Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Carpet Baggers Are Back!

    After the Civil War, people from the North moved to the South, akin to snake oil salespeople. They sought ways to take advantage of vulnerable Southerners. They were con men who talked fast, thought quickly, and got rich off the poor man. They were called Carpet Baggers because their bags were made from old carpets. They were cheap then and still are.

    Some individuals have evolved into billionaires who now hold significant power in our country. They spend millions to support their chosen candidates but expect to influence decisions in return. Although not elected, their appointments allow them to make choices that affect millions. What kind of government have we become? We are not a banana republic dependent on limited resources, yet our government sometimes appears unstable. We, the people, have been bought, sold, and enveloped in unlimited contributions and deception.

    Unfortunately, we can't pray to and serve the same God, the Holy Spirit. We may struggle to stay consistent, and we all go through seasons when our prayer lives falter. Let's not be discouraged during those times; instead, keep persevering! Successful people consistently do what others do only occasionally. Don't be an observer in the Coliseum cheering for the downfall of others. Pray for them. Today, the false guise that religion is under attack is misleading. It is the poor and vulnerable as the rich get richer. We don’t have the common sense that it is a war of classes, generations, and white guilt from the older generation who doesn't want to discuss it. They never had, but they were tired of hearing it. Look at the churches losing members. Some of their pastors are bringing up racial equality and understanding too much. The old folks don't need those memories. They are too busy bringing the Jim Crow days back when people knew their places. Few people are willing to sit together and have an honest and respectful conversation about racism. If admitting that it exists, it acknowledges that white supremacy exists, and that's why there's a separation in this country. That would require changes all around. It's easier to maintain the way things are. Radical changes could do more harm than good to some people.

    We can agree to disagree on the notion that the world is not yet prepared to embrace the divine. This perspective is firmly rooted in my belief; since the fateful moment when Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, sin has taken a deep hold within the hearts and minds of humanity. I would further assert that when Lucifer and his followers were banished from the celestial realm, Earth transformed into a battleground for evil, forever stained by their rebellion. Satan could not accept God, and man has followed Satan. Even those holding religious positions have followed secular behaviors rather than separate themselves from church and state. It’s more lucrative that way.

    The prophets are no more, and the love of God seems absent. Humanity has become enamored with itself and its accomplishments. There is no one to be a voice in the wilderness to tell us to repent and that the Lord is returning. True Christians must strive to stand apart and resist conforming to this world. We are here only temporarily; our eternal life belongs elsewhere. Regardless of how much wealth and glory we accumulate, only our names will be remembered, and even that will fade into memory. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Tragedy In The Atmosphere!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the nation experienced a tragic air collision that deeply affected travelers. The incident occurred at Ronald Reagan Airport in Washington, D.C., where an Army Black Hawk helicopter with three crew members collided with a passenger plane carrying 64 individuals. Many passengers were associated with the U.S. Figure Skating Association, returning to Washington from a skating event in Wichita, Kansas. Among those on board were celebrities, young skaters, and others eager to reach their destination. Sadly, it was announced that there were no survivors. Our hearts reach out to their loved ones with prayers and love for their loss.

Instead of showing any façade of sympathy, the leader of this country blamed the collision of DEI Programs. At times like this, Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion were the only things on his mind. No kind or encouraging words, just blaming a silent voice that can’t speak. He had already abolished several federal programs, with the states and corporations following suit. He wants the position but refuses to be responsible for it. this a tragedy on several levels.

I now know he is President for some people, but not all. If he were for everyone, at least one person in his administration would stand up. Instead, they support his lies and distractions. Remember this: Beasts eat their own. Sooner or later, they will turn on each other. I question who is using him. Is he that deceitful?

Monday, January 27, 2025

No Assumptions, No Judgements!

    I am experiencing some troubling feelings, and I know I’m not alone; many others likely feel the same way. I’m not sure where to begin. I stopped watching the news because it was filled with chaos, confusion, and disorder. America has chosen, and now we must all face the consequences. It’s too late to turn back time. A divided nation will fall. America was divided during the Civil War, and there are still generations who prefer to remain separated and believe that the war is not truly over. I can't assume, and I can't judge others. I don't have to condone their behavior, either.

