What's Your Excuse, Now?

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Gift of Charles

I don't know if anyone will read this story but it's a wonderful journey to be shared.  To me, this is what being a christian is like.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

What Does It Mean To Live Without God?

For many of us, most experiences teach us important lessons.  We usually learn something from it, if we pay attention.  Next time, when similar situations come up, we’ll know how to better deal with them.  Yeah, some of those experiences were so overwhelming that not only we didn’t know how to deal with them; we still don’t know how we managed to get through them.  One minute you’re sitting on top of the world and next, the world is on top of you.  What heavy burdens we carry.  We become cautious about making certain decisions reminding us of the past.  We are so scarred by life that we’ve forgotten to see the good.  Some trials and tribulations we’ve been dealt with will not give us a chance to give others a place in our lives.  Some of us bounce back and move on.  Some become “saved” and now can quote every book in the Bible.  They can judge others because they now know the Word.  They just don’t know how to quite live it, yet.  They don’t understand how to forgive and love but they can tell you that you aren’t living right.  I digress.  We should be happy that the lost sheep came back to the flock.  Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.  If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.  This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”  (John 15:5-8).  Jesus said, “apart from me you can do nothing” in verse 5.  We are nothing without God.  Our trials draw us closer to God.  We are not in control but need the help of God, Who is the only one that can order our steps.  Nothing is guaranteed, we walk by faith.  We should thank God for every moment in our lives.  He knows our purpose even if we don’t.  God has made so many promises to us and we are afraid to remind Him of them, because we are not good enough, pure enough, and not successful enough, to boldly approach Him.  We also have to live up to His commandments.  Love Him above all else and treat our brothers as we want to be treated.  Don’t forget that God loves us so much that He allowed His only son, Jesus, to sacrifice His life for us.  God is our Father, who loves us more than we’ll ever know.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Faith, Trust, and Wisdom!

Don’t sell yourself short.  You are worth more than what you think you are.  Many of us are at a plateau in our lives, that we begin to think that this is as far as we can go.  This is it, it’s all over now.  We settle down in our comfort zone and lay back waiting to see if anything will come along to change our situation.  Our problem is that when something does come along, we don’t want to change.  And we really don’t want it to change us too much.  I’m generally speaking about others but the only person I can talk about is me.  Sound the "wake-up" bell.  Don’t be complacent, don’t just settle on contentment.  Let’s get out of the box and do something different!  If you can’t dance, try it!  If you don’t like exotic foods, try something!  If you can’t sing, sing, anyway!  Let’s have some fun and enjoy what life has for us!  I’m not asking anyone to hurt themselves or anyone.  I just want us to look back at our lives and have very little regrets.  We’ve all been hurt emotionally and it is hard to forget those bad relationships.  But, why is it that some people are ready to try again?  Why can’t we?  Let’s exercise our faith, trust that it will work!  We’ve used it at our lowest peaks in our lives but we should keep it going even during our highs.  Pray for wisdom and develop our relationships with God.  We need to understand His character more by reading more of His word.  To find peace in the turmoil that surrounds us, we must first find peace in ourselves.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Buffalo Soldiers!

Buffalo Soldiers originally were members of the U.S. 10th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army, formed on September 21, 1866 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.  The nickname was given to the "Negro Cavalry" by the Native American tribes they fought; the term eventually became synonymous with all of the African-American regiments formed in 1866.

Although several African-American regiments were raised during the Civil War to fight alongside the Union Army (including the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry and the many United States Colored Troops Regiments), the "Buffalo Soldiers" were established by Congress as the first peacetime all-black regiments in the regular U.S. Army. Many African-Americans took a long hard look at military service which offered shelter, education, steady pay, medical attention and a pension. Some, such as Cathay Williams, who later enlisted as William Cathay, the first female Buffalo Soldier, decided it was much better than frequent civilian unemployment. Congress recognized the military merits of black soldiers by authorizing two segregated regiments of black cavalry, the Ninth United States Cavalry and the Tenth United States Cavalry and the 24th, 25th, 38th, 39th, 40th, and 41st Infantry Regiments. Orders were given to transfer the troops to the western war arena, where they would join the army's fight with the Indians. In 1869, one year after Cathay Williams' discharge, from the army, the black infantry regiments were consolidated into two units, the Twenty-fourth United States Infantry and the Twenty-fifth United States Infantry. The 38th U.S. Infantry became the Twenty-fourth United States Infantry. All of the black regiments were commanded by white officers at that time.

