Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Here We Go Again!

Senator Graham and Lt. Amy Tomlinson (April 17, 2010) at Blue Angels Air Show in Charleston, SC
“The Greenville Republican Party has rebuked U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham for what it calls his cooperation and support of President Barack Obama and the Democrats' liberal agenda.” This is the same group that wanted Lexington County State Senator Jake Knotts expelled for using an ethnic slur against Nikki Haley, a GOP Gubernatorial Candidate. Senator Knotts said, "we already have a raghead in the White House, we don't need a raghead in the governor's mansion." Ms. Haley is of Middle-Eastern descent and the President is mixed. The uproar wasn’t about the President, even though racism and bigotry will not be tolerated in the Republican Party, so said some of its members. It still sounds hypocritical to me because most of them were former Dixiecrats (States’ Rights Party) and democrats who left when the Civil Rights Act was signed. But still, Senator Knotts meant it as a joke. Anderson TEA Party writers Priscilla Hill and Joshua Finn wrote a short but succinct piece about the SC GOP’s Moral Failure about being hypocritical. What we are now seeing is the direct denunciation of Senator Graham who is doing his duty constitutional duty. He is representing all Americans including many of us dumb ass South Carolinians. They are just short of telling him who he should be representing and I am concerned, it might not be me. Bipartisanship politics have failed for this administration. We stand at the brink of a new political system that favors only those that belong to a specific party 100% regardless of a national bearing. A half of pie is still not a whole one. A half of country is not united. Senator Graham seems to care a great deal about our country but he is considered a traitor to the GOP by working with the Democrats or the President. Moderate Republicans are now called RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), similar to being called a liberal. Some of us are still keeping our Christian and family values which are probably a couple of reasons why we still respect our fellow man. As an ultra-conservative, their allegiance is not to God and country but to the party. The issue is not “taking back our country” but whether you are either for us or against us. One might question if some of these folks want to return to the Jim Crow days. Progress towards a better country is just not on the agenda for some people. We’re not going to live forever and we will have to stand before God one day. 

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