    We know that history repeats itself. This isn't the first time the world or any country has seen disorder. Let's go back before Christ. They thought Herod was horrible. Oh, yeah, let's go back even further. Nebuchadnezzar wasn't kind either, but each time. There's always been a leader who was evil and had no respect for God, man, humanity, or righteousness. Roman Emperor Nero was a scoundrel who lived a partying and extravagant life and was said to have set fire to Rome. He persecuted Christians. We have had dictators in the world who tried to exterminate the Jews. Many hailed the idea of supremacy and superiority. But, in the end, they had to face the cruelty of mortality and the wraith of God. Yet, the common thread for these hateful accounts was separating the rich vs the poor, Minority vs Majority, Supremacy vs Inferiors, and Religion vs. traditional religion. Our world continuously seeks ways to separate itself from the divine order. And we haven’t learned our lesson yet, because we still seek money, power, and authority. Nothing ever good happens when our emotions drive us to use retribution and revenge against others. Prepare for the backlash. One must be fair, honest, and truthful when leading and serving the people. Jesus Christ taught us that, at least, for those who choose to follow Him. 

    Our integrity and moral compasses have changed with the times. People once viewed as pillars of the community are now seen as counterfeits who lack standards for standing up for their beliefs. We all have a price, but how much and far are we willing to sell ourselves for and go? The “selling of souls” has been the trend since last year in anticipation of what’s ahead from our new government. There will be a collection on a day they will not expect. “Therefore, keep watch because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Great Job Coach Prime!

    Let’s discuss something good and decent for a change. It may not be much, but it’s worth discussing. It may have some negative connotations, but it’s factual and truthful. Let’s get started.

    I found this article in the news on the Athlon Website: Average GPA of Colorado Players Under Deion Sanders Turns Heads. Max Escarpio wrote it on January 14, 2025. My apologies. I couldn’t hyperlink the story. This website requires a subscription, too.

    Some of you sports fans might know about Coach’s Prime record at Colorado University. He talked a big game the first year and had a 4-8 year. The second year, the Bisons went to the playoffs, lost, but had a 9-4 season. He turned the program around, but that is still not the focus point.  I would argue that he still didn’t get any credit for doing this feat. Most new NFL coaches are fired the first year, the black coaches.

    The point is in the title that Max Escarpio wrote about. It’s about an above-average 3.0 GPA in team history. An excerpt from the article states, "I’m judged on a different scale," Sanders said, per W.G. Ramirez at the Associated Press in July 2024. "My wins are totally different than your wins. Your wins, you just judge football, that’s why I start out (talking about) education and academics and so forth. I have to give you those things so you understand there’s a greater scope."My wins are different. We have to win in every area. “…That’s the way we’re judged." It's a fact, Coach, so true!


    Even in Coach Prime’s first year, it was about the GPA. The team averaged a GPA of 2.9. I have a few things to comment on. 1)This article was not mentioned in any major news media. Why is that? Is it not damaging enough? Is Coach Prime also educated-minded, thinking of his players’ futures about life without football? What’s the profit of writing about that? 3) Double standards are prevalent in today’s society. Black people not only have to prove themselves in the boardroom but also constantly prove themselves by living. We are judged on so many levels; it doesn’t make sense. 4) Could it be the writer was bent on finding bad news, discovered something good, and it was too late to submit his report? We will never know. 5) Give Coach Prime compliments about what he's doing. Why don't you write about other football coaches and their teams' GPAs?


    I realize that the media perpetuates division by promoting negativity through its many platforms. It's about the money and kissing the shareholders' rings. It’s about keeping another man (group) down. There's no excuse for that.


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Thank You For Your Amens and Ponders!

    Amens are meant to be a solemn expression of faith at the end of a statement. “So be it.” I am sincerely grateful for yours in the comments. May God enlarge your territory. May His Hand be with you and your family, keeping you from harm and pain. This paraphrase is from Jabez’s prayer in 1 Chronicles 4 9-10. Blessings.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Lord. Please Help Us To Do Your Will!

    Supremacists don’t deceive yourselves by disguising racist thoughts publicly while secretly supporting racist actions. Step into the light and let your fellow church members see you. There is no need to hide anymore. You are not alone. You might recognize some of your church members. Then you can be comfortable knowing that you worship God in name only but serve a human demagogue. He seems to motivate you more than the God many others glorify. We can’t see Him, but we know He is here.

    I have my ways, and I’m not perfect. I never thought I was superior to anyone, man or woman. Some people believe that they are. I was never raised to hate, but I did interact with hateful people who called me names and told me which fountain to drink water out of and to sit in the back of a bus. It must have been a wonderful time for you and your kind in those days because you have found a leader who wants the country to return to them. It seems that he has caused a divide that doesn’t seem repairable.

   Trump supporters, MAGA, are former members of the Tea Party from the Obama Administration. The excuse they used not to want Obama was that he was going to take away their guns, and that was against their constitutional right. They weren’t interested in supporting a black man as President of the United States. Several Republican leaders made it a point at the offset never to support any bill Obama wanted to pass. They presumed that a Black President would support the Black population, give them powerful positions, take revenge on white people, and take away their entitlements to being white and, in other words, use Equal Rights from the Constitution against them. The nerve to say Racism is over was one of their biggest lies because a Black President was elected. The lies never stopped.