The fact that five hospital visits failed to reveal that William Cathay was a woman raises questions about the quality of medical care, even by mid-l9th century standards, available to the soldiers of the U.S. Army, or at least to the African-American soldiers. Clearly, she never fully undressed during her hospital stays. Perhaps she objected to any potentially intrusive procedures out of fear of discovery. There is no record of the treatment given her at the hospitals. There is every indication that whatever treatments she received, they did not work.

Their job wasn’t easy. The "Buffalo Soldiers" were often confronted with racial prejudice from other members of the U.S. Army. Civilians in the areas where the soldiers were stationed occasionally reacted to them with violence. They were attacked in Rio Grande City, Texas in 1899, Brownsville, Texas in 1906, and Houston, Texas in 1917. There were recorded incidents. How many more were never heard of? In the Spanish-American Ward General John J. Pershing fought with the 10th Calvary from 1895 to 1897. He saw these brave men as good soldiers. But white cadets and officers at West Point began calling him Nigger Jack, it changed to Black Jack Pershing.  Some of you are familiar with that last term.

On September 6, 2005, Mark Matthews, who was the oldest living Buffalo Soldier, died at the age of 111. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery. I met Trooper Harold S. Cole on April 21, 2012, in Columbia, S. C. at Freedom Fest acknowledging the Buffalo Soldiers and the Viet Nam Veterans. In 1944, the army disbanded the 2nd Cavalry Division, which included the 9th & 10th Cavalry Regiments in North Africa. It’s like Trooper Cole is one of the last Buffalo Soldiers.

A lasting legacy of the soldiers as park rangers is the Ranger Hat (popularly known as the Smokey Bear Hat). Although not officially adopted by the Army until 1911, the distinctive hat crease, called a Montana Peak, (or pinch) can be seen being worn by several of the Buffalo Soldiers in park photographs dating back to 1899. Soldiers serving in the Spanish American War began to crease the Stetson hat with a Montana "pinch" to better shed water from the torrential tropical rains. Many retained that distinctive "pinch" upon their return to the U.S. You can still see that look being worn among the military and law enforcement officers.

We must not forget the contribution that these brave men gave and suffered for this country.  That's right, men, not animals, but free men and former slaves who also gave their all.  They were abused, mistreated and humiliated but they were proud to be soldiers and fought their best that should be recognized throughout American History.

Monday, April 16, 2012

We All Have Something Going On!

I was thinking that even though things might seem to be going well with me, I still have my share of problems.  No matter how well things might look on the outside, all kinds of stuff are happening on the inside.  We all think our problems are major until we see someone else problems are lot worse than our own.  Then we realize that our troubles aren’t really that bad.  But, I will admit that all of us are going through something.  It’s WHO do we look to that can bring us out of it that will make the difference.  Keep your faith, my brothers and sisters.  It’s being tested 24/7!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

You Walked Lightly - Dec 18th, 2011

A beautiful, compassionate, love story by Patricia.  Awesome!  Much appreciated!!  Thank you!

You Walked Lightly Dec. 18th 2011.

You walked lightly into my life
Captivating and lovely to my mind,
At first, I never cared who you were
Now I don’t know who I am without you,
You kissed me
I felt my world change,
You held me
I heard my heart awaken,
You loved me
And my soul was born anew
You walked lightly into my life
Now my heart knows who you are
And with every breath
And every step
I take down lonely roads,
Your hand is my staff
Your voice is my guide
Your strength my shelter
You’re passion my awakening.
You walked lightly into my life,
And all my pain
You took as your own,
And all my fears
You cast into the sea,
All my doubt
Lost in your eyes,
You walked lightly into my life
And no matter if you choose to stay or go,
My life is forever changed,
Just because you loved me
For a moment in time.
And because I choose
To love you
For the rest of mine.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

In Memory Of The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. Had he lived, Dr. King would have been 83 years old. On June 10, 1968, James Earl Ray, a fugitive from the Missouri State Penitentiary, was arrested in London at Heathrow Airport, extradited to the United States, and charged with the crime. On March 10, 1969, Ray entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 99 years in the Tennessee state penitentiary.  Ray died in prison on April 23, 1998, at the age of 70.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Would You Have Done?

