Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It’s Not My Job!

You got to give it to Rick Santorum as a candidate running for President of the United States.  A leader stands up for what he thinks is right regardless of the feedback.  If Santorum was a man with character he wouldn’t mislead or deceive his potential voters.  That is the problem with this current crop of candidates.  They are more determined to be the nominee of the Republican Party that they are willing to compromise their moral and integrity to get it.  Rick had an opportunity to seize the moment by correcting a falsehood made by an individual.  Instead, he tried to take a negative advantage of it by “alluding” but not disagreeing that the President is an Arab.  How responsible would this “President” be when things go wrong?  Sen. John McCain is a bigger man.  In 2008, when McCain was running for President, a woman told him that she heard Obama was an Arab.  McCain immediately threw that claim out.  He respectfully told her, “No, ma’am.  He's a decent family man and citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about. He's not."  Booyah!  Now that was Presidential material.  John didn’t make it as President but at least he manned up!  Santorum didn’t take the high road and he didn’t dive in the ditch to get dirty.  He just stood back and said “That’s not my job!”

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