Let’s discuss something good and decent for a change. It may not be much, but it’s worth discussing. It may have some negative connotations, but it’s factual and truthful. Let’s get started.
I found this article in the news on the Athlon Website: Average GPA of Colorado Players Under Deion Sanders Turns Heads. Max Escarpio wrote it on January 14, 2025. My apologies. I couldn’t hyperlink the story. This website requires a subscription, too.
Some of you sports fans might know about Coach’s Prime record at Colorado University. He talked a big game the first year and had a 4-8 year. The second year, the Bisons went to the playoffs, lost, but had a 9-4 season. He turned the program around, but that is still not the focus point. I would argue that he still didn’t get any credit for doing this feat. Most new NFL coaches are fired the first year, the black coaches.
The point is in the title that Max Escarpio wrote about. It’s about an above-average 3.0 GPA in team history. An excerpt from the article states, "I’m judged on a different scale," Sanders said, per W.G. Ramirez at the Associated Press in July 2024. "My wins are totally different than your wins. Your wins, you just judge football, that’s why I start out (talking about) education and academics and so forth. I have to give you those things so you understand there’s a greater scope."My wins are different. We have to win in every area. “…That’s the way we’re judged." It's a fact, Coach, so true!
Even in Coach Prime’s first year, it was about the GPA. The team averaged a GPA of 2.9. I have a few things to comment on. 1)This article was not mentioned in any major news media. Why is that? Is it not damaging enough? Is Coach Prime also educated-minded, thinking of his players’ futures about life without football? What’s the profit of writing about that? 3) Double standards are prevalent in today’s society. Black people not only have to prove themselves in the boardroom but also constantly prove themselves by living. We are judged on so many levels; it doesn’t make sense. 4) Could it be the writer was bent on finding bad news, discovered something good, and it was too late to submit his report? We will never know. 5) Give Coach Prime compliments about what he's doing. Why don't you write about other football coaches and their teams' GPAs?
I realize that the media perpetuates division by promoting negativity through its many platforms. It's about the money and kissing the shareholders' rings. It’s about keeping another man (group) down. There's no excuse for that.
Focus on the good, focus on negativity is bad for your soul
You raise interesting thoughts. Hopefully we focus on what joins us and not divides us.
Our focus should be on hope and what we have in common. We should prioritize hope and emphasize our shared values and experiences. This is where our strength lies.
It's sad to say that for some people, it's easier to be mean than kind.
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