Palm Sunday marked the beginning of Holy Week for a lot of Christian organizations.  The ritual represented Christ’s actual entrance into Jerusalem on a donkey and was greeted by a crowd with palm leaves laid before Him.   Mind you, this donkey was never ridden, similar to being a virgin, even the donkey symbolized peace.  The Messiah had arrived.  The Pharisees didn’t set it that way.  They didn’t like the way the people were treating Jesus like a king.  It didn’t matter how many miracles Jesus had performed.  It was a triumphant entry which also became a very passionate prelude to death.  By that Friday, people were crying before His crucifixion.  Be wary of praise, I always say, you never know what some folks are scheming.  But there is so much to think about during Holy Week!  What about the Last Supper?  It was the last meal that they all shared but it took the dullness out of the usual meal together.  What were the apostles thinking when Jesus was blessing His Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine?  Why did He wash the apostles’ feet?  He also predicted His betrayal by one of His followers.  What would we have done throughout all of this?  We would question Christ’s behavior or mental state?  Why was He speaking this way?  Would we question our own fate?  What ever was said and done was a solemn and sad night.  The mortal side of Jesus didn’t want to die a cruel and horrible death even though He knew He had to.  Jesus obeyed the Will of His Father.  How He must have prayed at Gethsemane, trusting that Peter, James, and John would stand vigilant.  Twice, He found them sleeping.  Were they sleeping because of exhaustion? From sorrow?  Does it matter?  Jesus had faced storms, mobs, temptations and demons, but they never got next to Him.  Gethsemane, the Garden of Agony, means an oil press, a place where the pressures of rocks are used to squeeze the oil out of olives. A stressful place and a night was full of stress!  Something very bad was going to happen.  Peter will deny Christ himself and Peter was Christ’s right hand!  There is so much to meditate on this week!  I haven’t discussed the trial, scourging, crowning of thorns, carrying the cross, and the actual crucifixion.  He was crucified as a common criminal with two thieves with His mother looking on.   What happened when Christ died on Mt. Calgary (Golgotha)?  What more did the thieves and Christ talk about?  There is so much to meditate on during Holy Week. Again, I ask you what would you do?  Imagine hearing these words that uttered, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”  Then finally death.  If an earthquake happened and destroyed the temple, what would you do?  Did the sky turn dark and the moon turn a blood red?  The Bible said some fearful things but I believe them to be true.  Man has lost his way since Eden.  Look around you now.  Our children are being executed; hatred, envy, and intolerance are running rampant.  Wars are being fought over pride and territory.  Immorality, corrupt politics, and inequitable social laws are separating us farther from God. Jesus was the sacrificial lamb who gave up his life for man.  It appears we haven’t learned a thing.  A side note: Easter was an exciting time for my mom.  She loved everything about it, the blooming flowers and dogwoods and the singing and praising.  She stayed in this world until the day after Easter before she left for her heavenly home.  Please meditate on good and positive things, Resurrection Sunday (Easter) is next week.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rest In Peace, Mrs. Ardis!

A graveside service for Carrie Lou Britton Ardis, 91, will be held at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in Greenlawn Memorial Park. Dunbar Funeral Home, Devine Street Chapel, is assisting the family.  Mrs. Ardis died Saturday, March 17, 2012, in Woodbury, Tenn. Born October 22, 1920 in Lee County, she was a daughter of the late Len C. and Ida D. Britton.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Just Want To Thank You, Lord!

