What's Your Excuse, Now?

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Election Day is Here!

 I voted! Whether the people I voted for wins, I hope, will depend on how many others voted for them.  At least, we will find out tomorrow.  This evening will be a cliff hanger and it will be no need to stay up waitng for the results. We will soon find out what America wants. I pray the polls, absentee and mail-in votes are honest and accurate, as well as, the US Post Office getting them in on time. It is out of our hands now. I'm putting mine faith in the Lord. Thanks to all who will and have voted. Americans have experienced enough anxiety already.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Do Not Miss This Moment, Vote!

The time is here and the time is now.  Vote!  Vote as if everything you hold precious for your family and lives depend on it.  Vote for correction, straighten what has been crooked and vote because it is a right that freedom gave to the lives it took.  America was built on the backs of immigrants fleeing from dictatorships and unrighteous governments and took the lives of slaves from their homelands.  People from all races were used for the benefit of the wealthy to get wealthier.  Have the Asian population forgotten internment camps during WW2?  Have the Cubans forgotten why they fled?  Did the Latinas people forget how they escaped borders and settled for a new life in America?  Most of all, did BIPOC forget how they lost friends, families and leaders from hateful, terrorist acts from the very descendants that parents fled from their own European countries?  Have we forgotten that there is power in numbers?  Have we all forgotten the Living God that can give and take away?


We don’t want to vote or don’t research who to vote for or don't care until it affects us.  Vote for the people that have a history that has shown they care, not for the sweet, deceitful speech you recently heard.  Wake up people.  This society isn’t as woke as some would have you think.  If they did, we would see more changes than what have not occurred in the since 2017.  Our politicians have done nothing but disagree along party lines since they were elected.  Even before then, the Republicans did all they could to hinder then President Obama’s policies.  The seeds were sown to divide the country and change voting rights.  I’m not ranting, I’m just tired of the political joisting which party is better.  I just want the elected officials to work for the best interests of this country as a whole. It is time for the silent majority to be heard through their voting.  Let's get their these officials attention.


Those same descendants that fled oppressing countries also had racial problems in them.  That seed has never left.  Now they are leading a democracy, a free country that has intertwined those same racial beliefs of superiority in the laws and institutions that they lead.  We are in the year 2022 and those changes of equality for all have not happened.  If these governing bodies are trading their souls for power and authority, in the long run, no American will ever see change in growth and equality.  Color is used as a fear tactic when needed.  During election years, we see more of it to support the racial views.  Instead of voting for reform in education, housing, physical and mental health insurance and equal pay for women and people of color, those in office rather find ways to disagree on everything if it’s not in favor of who donated the most in their campaigns’ best interests.


What is wrong with reforming gun laws?  Who spinned the lie that the government is trying to take away the right to own weapons?  If someone took the time to establish the second amendments right as being taken away, they will they ever find the value in the 14th amendment?

In the Constitution, it states that “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”  It was intended to undo the southern states attempts to limit free slaves in the political and social arenas using coding and other deceitful methods.  Doesn’t seem like much has changed since then.  The way looks longer getting there.


In 1963 in front of the United Nations, Ethiopia’s Emperor Haile Selassie said: “Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war. And until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes.”  Meanwhile, the nation is facing children and teachers are being shot in schools, racial unrest, political unrest, women’s rights, equal pay, opioids epidemics, Covid pandemics, climate change, earthquakes and an assortment of issues that are not discussed.  These efforts not to address the critical race theory and to rewrite the nation’s history, instead of admitting the wrongs towards the BIPOC, even legitimizing slavery and the humiliation humans felt are disgusting and shameful.  I see little no respect for the police including each other.  Yet, our politicians turn away, there’s no money in peace.


I repeat, please vote.  Remove the fake gestures, despite our differences, we need each other for each other.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Missing You, Mother Bertha Louise Irby!

October 3, 2020 was your transition home, Mother Irby. You left a legacy behind. April talks about you everyday! She can't help it, you left such an impression on her that she still hears you. I know how proud you are of her, you did an outstanding job raising her. I'm grateful that you gave your approval of me. I felt it when you started calling me son-in-law during our dating. We love you and miss you. Thank you for interceding for us.

Friday, September 23, 2022

September 23, 2022 - Happy Anniversary, Babe!

