Friday, August 10, 2012

Healthcare Will Raise The Cost of Papa John’s Pizza!!!

I have to talk about this for jus a minute because this, to me, doesn’t make sense of so many levels.  “The National Restaurant Association pointed out following the health care law's Supreme Court approval that it may adversely affect restaurants’ ability to maintain already slim profit margins because it requires companies of more than 50 employees to provide affordable health insurance.” “Already slim profit margins?” Duh, people are really trying to eat healthy and are we sure pizzas are that healthy?  Several reasons could be behind the slim profit margins.  Maybe people don’t have the extra money to splurge on pizzas.  Could be a lot of people aren’t working who usually buy pizzas.  The costs of ingredients are going up because of the bad weather affecting crops and now being passed to the consumers.  People could just be tired of being overweight and obese and staying away from these kinds of food.  Quite possibly, DiGiorno’s pizza is a lot less inexpensive.  Papa John's CEO, John Schnatter says, “That Obamacare will result in a $0.11 to $0.14 price increase per pizza or $0.15 to $0.20 cents per order.”  I wonder if he’s really resenting having all of his employees on healthcare?  The Affordable Care Act only requires employers to offer health insurance to full-time employees, almost 90 percent of whom at large businesses like Papa John's corporate offices are already covered, according to a Treasury Department official.  Then, maybe John Schantter has other issues with President.  I don’t know, just saying.

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