We get so busy and caught up in our problems sometimes that the most important thing for us to do is get control over them and handle our business.  Our main focus is what can we do to resolve this mess? I’m not talking about the small things, I’m talking about losses, health, relationships, financial, employment problems and other life-changing events that put our lives in a tailspin that will make us forever different.  In the midst of these body aches and headaches, we tend to forget God, who is our stabilizer, and concentrate on what is immediately in front of us.  We’ve all been through some type of pain and trouble and managed to get through it.  Looking back we wondered how did we survive it all?  But, we did.  Lord knows it hurt but we made it.  I just want to take this time to thank God for being there with me in the middle of the fire.  I also need to apologize that I didn’t mean to ignore Him because I didn’t see Him when all along He was with me.  An elderly friend of mine, Momma Bennett, says she doesn’t worry, God wouldn’t have brought her this for to leave her now.  I’ll always remember that.  We all have a testimony because we were found worthy to testify.  As soap, cleans; fire, purifies; and faith, heals; we are all thankful that we made it this far in our lives with what we have.  Thank you, Lord!

Friday, March 9, 2012

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. Isaiah 11:1

Internet email on relationships: Beautiful and profound.

Some of my midlife suffering came from tensions within my marriage. While (my husband) Sandy and I were away for a weekend at a lakeside cabin, the internal wrestling became intense. Growth versus fallowness. Old wounds versus new healing. Freedom versus commitment. Choosing versus settling for. Leveling versus starting over. Hope versus despair. They were all there.

Early one morning we took a walk, moving through the shadows and listening to the crunch of pine cones beneath our shoes. The path wound uphill, getting steeper. I couldn't help but think how appropriate that was. Marriage has its own steep hills.

On the pinnacle of the hill, I paused to catch my breath. Sandy wandered ahead, "Look!" he called. Standing twenty yards ahead he was pointing to a scarred tree stump. "Come closer." I came closer. And there, growing in the center of the stump, was the green shoot of a new oak tree.

I don't know how long we stood side by side gazing at the new tree "hatching" from the old stump. All I know is that it seemed to me God was speaking eloquently once again about rebirth . . . a simple message about how life comes out of death and healing comes out of scars and wounds. The message said that rebuilding can happen after leveling. It said that hope is bigger than despair.

I looked at Sandy. Could we heal the wounds?

As we continued on the trail in the woods, I reached a "combustion point." I felt a firming inside me of the truth, as if the knowing had begun to congeal in my soul. And not just the knowing but the desire to unfold it, the strength to follow it. A little act of creation happened right then. A little birth. An "eastering."

I slipped my hand into Sandy's. "I love you," I whispered. It was the first time in so long that I had said the words. I felt his fingers tighten around mine. "I know. I love you too," he said.

By: Sue Monk Kidd

A Downright Shame!!!

If I seem to spread out on different topics in this blog, I apologize. My intentions are to keep what I say as tightly as I can. But I have to address these issues, though separate, but very connected to one common denominator. I will get to that common thread in a moment after I make my points. I have learned many things as I’ve gotten older but we all know that people will not always agree with each other. Sometimes the disagreements can lead to broken relationships, friendships, divorces, unemployment, and even violence. What I missed, you can fill in. I’m just at a point like the rest of America, angry. Not the same kind of anger with the government and taking the country back to wherever it was, but angry because of the lack of respect for a United States President who biracial with a Middle Eastern name. I always wondered if his name was John and he was born in Pennsylvania and attended a Baptist church, would he be treated any different. Deep inside, I think he would still be disrespected by certain areas of America.  Now the militias and patriot groups are building up from 149 to 1200 more than a 755% increase since the President has been elected. The reasons for this so-called explosive growth are the economy and the reelections. The reelections are literally exercises in how political officials are not to behave. Let’s be clear, again, I do not base my opinion of a person because of their skin color. It’s their behavior and character that I weigh my concerns. These candidates are lying to the people saying everything that the voters want to hear. They can’t promise us everything, just like our President found out. But are they willing to go to battle for all Americans. I don’t believe that these candidates are able and will. There have been too many opportunities for these guys to step up and tone down the hatred and name calling. Either they are afraid or not man enough to step up to the plate, they just want the votes. Well, these guys are not man enough. Not one of them has mentioned about bringing a compromise to Washington. They haven’t even mentioned bringing back civility and cohesiveness to the country. They just want to take back America before President Obama takes it into the wrong direction. We have some soldiers being disrespectful to their Commander-in Chief. What is wrong with this picture? We have gang members and skin-heads in the military already eventually this will come to head. Then what? There are powers in this country that want a race war to cover up their real intentions, to have a class war. Keep them poor, broke and uneducated and you can lead them anywhere. What a shame!  I can go on with this but no need. People will disagree but it doesn’t make them all racists if they disagree with a minority and vice-versa. We can respect each other for that. But be man enough not use your disagreements to cover your own bigotry and racists attitude. Just call it the way it is. I’ll respect you more.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6, 2012!!!