 10 years ago on this exact date, 2012, even very close to the same time, my future wife and I met at a senior citizen home. I knew our meeting was special, but had no idea that this woman was predestined to be my wife. (Reference: "Sunday was Fantastic and I Found Spring in the Fall! On The Elevator Ride That Changed My Life" published September 24, 2012 on this blog). She has helped me to grow spiritually and lovingly. I am grateful that we met. Loving her with the same intensity, I wish her the best and much love on our anniversary!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Who Have We Become?

        I recently started researching my family tree so far, it’s been fascinating and frustrating.  Fascinating, getting glimpses of the past and what my ancestors endured as slaves, sharecroppers and farmers. Frustrating, seeing how they persevered through the injustices, abuse, mistreatment and prejudices to make a better life for their families at the time.  I really doubt that they saw the effects from their sufferings on future generations, for at the moment, it was more important to survive.  I found how so many large families coped with farming buy using family members as help to survive.  I also saw mixing with the owners resulting naming the offspring as mulattoes on the census.  Thus, some family members decided passing as white and others who are actually white.  There were many unkept records and misspelled names that I found as I dug deeper into my ancestral tree.  What should have I expected from people that were not educated and census takers that didn’t care?  In those days, people of color or mixed were not considered equal so why care when and where they were born.  Not many records birth or death records were kept of them.


            Research is like solving puzzles with pieces that look similar but doesn’t fit.  Many people, black and white, had the same names but were from so many different regions.  I got elated to find a piece but distracted when that puzzle piece took me to another source and that connection is a disappointment.  What I am finding is that we are all related in some kind of way by even just a little bit of blood.  We all are intertwined; we are all related and denounce our relationships because of race.  Yes, we were taught it and experienced it.  Even now, some of the very people that I descended from may very well be passing because it is a lot easier to bypass the abuse and discrimination set upon people of color.  Why should we all go through this?  Why should anyone go through this?  


            Look at our country now and the division it is experiencing.  We are more related than we think but it is hard to see.  What a shame.  We’re better off not knowing each other because it’s easier to fear, destroy and hate what we don’t know.  Recognizing the truth would be an embarrassment to our intelligence.  After all, it’s not where we come from, it’s who we become.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Get Off the Boat!

Come Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus, reveal to me my thoughts and dreams.  Why did I wake up with Peter on my mind leaving the boat for Jesus?  Was it because he really wanted to do what Jesus is doing by walking on water?  Was it for the thrill of being one of the first to ever have done this?  Historically, Jesus and Peter were the only people to ever have accomplished the “impossible”.  I question what drove Peter, faith or fame?  The more I ask these questions, the more answers I get.  Peter wasn’t seeking fame; he didn’t need it.  He already had a business and extra boats, obviously, he was well known in the area.  I’m thinking with an earthly mind.  Socially, speaking recognition is important in today’s society.  There are so many social network platforms on the internet that have members from multiple networks getting attention and followers.  No fame, wasn’t it, fame can be temporary.  Hero to zero can happen in seconds.


            To me, staying on the boat is comfort, safe and secure.  Why leave a place of stability and familiarity?  The boat has certainty, it floats, it was built to hold itself together and could be steered to its destination fairly well even during storms.  It was a shelter against storms.  Why get out into the unknown, especially, if it hadn’t been done before?  Since Peter confirmed that it was Jesus and received the invitation to come with him, was it that call that Peter put aside his fears?  We all know that he was a fisherman, he wasn’t afraid of water and turbulent seas, he was experienced and respectful of rough seas.  Yet, he was willing to jeopardize his life and fishing business to walk on water with Jesus.  I need a revelation.  What are you telling me Holy Spirit?


            I think since Peter witnessed Jesus’ miracles, he wanted to be a part of it, to feel it.  Peter could be foolish, but he wasn’t a fool.  When he caught nothing the whole night and was tired, he listened to Jesus and placed his nets in deeper water (Luke 5:4-11).  When Peter obeyed, it took his and another boat to get the fish to shore.  He just witnessed the feeding of thousands, with only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread (Matthew 14:16-21).  Peter could act irrational and be quick tempered, but not a fool.  Peter believed that if Jesus told him to walk on water, he could and he did.  Peter’s faith at that moment was unquestionable as he walked on water towards Jesus.  How much faith do I have when I have witnessed miracles in my own life and cried out when things didn’t change in my favor when I wanted them to?  How strong is faith until tested by distractions? 


