Wednesday, August 1, 2012

God Will Pay!!!

I know that this is a very vague and ambiguous statement.  It can be taken in so many ways and could only be interpreted by the reader.  We all have our beliefs and opinions so use what comes to mind.  I’ll start it off until I figure out myself what I am trying to say.  So if this blog sounds random and loose, that’s just the way it is.  God will pay is the subject.  I will start off with one example.  You loan a trusted friend some cash that had an emergency or a financial problem.  You do this because you believe in this person.  They really needed the help and promised that you’ll get your money back.  Just about every time that they see you, they remind you that they haven’t forgotten to pay you back.  Something happens and now you don’t seem to see them or talk to them as much.  It could be a well-designed argument, sickness, relocation, excuses, amnesia, or something like that to cause the sudden detachment.  Deep inside, you know that this person that you trusted had no intention of ever making a payment or paying back your loan.  You worked hard for that money.  It could have been used for a down-payment, for a rainy day, or for your own emergency situation, but instead you helped a friend.  You can chalk that up as a loss because out-of-sight means out-of-mind. And in this case, you find out that ultimately, that was not a trusted friend but a very sophisticated con-artist.  Another example is revenge.  I’ll get you back somehow because I didn’t appreciate the way you treated me or someone I care about.  I’ll wait for an opportunity and I will do what is necessary to make you pay for the offense.  I’m not going to forget and I will not forgive.  That kind of judgment sounds as hypocritical as the first example being distrustful.  As a “Christian”, I know that these things are wrong but my doubt and loss in faith isn’t helping me to be Christian like.  Now what kind of example am I showing?  Christ paid the ultimate price for us.  How much suffering and tribulation did He bear for us?  Despite how we doubted Him, distrusted Him, and even hated Him, He still forgave us.  Another example and you can use many more.  We reap what we sow.   Let’s not fool ourselves because we definitely can’t fool God.  We are only influenced negatively because we let those things bad for us, obsess us.  If you think negative, you will become negative.   We must sow good seeds.  We become who we are by the way we act and who will pay for it?   For every mean action we show towards our fellow man, God pays with His Blood. Whenever we neglect the widows, prisoners, children and the underprivileged, God pays for it with His Tears.  When we treat each other the way we want to be treated and put God first in our lives, He pays for it with His Divine Love.  We must accept responsibility for our actions because one day we will have to stand in judgment for them.  A selfish spirit will rob us of all blessings and an unforgiving spirit will block it.  If we bless others, God will pay by blessing us on earth and more importantly, in heaven.   Do the right thing even if others don’t respect you for it.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0