Four years ago in 2008, in the late Thursday evening, I had no idea that I would nearly drowned in the darkness of hopelessness. It was the day that was the last time I talked to my mother. It is as clear now as it was then of our last conversation. When we last spoke at 6 PM she told me that she wasn’t feeling well. I offered to go home to see her and she asked that I not to because she will be alright. After I called 30 minutes later and couldn’t reach her, I begin calling friends to go check on her. I called her every 30 minutes but to no avail. Each minute got longer and longer. By 11 PM, my friend told her that they found mom in a coma. That was the last we spoke. She passed March 24, 2008.  My life spiraled but I’m sure it was no different from others who had lost someone they loved. I didn’t think about anyone else at the time, only her. My brother had just celebrated his birthday on March 2nd. I’m sure his birthdays will always be different. I just wanted to get this off my chest today, because it was important to me. I have such fond memories of her that I will always cherish forever. Mom used to tell me that death is passage that we all will have to go through. I suppose my being so naïve even in middle age that she wouldn’t ever leave. I give God the glory and thanks for allowing to stay in my life this long. If it wasn’t for God and the supportive friends that He surrounded me with, I would not have maintained my stability. God is so good! He’s always been good to me, I just never noticed until I got older. As “the Preacher” says, “We don’t realize our mortality until we get older.” I pray for you and you pray for me.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Presidential Fist Bump!!

Many CEOs and executive leaders don't bother to even speak to the hired help.  They are too above them to recognize that the help is the backbone of the company.  These are the people that helped these guys to where they are.  They aren't always monitarily compensated or shown appreciation with a simple thank you.  Whether this was a photo op, it doesn't matter.  There are plenty of opportunities for other employers to take time to know their employees.  If you are in junior, middle, or senior management, take time to speak to the people that work for you.  You never know when you might need them again.  Thanks, Mr. President.

Lila and Her Mapping Crew!!!

Evelyn, Vivian, Lila, Denise -2005

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jennifer Hudson Tribute to Whitney Houston!

Enjoy Your Valentine’s Day!

This day is celebrated especially for those in love. But, Valentine’s Day should be celebrated every day with those you do love and cherish. Sure, they’ll be some days when you don’t always agree but those days should be the times that you celebrate being with each other. Don’t give up on love even if you think love has given up on you.

When you go through these changes think of 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Rest In Peace, Jones! Rest In Peace, Whitney!!

Mr. Jones Thomas Bowen, 51, of 1144 Chatfield St., entered into rest February 11, 2012, at Aiken Regional Medical Centers. Mr. Bowen was a member of New & Living Way Apostolic Church, where he was a Deacon, Youth Choir Minister, a member of the Praise and Worship Ministry, as well as Safekids of Aiken County. Survivors include his wife, Stephanie Bowen of Aiken; three sons, Brian (Kim) Bowen, Justin Bowen and Corey Bowen, all of Columbia; father, Jones E. Bowen of Travelers Rest, SC; 1 sister, Carolyn Cleveland, Columbia, SC; 1 brother, Darrell (Alison) Bowen, Washington; 1 grandchild, Jayden; and a host of other relatives.

The world has heard of Whitney Houston who was found dead in a bathtub at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel. Don’t speculate on how and why she passed last Saturday, February 11, 2012. She was called to rest even though to us it seemed untimely. We must keep in mind that God is in control not us. Her beautiful voice will be missed.

But a great friend and associate, Jones Bowen, also left that day due to a massive heart attack. Only his family, co-workers and friends knew of him. He was a great guy and will truly be missed. Life is short, my friends, live to enjoy it

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It’s Not My Job!

