Friday, April 17, 2020


It seems that the Covid-19 virus pandemic has made some much needed changes to this world. It is a matter of opinion. During the stay at home policies and the social distancing when we are away from home looking for necessities, we find a new social behavior in our local travels. Of course, I can only speak for myself. Even if this isolation period is better than incarceration, we should empathize with those that are. Some people are there for a reason and some are not.

As I stand in lines at the grocery store, hardware store or even at the drug store, I am reminded of the people during the Great Depression who suffered as lot more without food, money, clothing or housing. I am forever grateful for my blessings. Yet, I am so frustrated with the lies and deceptions I hear from the politicians who contrive their stories each day. I am sure they know that people are aware of their schemes during these terrible times. People are dying and many of these so-called leaders prefer that we intermingle, push the economy forward and invest in certain pharmaceuticals, because there is money a lot of money to be made in times of crises. We should take the time out to pray for those who passed away and for all of the people on the front lines helping with law enforcement, EMS, fire, sales clerks, stockers, gas station attendants, postal carriers including UPS, FEDEX and Amazon and all the other people I didn’t name.

Aside from that, we have now ended the Easter season. Many of us celebrated it in the home with the people we love and should be grateful for it. Many of us will also celebrate the season alone without the people we care about. Then again, some do not want to be with the people we are with, but have no other choice. Still, celebration for the Resurrection is in order and God is worthy to be praised.

You are in my prayers Dorothy and Harold

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0