    We all know that the Tea Party was renamed MAGA, Make America Great Again, by Trump to revitalize the hatred and violent resistance in America to divide the nation. A nation divided will fall for anyone. Thus, the partisan politics grew in that animosity and vitriol. He never showed his taxes or accounts, and the media ignored Trump’s indiscretions. Trump pushed for Obama’s birth certificate, education, and whatever he asked for, and supporters who owned the major news outlets kept it on the front page. Trump’s billionaire owners made sure of that. The Republican House is an embarrassment to the world. They didn’t get a thing done for four years except work on an unfinished wall and delay certification of the election. 

    When he wasn’t elected for a second term, MAGA rose against Congress by Trump’s urging that someone had to outcon him in the election process. It was the first historical uprising in America in the House of Representatives. Violence by so-called Patriots vandalized federal buildings and equipment. The Black Lives Movement had the military sent after them. In this case, the call for the military was delayed. Once again, moles that wanted to maintain the status quo and secrecy supported their leader. Lives were lost. America is falling apart, and the people are silent. Biden might have won because the people spoke out but were not pleased with his results. They reelected the vengeful leader and his crew, who were rewarded with positions because of their loyalty, not their skills or experience.

    Reflecting on the future, I realize that words change more quickly than people do. Only acts of God can truly transform a person’s thoughts and actions. We’ve made enough excuses for our behavior—and sometimes for others. Instead of supporting someone's negativity, it's better to separate yourself from them and adopt a more positive mindset. I feel compelled to do this because, by the end of January, America will understand that God is still in control. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Welcome To 2025, Another Year!

    Since my wife and I started dating, we have attended New Year’s Eve Watch Night Services, and last night was no exception. The parking lot was already filled when we drove onto the church grounds at 9:45 p.m. People were parking on the sides of the road, probably to make it easy to exit at the end of the service. We were met with many smiling faces from the ushers upon entering. My wife led me to our regular seating places in the back, to the left of the altar. The ushers were very accommodating inside the sanctuary. There were still plenty of seats. At precisely 10 p.m., services began.

    The singing and the praise music were uplifting. People started standing and clapping their hands in tune with the music. Those who came in put their coats, hats, and purses in the seats and started clapping. Yes, my wife barely put her things in her seat before she started clapping and praising. Of all the places the people could choose on New Year’s Eve, they chose the Lord’s House. 2024 was a year of surprises, disappointments, losses, and broken relationships. We wouldn't have made it if it weren’t for the Grace of God. But we are here now, paying tribute to the one who kept it. We don’t know of any other way than to thank the Lord for giving us another chance and welcoming Him into the New Year. Praise be to God! Another opportunity to get our lives right. Even though we don’t know what awaits us in 2025, we didn’t know in 2024; we know that bias, misinformation, and retaliation will follow Donald Trump and his administration in the next four years. Tonight, we sing, praise, and give thanks.

    Young and old were in the sanctuary. The seats were filled, and many folks had to go to other rooms to view the main church via video. Children were dancing and praising in front of the altar. The spirit of the Lord was moving the congregation. This is a believers’ only affair. Those who are willing to accept Jesus Christ, the Son and God the Father, and the Holy Spirit without a doubt are here. Non-believers are still welcome in this place, but don’t be awed by the elderly running down aisles and a church shouting praises to God. The weak find the energy, and the congregation energizes each other.

    The sermon was about having the Victory in 2025. No matter what adversities or challenges we face in the new year, with faith and trust in God, we will have victory. We need to have a reset from 2024 going into 2025. We need to be recalibrated by God’s spirit and be doers of the Word rather than hearers. Let’s not deceive ourselves. 2025 is a gift God has given us. We must learn to receive it and not compare what we have to others. Every good gift comes from God, the Father of Lights, with no variations or shadowing. In other words, God is the same today, yesterday, and forever. He is loving, forgiving, compassionate, faithful, merciful, and mighty. He is more than we can imagine. Look and see where we are now and where we were. If you are not in a better state of mind now, it’s not his fault. Stop blaming others and do what you know is right. You will see a difference. God’s blessings are with His children., but we don’t know how to receive them. We compare our blessings with those of others. This is our problem accepting His good gifts.

    The services ended with singing, praises, and a benediction. We left feeling free and blessed with optimistic hopes for the New Year. My therapist, Dr. Christine, would say, “Find the optimum in situations I think are overwhelming. In this New Year, find your blessings.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m...

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