You got to give it to Rick Santorum as a candidate running for President of the United States.  A leader stands up for what he thinks is right regardless of the feedback.  If Santorum was a man with character he wouldn’t mislead or deceive his potential voters.  That is the problem with this current crop of candidates.  They are more determined to be the nominee of the Republican Party that they are willing to compromise their moral and integrity to get it.  Rick had an opportunity to seize the moment by correcting a falsehood made by an individual.  Instead, he tried to take a negative advantage of it by “alluding” but not disagreeing that the President is an Arab.  How responsible would this “President” be when things go wrong?  Sen. John McCain is a bigger man.  In 2008, when McCain was running for President, a woman told him that she heard Obama was an Arab.  McCain immediately threw that claim out.  He respectfully told her, “No, ma’am.  He's a decent family man and citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about. He's not."  Booyah!  Now that was Presidential material.  John didn’t make it as President but at least he manned up!  Santorum didn’t take the high road and he didn’t dive in the ditch to get dirty.  He just stood back and said “That’s not my job!”

Monday, January 23, 2012

I Do Not Interpret Dreams!

This article started out from a simple email and phone conversation but it got me really thinking.  A friend sent me an email last weekend about a dream she had and wanted several of us to interpret it for us.  I’m not even good at guessing, so dream interpretation is out of the question.  I didn’t answer the email.  Later, she forwarded me a response from one of the recipients with a note that said, “Look what so & so said.”  I still didn’t reply.  A few minutes later I got a phone call from my friend asking if I read her email and what did I think?  I told her that so & so was right!  “Why”, she asked?  Because the first thing typed was, “Pray for revelation!”  To me, that was a good answer.  I believe that once God gives you the answer, what other answer do you need?  You don’t need a second opinion.  This is spiritual related, not medical.  The prophets and kings in the Bible knew it or either learned it later.  God makes the impossible, possible, because He is able and no one is greater.  We tend to want an immediate answer and one that we want to hear.  We all love and believe in God, but we all have our moments of weakness.  Our disappointments are God’s appointments.  We can’t see that because that’s who we are.  God wants us to use these difficult situations and circumstances to help us grow and be better people.  It’s hard to deal with rejections and failures.  But we have to believe if God didn’t believe in us we wouldn’t be who we are.  It’s bad enough that we don’t believe in ourselves.  Back to the dream interpretation dilemma, when it’s time to be revealed, she will recognize the significance.  Prayerfully, she will learn more about herself.  She is a good person but like many of us still searching for more, for something to believe in.

And The Loser Is …

South Carolina republican voters chose Newt Gingrich as the representative to best wrestle the controls from President Obama.  They came out in impressive forces at the polls.  You have to give them props because it was terrible weather in South Carolina Saturday, January 22nd.  I think had it been a democratic turnout, not many people will face bad weather.  602,433 people came out to vote for their candidate of choice.  The bulk of the votes, 591,661, went to Gingrich, 243,398, 40%; Romney, 167,957, 28%; Santorum, 102,213, 17%; and my favorite, Ron Paul, 78,093, 13%.  10,772 votes went to former runners, Bachman; 496, Cain; 6,326, Huntsman, 1,188, Johnson, 213, and Perry 2,549.  Those voters could have forgotten who were running or have other reasons to vote.  Interesting that Gingrich got the large conservative counties in South Carolina.  Anderson, with 44%, Greenville, 40%, Horry, 46%, Kershaw 38%, Lexington, 37%, and Spartanburg, 40% .  Richland has Kershaw and Lexington on each side but they only voted 32%.  I can’t question the unwritten statement that the voters are saying but I can question why some these evangelical Christians can cheer for adulterers but promote family values.  Yet, they can still hate people with different skin complexions.  I shouldn’t be surprised in their commitment to Newt, he’s a good old Georgia boy.  He wants young black men and women to be janitors so that they’ll have a permanent job. I have to remember that South Carolina sided with the slave owners, seceded from the union, sided with the British in the American Revolution, hated civil rights because state rights won’t have much need of the Federal Government.  We still hold education hostage and don’t care for northerners.  Hypocrisy is the mainstay.  Northerners and the elite are still running our state.  We can hate this President so much that any ethics violations Newt committed in Congress and personal abuse against his wives will be forgotten. So many people are angry it seems for all of the wrong reasons.  So many politicians are exploiting this anger and channeling it more towards fear and negativity.  Newt has proven that.  What we will always see is the beliefs that people throughout the US still think that Obama is a Muslim (Even though Rev. Wright was his preacher and Rev. Wright was hated).  Rick Santorum had a moment to correct that falsehood but instead used it as if he had agreed with the lady in his campaign questioning Obama's nationality.  Newt, I am appalled that you candidates running for President are not truly respresenting all of the people but your own selfish interests.  Newt was a part of the Washington Machine, he knows exactly what buttons to push to get the necessary results.  I don’t know how long he will ride this wave but fear and anger can go a long way.  Why can't these guys be like Ron Paul, consistent?  What will happen for many us when America is taken back to where?  Who will really lose.  Minorities suppose to know their place.  Looks like the middle class will be losing a lot more points. 

