their lives are important and significant, too. Somewhere along our journey, we got numb to village living. We think we no longer need anyone to help us unless they are of some necessary value to us. Our values are misplaced, let’s pray to God that it’s not too late. Too many good people have crossed our paths and helped us along our journey and we took them for granted. Let’s not lose anymore.

Definition of SIGNIFICANCE   (Merriam-Webster)

1.  a : something that is conveyed as a meaning often obscurely or indirectly
     b : the quality of conveying or implying
2.  a : the quality of being important : moment
     b : the quality of being statistically significant

Friday, August 10, 2012

Healthcare Will Raise The Cost of Papa John’s Pizza!!!

I have to talk about this for jus a minute because this, to me, doesn’t make sense of so many levels.  “The National Restaurant Association pointed out following the health care law's Supreme Court approval that it may adversely affect restaurants’ ability to maintain already slim profit margins because it requires companies of more than 50 employees to provide affordable health insurance.” “Already slim profit margins?” Duh, people are really trying to eat healthy and are we sure pizzas are that healthy?  Several reasons could be behind the slim profit margins.  Maybe people don’t have the extra money to splurge on pizzas.  Could be a lot of people aren’t working who usually buy pizzas.  The costs of ingredients are going up because of the bad weather affecting crops and now being passed to the consumers.  People could just be tired of being overweight and obese and staying away from these kinds of food.  Quite possibly, DiGiorno’s pizza is a lot less inexpensive.  Papa John's CEO, John Schnatter says, “That Obamacare will result in a $0.11 to $0.14 price increase per pizza or $0.15 to $0.20 cents per order.”  I wonder if he’s really resenting having all of his employees on healthcare?  The Affordable Care Act only requires employers to offer health insurance to full-time employees, almost 90 percent of whom at large businesses like Papa John's corporate offices are already covered, according to a Treasury Department official.  Then, maybe John Schantter has other issues with President.  I don’t know, just saying.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Too Much Secrecy, No Transparency!!

What’s good for the gander is good for the goose! If I demand to see your birth certificate over and over again and you can’t show me your tax returns, why ask for fairness. Mitt Romney & associates, one of them Donald Trump and the Fox News, repeatedly question the President’s birth certificate. They hounded him on no showing it. He showed the short form but that wasn’t good enough. They hounded him even more. He showed them the long form but they didn’t believe it. The birthers are still hung up on it. That is only one example of many. Now, that Harry Reid is grilling Mitt about not paying his tax returns, Harry is being called out. I don’t care about how much he’s worth, that’s his business but if you treat another public official, especially the President of the United States with disrespect, why are you crying because you’re not getting respect, either. The life of a public official is an open book so what’s wrong with Mitt not opening his? Now there seems to be another questionable entry in the Governor’s ledger. Why did His staff spend nearly $100,000 to replace computers in state funds at the end of his term as Governor of Massachusetts? Reuters has learned that this was an unprecedented effort to keep records secret. Republican and Democratic opponents of Romney say the scrubbing of emails - and a claim by Romney that paper records of his governorship are not subject to public disclosure - hinder efforts to assess his performance as a politician and elected official. It’s odd that the Massachusetts' healthcare law was a model for Obama's nationwide healthcare program. As a presidential candidate, however, Romney has criticized Obama's plan as an overreach by the federal government. “Theresa Dolan, former director of administration for the governor's office, told Reuters that Romney's efforts to control or wipe out records from his governorship were unprecedented. Dolan said that in her 23 years as an aide to successive governors "no one had ever inquired about, or expressed the desire" to purchase their computer hard drives before Romney's tenure.” I wonder if our Governor Haley learned that from him.  I don’t agree with all of the President’s policies but I will still give him the respect due. Like I said before, this is going to be a nasty campaign.

America's New Heroine!

Gabrielle (Little Flying Squirrel) Douglas
The pictures say it all!

Gabrielle Douglas: Raising an Olympian

This is what America is all about!  We only hear about the negatives but there's a lot more to us than some folks would have you to believe!  There are brothers and sisters coming together for the better good.  If we took the time to know each other and treat each other with respect, who knows how far this country can really go?  I love this story!  Mothers across the miles showing that they are all the same!  God bless America!  I know that I sound a little over the top on this but we can't do this "life" thing by ourselves.  Indeed, we could not "build" anything by ourselves.  We have people along the way to encourage, support, and uplift us.  We all should be proud!  Now if we can get Congress and Washington to get their act together, we could win more than just gold!

No Rhyme No Reason – George Duke

What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life - Maysa

Flower Girl - Maysa featuring Dwele

Slowly But Surely – Walter Beasley

I'm in a jazz mood!  It's a hectic world and we need some relaxation time for ourselves.

On My Mind – Brian Culbertson

Hold On Tight – Boney James

Sensuality – Brian Culbertson

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

God Will Pay!!!

I know that this is a very vague and ambiguous statement.  It can be taken in so many ways and could only be interpreted by the reader.  We all have our beliefs and opinions so use what comes to mind.  I’ll start it off until I figure out myself what I am trying to say.  So if this blog sounds random and loose, that’s just the way it is.  God will pay is the subject.  I will start off with one example.  You loan a trusted friend some cash that had an emergency or a financial problem.  You do this because you believe in this person.  They really needed the help and promised that you’ll get your money back.  Just about every time that they see you, they remind you that they haven’t forgotten to pay you back.  Something happens and now you don’t seem to see them or talk to them as much.  It could be a well-designed argument, sickness, relocation, excuses, amnesia, or something like that to cause the sudden detachment.  Deep inside, you know that this person that you trusted had no intention of ever making a payment or paying back your loan.  You worked hard for that money.  It could have been used for a down-payment, for a rainy day, or for your own emergency situation, but instead you helped a friend.  You can chalk that up as a loss because out-of-sight means out-of-mind. And in this case, you find out that ultimately, that was not a trusted friend but a very sophisticated con-artist.  Another example is revenge.  I’ll get you back somehow because I didn’t appreciate the way you treated me or someone I care about.  I’ll wait for an opportunity and I will do what is necessary to make you pay for the offense.  I’m not going to forget and I will not forgive.  That kind of judgment sounds as hypocritical as the first example being distrustful.  As a “Christian”, I know that these things are wrong but my doubt and loss in faith isn’t helping me to be Christian like.  Now what kind of example am I showing?  Christ paid the ultimate price for us.  How much suffering and tribulation did He bear for us?  Despite how we doubted Him, distrusted Him, and even hated Him, He still forgave us.  Another example and you can use many more.  We reap what we sow.   Let’s not fool ourselves because we definitely can’t fool God.  We are only influenced negatively because we let those things bad for us, obsess us.  If you think negative, you will become negative.   We must sow good seeds.  We become who we are by the way we act and who will pay for it?   For every mean action we show towards our fellow man, God pays with His Blood. Whenever we neglect the widows, prisoners, children and the underprivileged, God pays for it with His Tears.  When we treat each other the way we want to be treated and put God first in our lives, He pays for it with His Divine Love.  We must accept responsibility for our actions because one day we will have to stand in judgment for them.  A selfish spirit will rob us of all blessings and an unforgiving spirit will block it.  If we bless others, God will pay by blessing us on earth and more importantly, in heaven.   Do the right thing even if others don’t respect you for it.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0