Monday, January 27, 2025

No Assumptions, No Judgements!

    I am experiencing some troubling feelings, and I know I’m not alone; many others likely feel the same way. I’m not sure where to begin. I stopped watching the news because it was filled with chaos, confusion, and disorder. America has chosen, and now we must all face the consequences. It’s too late to turn back time. A divided nation will fall. America was divided during the Civil War, and there are still generations who prefer to remain separated and believe that the war is not truly over. I can't assume, and I can't judge others. I don't have to condone their behavior, either.

    We know that history repeats itself. This isn't the first time the world or any country has seen disorder. Let's go back before Christ. They thought Herod was horrible. Oh, yeah, let's go back even further. Nebuchadnezzar wasn't kind either, but each time. There's always been a leader who was evil and had no respect for God, man, humanity, or righteousness. Roman Emperor Nero was a scoundrel who lived a partying and extravagant life and was said to have set fire to Rome. He persecuted Christians. We have had dictators in the world who tried to exterminate the Jews. Many hailed the idea of supremacy and superiority. But, in the end, they had to face the cruelty of mortality and the wraith of God. Yet, the common thread for these hateful accounts was separating the rich vs the poor, Minority vs Majority, Supremacy vs Inferiors, and Religion vs. traditional religion. Our world continuously seeks ways to separate itself from the divine order. And we haven’t learned our lesson yet, because we still seek money, power, and authority. Nothing ever good happens when our emotions drive us to use retribution and revenge against others. Prepare for the backlash. One must be fair, honest, and truthful when leading and serving the people. Jesus Christ taught us that, at least, for those who choose to follow Him. 

    Our integrity and moral compasses have changed with the times. People once viewed as pillars of the community are now seen as counterfeits who lack standards for standing up for their beliefs. We all have a price, but how much and far are we willing to sell ourselves for and go? The “selling of souls” has been the trend since last year in anticipation of what’s ahead from our new government. There will be a collection on a day they will not expect. “Therefore, keep watch because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42


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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0