Friday, January 13, 2012


Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

Want in on a little secret? Here it is. I like to hold a grudge. I like to hold a grudge because it feels good. You see, when I hold a grudge, the other person is the bad guy, and I’m the victim. When I hold a grudge, I can play the part of the tragic hero and bask in my righteous indignation. Best of all, when I hold a grudge, my life is simple. I’m right. They’re wrong. And unless they come back and grovel to my satisfaction, I don’t have to strain my mind about anything.

But there’s a downside to holding a grudge. Playing the victim seems like an easy pass for a while. But over time it leaves a sense of helplessness that’s bitter and dark. Righteous indignation may taste sweet for a moment, but eventually it sours the soul. And when I hold a grudge in front of my eyes, I am blinding myself to all the ways I have failed others, all the ways I have disappointed others, and all the ways I have given others good reason to hold a grudge against me.

Maybe you struggle with the same problem. But here’s the real tragedy. You and I are naturals when it comes to holding grudges. We’re good at it. So good that, as sinners, we’re trapped. Trapped in cycles of bitterness and resentment. Trapped with no peaceful place to go. Which is exactly why Jesus came to invade our time and space. He took upon himself the weight of our every sin, our every failure, our every wrong. He went to the cross. He paid for them in full. Because he did, the Lord has forgiven us. It’s a forgiveness that’s complete. It’s a forgiveness that’s free.

That forgiveness is something else, too. God’s Word tells us that that forgiveness is also what gives us the power to forgive others, to release old grudges, to dismiss old grievances that have been darkening our lives far too long.

This year, throw the old grudges away. Forgive. Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you.

*Morning Walk E-Mail

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hello Beloved – Angela Winbush/Ronald Isley

What a beautiful song! Angela and Ron can sing! Of course, there was some chemistry, they did marry in 1993 and they divorced in 2002. Angela was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2003 but after a successful surgery, the cancer was in remission and she went back to singing. She went through some other things such as having a benign cyst removed from her breast overcoming depression after her divorce from Ron. She’s proud that her strong faith has helped her to overcome these challenges. Angela is such a beautiful woman!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Shoe Box!!!

This funny email has been surfing the internet.  I don't know the author, but it begs the question of how much does your mate have to put up with?  When we argue, we wonder if we made the right choice in choosing a mate.  Sometimes, we ask ourselves what if.  What if I had chosen so and so, what would so and so do in this situation?  Would so and so understand me better than my mate?  Relationships are hard work, they are just like jobs that we can walk away from, but are they worth keeping.  Please read the email and think about what would you do? 

A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.
For all of these years, he had never thought about the box,
But one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover.
In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took
down the shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside.

She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000.
He asked her about the contents.
'When we were to be married,' she said, 'my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.'
The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness.
'Honey,' he said, 'that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?'
'Oh,' she said, 'that's the money I made from selling the dolls.'
A Prayer
Dear Lord, I pray for Wisdom to understand my man;
Love to forgive him; and Patience for his moods;
Because Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death,
Because I don't have time to crochet.

