Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Deeper Impact

The movie Deep Impact was on this weekend. I’m in no position to critique the movie because I can relate to some of the scenes which would make me biased. I would rather give my point of view how it made me feel. Deep Impact was about troubled people trying to mend their lives as they prepare for a comet hitting the earth. It was symbolic on so many levels regarding human nature and the unity needed to help many to survive the impact. Of course, it wasn’t simply the impact of the comet catastrophes, it was the impact made in and on people’s lives. Love and sacrifice, was seen all over at the end of this movie. Lives were given so that others would live. The kind of sacrifices we see our military, law enforcement, firemen, first responders, and parents that offer up everyday. Yes, it was a moving moment which will soon be forgotten during our daily rush of taking each other for granted and staying too busy to appreciate these moments of our journey in life. In the movie, as in life, some had a chance to say good-bye and apologize for their actions. We’ll miss those final I love you’s. The movie did bring up some sad memories, but it reminded me that we all are in this world together and that regardless of our petty attitudes towards each other, we will eventually need each other. Are we making sacrifices or fulfilling obligations? You know your answer. Touching, caressing, talking to each other can be taken for granted, yet, easily missed when it’s gone. We should take the time to cherish the moments because they won’t last forever. We might not make the time to reconcile usually because our pride gets in the way. The movie was released in 1998 showing that our President at the time was black. But you have to admit Morgan Freeman is one bad-ass actor, besides he does act presidential. Armageddon was another movie in that same genre, I think Armageddon didn’t have as much emotional tone compared to Deep Impact but it was still a great movie. They both came out the same year in 1998. Don’t forget The Day After Tomorrow, another film of this sci-fi genre. Also, a good movie. I just wanted to give my emotional point of view.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0