Sunday, April 18, 2021

Romans, Chapter 1, Verses 18-34 (Please Read)

Times are tough right now and we are witnessing what has been written centuries ago.  Indeed, mankind has not changed too much.  It will not get much better if the churches can not agree on inclusion.  As long as they remain divisive, so will I nation.  We have left the Creator out of lives and rely on our independence of being successful.  Forgetting that we are branches connected to the vine.


As you know, we are living in unprecedented times which require unprecedented patience and trust.  There are those, not all, in law enforcement that are fearful of people of color and have been impressed by those in politics that it is acceptable to display their divisive nature.  Trust your intuitions at all times and rely on them at appropriate moments.  We have a bigger responsibility to our Creator and family.  Don’t get caught up in keeping in 100.  We will get through this.  We are already dealing with the pandemic.  We will get through this.  Watch As It Turns.  (WAIT).  Remain committed, persevere and be patience.  Be anxious for nothing.

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