Friday, January 6, 2012

So Gone – Jill Scott ft. Paul Wall

I’m diverting a little to this particular song, not because it’s sexy, but because it’s all about taking care of the lover in your life.  This young woman hasn’t received the credit she deserves.  Jill is very talented, not only can sing, she can truly act.  Society has misplaced values on full-figured women.  There is nothing wrong with a woman who has some extra meat on her in all the right places.  She can’t help it if she’s big-boned.  She carries herself well, respect herself, and expect others to respect her, too.  Jill seemed to have lost weight to be accepted, the same that Jennifer Hudson had to do.  It’s a shame that we still value people by the way they appeal to us.  We forget what they have to do to maintain good health and prolong their time with us.

I Feel Like Going On!

Let’s give credit to the Mississippi Mass Choir for their version, I Feel Like Going On.  Where the author got Home from, I don’t know.  I don't know why I went back and listened to these old songs. God knows just what I need and when I need it.  No matter how far we've drifted from the Lord, He's always there. He loves us more than we will ever know, even more than a mother’s love. Thank you, Lord, Your mercy endures forever!

Encore - James Fortune/FIYA

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Domestic Violence!

This video says it all about the possible consequences of conflict. Unfortunately, this is reality. There are just too many people we love (d) that are in situations that could not see their way out it. “Lord, if you won’t move this mountain, give me the strength to climb over it!” We don’t just hurt the ones we love, we overdo it. What’s worse, we don’t realize it! People we have got to find a better way to respect and communicate with each other. We all have stress but we can find some way to turn it into something positive. Let’s not rely on how much time it’s going to take, we can screw things up bad enough. We must start now! We all had mothers and fathers, if they were abused, we must break the chain now and not use that experience as an excuse. We wouldn’t want any member of our family hurt by anyone, especially, by the very person that says they love them. Nothing worth having is ever easy, but trying to keep it can be everything.  A link has been provided at the title of this entry.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Regardless of the definition, it is opposing what your mate feels that is detrimental to his or her physical or mental stability. Either way you look at it, the two opposing forces are not thinking in the same direction. I’m speaking of relationships in general. At times, it might seem that we are involved in a war. Words are said that can hurt the person you love because you need to make a point. I don’t always think from the heart but from the mind. This can cause an even bigger problem because I’m always too busy analyzing instead of listening. It’s remarkable the way so many marriages and relationships collapse and/or destroyed by the very people who were once in love with each other. It’s pitiful that they lose that love forever. I have attached a website called the Two of Us. I hope that it will help someone who wants to make their relationship work.  We have to stand up for the ones we love, deep inside they still love us, too!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Find your own happiness this year!  A new year, a new beginning!!  To paraphrase the saying, “Out with the old and in with the new”, let’s leave the bad experiences and memories behind.  Let’s learn from them and move forward.  Loves will be lost and loves will be gained.  What was meant for you is for you.  We all have struggled through 2011 and will probably do the same for 2012.  But we can have a positive attitude instead of finding the negativity in what we do, where we work, and in whom we love.  We are imperfect and should not expect perfection from others, but we can look at our own weaknesses and start by looking inside.  We will have to learn to forgive more, tolerate more, be patient more, and strive more to do better.  I know I have a lot to do and instead of talking about it, start it and get it done.  Actions can speak louder than words.  But, if we’re blind to those actions, we still won’t see.  We can’t see that we what we have been looking for just might be in front of us.  We all are grown and we know what to do.  Maybe it was too late to make it right, does it matter?  I can’t speak for anyone else except myself.  I will keep God in front of me and let Him direct my steps.  I do intend to be more confident not to be confused with being arrogant.  I will believe in me and not be anyone’s fool.  I pray with God’s blessings, we will have the insight to know who is real and who is taking an opportunity to use us.  I wish you the strength to conquer any internal and external battles you face.  Just remember, you woke up this morning, someone, somewhere didn't.  Try not to focus on what we lost.  Live long, love deeply, and laugh loud!  I wish you all, a blessed, prosperous, safe, and successful new year!!!

Ephesians 6:12. The Many Versions Mean The Same Thing!

                I know I’m not the only person looking at these campus protests with many questions that have no answers.     I understand t...