            When Peter took his eyes off Jesus and saw the waves driven by the strong wind reaching his knees, he panicked.  He stopped believing and started to sink.  He saw a threat and cried out for help from Jesus and received it from a waiting hand. Although Peter was lovingly reprimanded for his loss of faith and doubt (Matthew 14:22-32), Jesus still cared.  He knows our weaknesses, always forgiving us and waiting patiently for us to take the risk to believe in Him.  What if the odds are against us?  Would we be willing to step out in faith?  Of course, we are safe if we stay in the boat, but what if something happens to the boat?  Are we experienced swimmers or water walkers?  Can we handle unforeseen situations?


Even though my petition went full circle of leaving the boat, I get it now.  Faith is taking a risk, believing in something unseen but hoping that it will accomplish what it was set out to do.  Risk taking can be costly, it’s stepping into an unknown space an unfamiliar territory, possibly a dangerous but rewarding place.  We won’t know if we don’t try.  The unknown can be on so many levels.  We take vacations, fly, drive, ride, shop, run walk, we don’t know the future or the possibilities if we stay on the boat and become complacent.  I’m not sure if I would be any different than Peter.  I’m not sure if I would even be in that situation.  I do know that I pray for divine help when I’m afraid and anxious.  I do know that Peter got out of that boat and faced his fears head on.  Peter have been known to have said some foolish things but at that time he did not display any foolish behavior.  He knew that it was Jesus in the water with him.  Peter was a devout Jew who studied the scriptures.  He might have remembered God’s Words to Joshua “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).  Was this proof?  When all was said and done, they evidently got back into the boat (Matthew 14: 32).




This evening, the dilemma with the “Boat” was clarified.  While sitting in the waiting room at the hospital, I noticed a woman weeping.  A nurse was handing her a box of tissues and sitting next to her.  I thought to myself that I should pray for her, a stranger and a sister in Christ.  My wife and I pray to be blessings to others as God would have us do.  I thought it to be easier to pray for someone who doesn’t see me but to believe that I could be a help in a spiritual way.  As I started to pray, I remembered my “Get Out of the Boat” dream.  It seemed that I was literally being called out of my comfort zone and walk the distance to them.  The Spirit kept repeating to me “Where two or more or gathered in my name…Matthew18:20”.  I had to get off the boat and walk in faith.  I heard that peaceful, quiet voice that told me “I will tell you what to pray, I will go with you.”  I was having a Holy Moment and truly afraid of being rejected, leaving my comfort zone and doing something I have never done in my life.  I am not a people person; I have trust issues.  I think I am alright where I am.  I even felt like Moses, why should he go speak to Pharoah, can’t someone else replace me?  


            I was shaking and tears began to fall from my eyes.  I was fighting against a voice that I knew was telling me to “walk over there”, that’s your water.  I tried to find excuses but I could not find any comfort in staying where I was.  I was hoping that the nurse would leave but she didn’t, and I had to move.


            I grabbed my book bag, got up and walked over there.  I acknowledged them both but looked at the weeping woman and asked if I could pray for her.  I told her that I have never done this in my life but was led by the Holy Spirit to pray for her.  I prayed for Emily and during the entire time, I could not stop sobbing.  I don’t remember a thing said except lift the burden.  I gave her God’s blessing and left.  When I returned to my seat.  I realized that I got the revelation that I prayed for.  Peter might have been afraid but he was confident and faithful enough to get off the boat.  Seems to me that he believed and loved Jesus with all his heart, mind and soul.


To God, I give the glory and thanksgiving.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

July 15, 2015 - July 15, 2022 - 7 Years!

It's hard to believe how fast time flies, but as we get older, we'll soon find out. We visited Tia last week and she resembles you so much. She has a mixture of Beverly and you in the face and form. Her anxiety seems to run in the family, she can't be still. Michael is a wonderful son-in-law. He seems to be very devoted, but he can't stop her when she has her mind made up on something. Even recuperting, she can't rest. I'm sure she tries but, like me, it's hard to stay still. The children have all grown up. The baby graduated from high school in May.

Teria has started an online business, My Oh Mai Bawdy, skincare products for men and women.  The website address is:  https://myohmaibawdy.com She's a hard worker. I need to touch bases with Devin. You know he looks like you.

We had our differences but I miss you. I love you, Austin. I miss you and mom. Keep praying for us. The world is changing rapidly, too fast to catch up.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Happy Birthday, Robert Beck!

 Your wife, Carolyn, surely misses you. We all miss you.  Rest in Peace, Rob. Love always.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Everyone Is Going Through Something!

