Sunday, August 26, 2012

We Stayed Put!

Excerpt from A Part of Things:

I am clumsy and portly while she is graceful and agile. She is quick-witted and intelligent but I catch on after a few minutes. She is patient and kind while I’m the opposite. While she remains loving and caring, I have a long way to go to overcome my selfishness and pride. She is Black and I am White. She is the opposite in all things except two important similarities. We both believe in God and trust in Him. Maybe that’s why I care so deeply about her. I don’t know about her political affiliation, it was never discussed. We are both military veterans, she from the Navy and me from the Air Force, we teased each other about that a lot.

I was concerned about how interracial dating would affect us and our friends. But it was more important, to me, how we respected and trusted God. I believe if we keep Him first and foremost in our lives, we’ll be able to survive the storms that will come because of our differences. The stares and the nasty remarks will come and it was hard not to react in kind. Portia’s attitude did not seem to let it bother her. She would still smile, make jokes, hold hands, and reassure me of her love. I loved her, too. My problem is falling in love too easily. I read the signs wrong and then I’m broken when love isn’t reciprocated.

Portia made sure I ate the right foods and exercised. She said she wanted me around as long God would keep me and that there was need for me to rush. I didn’t know how to take this kind of affection. I felt that after my divorce if given a second chance I would live differently. Portia has two great kids from her previous marriage, an eighteen year old young lady and a fourteen year old future NFL/CPA superstar. She worries about those children more than anything. I respect her so much for that. All mothers want only the best for their children.

Another problem I have is we work together and I don’t want her embarrassed or harassed by our co-workers. It might be the 21st century but people really haven’t progressed enough to accept interracial relationships. I know, I was like them until the past two years, when my best friend married a black woman. I always believed that you don’t have to go outside your race to find love. Now here I am feeling Portia. I got issues.

But none of these issues matter. They are not real. They are products of my imagination. I know that this can’t happen because I’m really stuck in my old ways. We stayed put. Portia will never know my feelings about her. I just wondered what would make my life different.

A Part of Things ©

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0