Sunday, June 28, 2009

Never Give Up

I heard something extremely interesting on the radio this morning leaving church. A caller asked the MC to pray for her because she was close to committing suicide. He asked her why. “Because, her man moved in with another woman and her three sons and them with nothing,” she replied. The ex had turned off all of the power to the home, took the furniture and even the food. He had stopped making house payments so the caller was left to scrambling to keep what was left, which was the house. She asked for prayer and thanked God that she was still able to keep the house, but her ex and his new woman kept harassing her. This was driving her to suicide.

What I found puzzling was the caller. She was willing to give up her life because she was heartbroken. She did not think of the effect it would have on her four year old son. To me that was selfishness to the nth degree.

We concern ourselves so much about the success of relationships that we fail to see the millions of other blessings God has given us. The primary one is life. We are healthy, breathing and living. There are so many people suffering right now with terminal diseases, loss of limbs, loss of mentally capabilities and yet, we struggle with someone that doesn’t love us. Where are our priorities? I know, in the material realm.

Some of us are still dealing with relationships, past, present and future. Whatever the reasons for the good, bad, betrayals, careers first, strife and contention, major and/or trivial disagreements, we must find an equal balance to share our lives together. When it becomes an imbalance, the joy is gone and soon the love will follow.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0