Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Over Fifty, Get A Colonoscopy!

View of a healthy colon
I’m going to take a temporary break from politics this time. Although this might not be a dinner table discussion, I hope that it will be informative. There is always something political to talk about, but I won’t.

Just the other day, I had my colonoscopy procedure done and without sedation. This is my second after several years and they removed two benign polyps the first time. I was also under sedation and didn’t see or hear anything either. It’s still embarrassing regardless how you look at it. There might be an opportunity to laugh some of the wording. But, I was able to look at “it” being awake through the entire procedure. Believe me, it is not as bad as you think. Well, the process, anyway. Remember, if taking the laxative according to directions prior to the procedure, you should be very clean and pretty well empty. The staff was kind, respectful, and courteous to me, as well as, very professional. They did all that they could to make me feel at ease. There is really nothing new to these folk in their profession. They are nurses, doctors and above all, caring people. They have had hospital experience, hospice experience, assisted living experience and years of experience in the health field. They actually wish more people would come in to prevent and recognize any future problems they might have. So don’t be ashamed to go to your doctor and set yours up.

Yes, I wore the backless gown but they covered my back up with a sheet exposing only the part that was to be reviewed. Of course, I was uncomfortable; certain areas on the body shouldn’t be shared, let alone, exposed. But, the doctor and nurses (2) talked me through it. They explained that the only discomfort I will feel will be the air to open up my colon to allow the camera with a light and built-in snipper at the end of it to move about. They would have to go all the way to the end and retract slowly for observation. Be visual with me.

I’m looking at the monitor feeling blown up like a balloon and getting my blood pressure checked all at the same time. I see something that looks like a dark tunnel and a light going in and around curves. Modern technology! I’m getting a little gassy, but I wasn’t going to say anything. This was the only temporary discomforting moment I had during the entire session. Anyway, as soon as the doctor started, he called me out about using colon cleansers. DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF COLON CLEANSERS!!! They will turn your colon very dark depending on the years of use. It doesn’t matter if they are all natural. Your colon should be pink just like the inside of your mouth! It’s also very easy to see if there are any problems, too. Well, I’ve been using colon cleansers for about 18 months and a dark colon is a dead giveaway. None of the vendors for colon cleansers even mention the unnatural color of the colon.  Use Miralax if you have a problem with BM, it will not darken the colon. Change your lifestyle, exercise, eat foods high in fiber and get plenty of rest.  All in all, it was very interesting looking at my insides, he did snip a very small polyp that looked like a bump to me. I just hope it was benign. When the procedure was done, they wanted me to pass gas, but I was still hesitant. We know that when you take that cleaning medication, gas won’t be the first thing coming out that’s for sure. That was my major concern. I got copies of the pictures they took, waited until I got home and into the bathroom just to be safe before I committed myself. I’m still glad I waited.

I’m asking anyone that reads this and is over or near the age of 50 to please talk this over with a medical professional. If you have people in your life that cares about you and you about them, please check into this matter. If you just care about your own health still do it.

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