Once again, the social network has found relief in an incident that involves black men by keeping the Will Smith and Chris Rock “slap” in the news every day since it happened at the Oscars. The Oscars has never been fair to people of color anyway.  Usually, incidents involving people of color is in the middle or on the back page with one to two paragraphs. But these are two famously known black men.  Now there are interviews from people who have never expressed themselves publicly deciding to speak out. I can recall Congressman Joe Wilson shouting to then President Obama “You lie” in the Halls of Congress getting shorter coverage. How about discussing more on the Supreme Court hearing with Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. How nasty was the senators treating her?  It’s better news keeping people divided with race coverage. Negative news sell. People get richer off other people troubles! Social networks find positivity, period!

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Miss you, Moms! And Happy Birthday, Momma Irby!

 Hello, mom.  March 24th passed quietly. You would have been 91 in 2021. Time flies. Momma Irby's birthday is today, Sunday the 27th, she would have been 88. We miss you both and love you so much!  

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Congratulations!  Happy New Year!  We made it to another year.  The past couple of years had plenty of challenges to deal with.  Since we survived the political, mental, physical, natural storms and pandemics and national divisions, I believe we did it with divine help and not on our own.  We lost a lot of family and friends this past year in 2021.  I mean, some of them were very close.  Too many to count.  Not all of them were due to the pandemic.  Strokes, cancer, accidents natural causes and other situations still exist.  Where do we go from here?  There is so much disinformation and lies surrounding us that we don’t know who or what to believe.  I will always believe social medias are playing major roles in causing confusion for its followers.  America seems to be an easy target for those who want to destroy us.  We are being used as pawns in a master scheme of things and don’t know it.  Someone is benefitting from this bitterness, anger and hatred.  Whether it is being done for money, insanity or just for the pure pleasure, there are people who enjoy watching a mighty country sink. What can we do?  Well, we can be more respectful to each other and understanding.  It’s not much but a beginning.  We need to put our trust in God and if you do not believe, then find a divine creator other than man or woman to believe in.  All I know is that we can do better and be better as a people.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Happy Grace Day!

Yesterday was national Thanksgiving Day. Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was back on TV since Covid shut it down last year. Several major department and grocery stores were closed. Families and friends got together to share food and fellowship .Sports fanatics shared wins or losses of their favorite teams most of the day. What a day for many or a reason for some not to celebrate. My experience yesterday was joy and grace. I was among those who because of deaths of loved one and failed relationships had nothing to celebrate. I should have been grateful to even be alive but misery, solitude and denial always won the fight. For several years, I was comfortable being alone. I wasn't caught up in self-pity, I just didn't want to be bothered or obligated to anyone. Thanksgiving was just another day. Until, my wife changed the script. I have learned what forgiveness and mercy and compassion can do for my spirit. She never fails to surprise me. I celebrated the day with her family, cousins and friends. The fact is, she and I prepared the meal from scratch and desserts were supplied by her cousins. I was truly impressed with energetic Milly, a three year child who ran all over the house and backyard. She immediately welcomed herself in our home.  We had more than enough of everything. I talked a big game about being glad when it's over before it started. Yet, at the end I regretted not being able to take pictures of everyone. We were exhausted when the dinner and games were over but realized just how blessed we were. It's easier to find the worse in ourselves, we're surrounded by negativity in and on the air. It's a fight every day. I started searching for grace and found it. I'm not saying its the cure-all. But, it sure helped me peep over the hole I dug for myself. I hope you find grace everyday and be thankful for each one. 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

One Year Later, Mother Irby!

 October 3, 2020, the date you went back home, Mother Irby.  One year later and we all are mourning your transition.  We know it's for the better, but we still miss you.  It's still tough on your girls, they are dealing with it in their own way.  I sincerely believe that you all are interceding for us.  We need all the prayers we  can get.  Love you.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

My Cousin's Thanksgiving Day Settings!!!

I got to give you props, Cuz. You know how to do it! I can't wait for you to get your blog/vlog on line!
Love your!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

We Miss You, Austin! God Bless You!

July 24, 2015.  It's been 6 years since your transition, brother.  You are surely missed. I spoke with your children this week and sent them a few pictures of you from your junior and senior yearbooks.  I saw you in your NJROTC uniform for the first time and you really looked good.  Devin commented how much he looked like you in your younger days.  We all knew that already.  Tia looks like you, too. Teria, took after her mom but has your personality. BTW, her daughter Mai, is cute as a button.  She will be a year old on August 7th.  Of course, you may already be aware of all of this, I don't know.  Nevertheless, we miss you and send our love.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Happy Birthday, Harold!

