Monday, August 16, 2010

The Mosque Controversy Near Ground Zero

J. Scott Applewhite / AP

President Barack Obama hosts an iftar dinner, the meal that breaks the dawn-to-dusk fast for Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan, Friday in the White House State Dining Room. Obama said the American tenet of religious freedom means the freedom of Muslims to build a mosque near ground zero in New York.

I thought I was getting away from some of the political issues but it seems that another jab was made. Some people just don’t make sense to me. You can’t underestimate what a person thinks. In fact, try not to let it surprise you when they give their opinion. To them it might sound sane and rational and vice versa. Just deal with the flow and make good when you can. I’m talking about the latest controversy which is building a mosque near ground zero. It is our nature to forget or ignore on issues of no interest but we use our nature as an excuse to hold grudges and/or never to forgive. I, personally, am always disheartened by acts of violence towards anyone because it destroys families and loved ones. But don’t be misled how I feel about war. It is a necessary evil to be dealt with in the most extreme way. No, I’m not being hypocritical, just realistic. Simply killing or hurting someone in any way due to anger, rage, or hatred does not justify the need to end another’s life. But protecting innocent people from harm and stopping others who have the sole intent on inflicting harm should be dealt with by any means necessary. If black folks held grudges against all white people because of the Klan killing innocent black men & women, hanging them and cutting out their unborn fetuses, should all white people be blamed? Should bombing black churches and killing innocent black children be a reason to hate all white people for the few? Should Jews hate all Germans for the atrocities made against them in concentration camps? These were terrorist acts made by men against other men, but hate groups do not represent all. Should grudges be held against a whole race for a few hate mongers? Have some of these naysayers forgotten? Loved ones were lost, too! Or do they think because this president is black with an Arabic name and had affiliations with Islam that he is leading the country down the wrong path? After all, didn’t someone say that Blacks are inferior anyway? These seeds of doubt and hate have been sown by some whose only intent is to belittle this man and to show how they really feel about others. Yet, these same critics say that they are Christians and practice the principles of the Bible. The Crusades were fought over religion, too. These opponents of certain religions say it is disrespectful to practice your religion near hallowed ground where others of this same religion killed Americans. To me, hallowed ground is where any innocent person’s life was taken. But business is business! You don’t hear any critics telling the strip clubs, peep shows, liquor stores and bars to leave. Maybe, there’s a grandfather clause somewhere.

I will always believe that whatever this president says, there will always be those same naysayers that will disagree. If he says, “the weather is beautiful”, they will say, “it’s not.” There will always be people that will hate others, we can’t stop that. I guess some people can invoke the 1st Amendment and others are not allowed to. The victims and the responders are paying the price for these partisan politics. What a shame. As for the grizzly momma, no one has should explain a thing to her, she quit her post as governor for stardom. Sarah could not lead a state, wants to lead a country, but instead leads lambs to humiliation. What a scam. She’s a demagogue l who will lead folks down a wormhole of disgust and despair. Some of these chicken shyt Democrats don’t even have the bones to stand up and face the opposition. At least, Representative Anthony Weiner (D) out of New York, not only stood up and but spoke out against the Republicans. He also called out their flakiness, too. I see that the Party of No distraction is opposing the mosque near ground zero so that they can sneak in and defeat the bill to protect the victims and the first responders on 9/11. You look over there while I look over here. What a bunch of hypocrites. The Democrats should have expected the Obstructionists to oppose the bill. It should have been written according to procedure to avoid posturing from the other side. Which calls to mind, was this a futile effort from the Democrats as a political ploy to appear that they’re looking out for the victims? At least the Republicans are united as one, no matter what you might think about them. They have managed to put the fear of the media in this administration.  Our former President George W. Bush, said, “Our nation must be mindful that there are thousands of Arab-Americans who live in New York City, who love their flag just as much as [we] do. And we must be mindful that as we seek to win the war, that we treat Arab-Americans and Muslims with the respect they deserve ... the attitude of this government [is] we should not hold one who is a Muslim responsible for an act of terror. We will hold those who are responsible for the terrorist acts accountable and those who harbor them." This was said 9/13/01. How soon do we forget? Well, so much for my mini-vacation away from politics.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0