RIP Barry Singleton, July 27, 1965 to May 15, 2021

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Romans, Chapter 1, Verses 18-34 (Please Read)

Times are tough right now and we are witnessing what has been written centuries ago.  Indeed, mankind has not changed too much.  It will not get much better if the churches can not agree on inclusion.  As long as they remain divisive, so will I nation.  We have left the Creator out of lives and rely on our independence of being successful.  Forgetting that we are branches connected to the vine.


As you know, we are living in unprecedented times which require unprecedented patience and trust.  There are those, not all, in law enforcement that are fearful of people of color and have been impressed by those in politics that it is acceptable to display their divisive nature.  Trust your intuitions at all times and rely on them at appropriate moments.  We have a bigger responsibility to our Creator and family.  Don’t get caught up in keeping in 100.  We will get through this.  We are already dealing with the pandemic.  We will get through this.  Watch As It Turns.  (WAIT).  Remain committed, persevere and be patience.  Be anxious for nothing.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

RIP, Jonathan Litman!


Jonathan Litman, age 59, of 508 Jefferson Avenue, Anderson, SC departed this life on Thursday, July 30, 2020 at the Rainey Hospice of the Upstate.

Mr. Litman leaves behind a son, Jonathan Hatten; three sisters, Teresa A. Hutt (J.D.), Patricia M. Litman, and Audrey Mattress (Jimmy); five brothers, Robert Litman, Jr. (Crystal), Anthony R. Litman, Dewayne Litman, Patrick B. Litman, and Gregory R. Litman; and a host of aunts, nieces, nephews, and friends.

Mr. Litman was preceded in death by his parents, Robert, Sr. and Willie Lee Crosby-Litman; paternal grandparents, Elijah Litman and Janie R. Mitchell- Litman; and maternal grandparents, Kale and Hattie Brown-Crosby.

A Celebration of Life for Mr. Litman will be held on Monday, August 3, 2020 at 3:00 pm at the W.I. Peek-F.W.Jackson Memorial Chapel of the Unity Mortuary of Anderson with Reverend James F. Blanding, officiating.

Friday, July 24, 2020

5 Years Since Your Transition, Austin!

July, 24, 2015. I just want you to know, I'm thinking of you, Baby Brother. I know you don't like me to call you that, but you will always be my baby brother. Love you.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Farewell, My Brother, My Friend!

Two thirds of the 3 amigos are now gone. Harold Michael Newell transitioned Friday evening, July 11, 2020. He lasted 5 years plus since the doctors gave him only months. Harold was his own man and he was not afraid to die. He was just too tired fighting death for so many years. Death can be relentless and torturous. He finally beat my brother down. At least I got to speak with while he was in good spirits. Harold was my friend since childhood. Our friendship lasted over 56 years. Now he and Bobby can go fishing. I miss them both.

You are in my prayers, Dorothy.

Friday, May 15, 2020

And So It Goes...!

Many People Will Stop Loving God

2 Timothy 3:1-9, 13 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

1 Remember this: There are some terrible times coming in the last days. 2 People will love only themselves and money. They will be proud and boast about themselves. They will abuse others with insults. They will not obey their parents. They will be ungrateful and against all that is pleasing to God. 3 They will have no love for others and will refuse to forgive anyone. They will talk about others to hurt them and will have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4 People will turn against their friends. They will do foolish things without thinking and will be so proud of themselves. Instead of loving God, they will love pleasure. 5 They will go on pretending to be devoted to God, but they will refuse to let that “devotion” change the way they live. Stay away from these people! 6 Some of them go into homes and get control over weak women, whose lives are full of sin—women who are led into sin by all the things they want. 7 These women always want to learn something new, but they are never able to fully understand the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres[a] fought against Moses, these people fight against the truth. Their thinking has been confused. The faith they have and teach is worthless. 9 But they will not succeed in what they are trying to do. Everyone will see how foolish they are. That is what happened to Jannes and Jambres. 13 People who are evil and cheat others will become worse and worse. They will fool others, but they will also be fooling themselves. 

 2 Timothy 2:25-26 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

25 You must gently teach those who don’t agree with you. Maybe God will let them change their hearts so that they can accept the truth. 26 The devil has trapped them and now makes them do what he wants. But maybe they can wake up to see what is happening and free themselves from the devil’s trap.

Note: We don’t know when the last days are. I believe that even if we did, some of us will not change and simply ignore it. For all we know, this generation will not see them. Times are rough but we don’t have to make them rougher for others.

Keeping you in my prayers Dorothy and Harold.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Remembering Bobby!

It's been two years on today, my brother. We miss you.

Dorothy and Harold, you are in my prayers.

Friday, April 17, 2020


It seems that the Covid-19 virus pandemic has made some much needed changes to this world. It is a matter of opinion. During the stay at home policies and the social distancing when we are away from home looking for necessities, we find a new social behavior in our local travels. Of course, I can only speak for myself. Even if this isolation period is better than incarceration, we should empathize with those that are. Some people are there for a reason and some are not.

As I stand in lines at the grocery store, hardware store or even at the drug store, I am reminded of the people during the Great Depression who suffered as lot more without food, money, clothing or housing. I am forever grateful for my blessings. Yet, I am so frustrated with the lies and deceptions I hear from the politicians who contrive their stories each day. I am sure they know that people are aware of their schemes during these terrible times. People are dying and many of these so-called leaders prefer that we intermingle, push the economy forward and invest in certain pharmaceuticals, because there is money a lot of money to be made in times of crises. We should take the time out to pray for those who passed away and for all of the people on the front lines helping with law enforcement, EMS, fire, sales clerks, stockers, gas station attendants, postal carriers including UPS, FEDEX and Amazon and all the other people I didn’t name.

Aside from that, we have now ended the Easter season. Many of us celebrated it in the home with the people we love and should be grateful for it. Many of us will also celebrate the season alone without the people we care about. Then again, some do not want to be with the people we are with, but have no other choice. Still, celebration for the Resurrection is in order and God is worthy to be praised.

You are in my prayers Dorothy and Harold

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!!!

The Church lights are dimmed and the pews and parking lots are not as full, but somewhere, somebody is praising the Risen Christ. Whether alone or with family, celebrate each moment.  Have a safe and blessed Easter. Our love ones may not be with us anymore but we miss them. We will always love them.

Dorothy and Harold, you are always in my prayers.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Where Does Our Help Comes From?

We are living in a perilous time. A time that people before us experienced that they thought it was the end of the world. At least, we can pass down this information to the grandchildren and future relatives.  The likes of the Black Plague, Ebola, Influenza, Pneumonia, SARS, MERS, Measles and the Chicken Pox, to name a few were contagious diseases and viruses that changed the face of the world. Now in America, we are facing with the same outlook as the African, Asian and European countries did. Do not forget Mad Cow, even HIV/Aids has taken a leave of absence since this new Coronavirus/Covid-19 has reared its nasty face. Our leadership does not know how to deal with it and change their speech every time they’re in front of the cameras.

Ebola, Influenza and others have left an ugly mark on America. Not too many contagious diseases have ever shut America down and left so many citizens hoarding hand sanitizers, toilet paper and depleting grocers of most perishable items. Covid-19 sounds so scientific. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses. This virus is related to SARS and MERS. Not much is known about it, but we do know that it spreads fast, quick and in a hurry. Every state has people sick and deaths since Covid-19 had made its entry. People that has never left the country or been in contact with any carriers are getting it. This is major concern and it is causing Americans to panic.

We may come together when things get tough but in the grocery store, it’s every man for himself. We push, shove and force our ways to get the last remaining packages of toilet paper and paper towels. Grocery stores within a 7 mile radius from the center of the city are out of toilet paper, paper towels and even gallon bottles of water. The bread and meat aisle in some stores are empty. Grocers are limiting shoppers but they are finding ways to return and still stock up.

This shut down is affecting businesses, restaurants, schools, etc., that are closing to protect their employees and the customer, but how can the employees get paid? Schools are closed and lunches are available for those children that cannot afford it. America is willing to spend trillions of dollars to fight this virus but cannot see just how poor so many Americans are. If this much money is spent on combating this awful disease in cures and protection for the medical responders, why can’t this much money be spent for the homeless and those that are struggling to live a normal life? American livelihood will never be the same. When churches close from fear of spreading this virus among its members, it tells us a lot about our fears of who is in control. I suggest that we better start looking towards the hills where I help comes from.

We should have always washed our hands and stayed home from work when we were sick. People needed the money and had to work. Unfortunately, they passed the germs to their coworkers. What can a employee do if the company does not pay for sick leave? They go to work. Curfews, martial law, who knows what is next.

You are in my prayers Dorothy and Harold.

Ephesians 6:12. The Many Versions Mean The Same Thing!

                I know I’m not the only person looking at these campus protests with many questions that have no answers.     I understand t...