Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

To all of you moms who sacrificed so much for your children to give them the best life you could offer, I wish you blessings and happiness on this special day!  For all of you men who have such wonderful superwomen in your lives who are loving and nurturing your children, don't make just this one day out of a year special!  Remember, there are 364 other days unless during a leap year which has 365 days to treat the mothers of your children with respect and appreciation!  And to all of you children, no matter how old you live to be, you only have one biological mother, treat her with respect and courtesy.  Listen to your mother, she guide you and support you.  Obey her and cherish her.  She will not be around forever.  Let her know how much you love her now!  Don't wait to give her flowers after she's gone!  Give them to her now!!Thank you, mothers, I pray that you will enjoy your day!!

Let's give tribute to Lena Horne who also died today.  She was an American singer, actress, civil rights activist and dancer.  She believed in herself and refused to play roles that stereotyped African American women.  This wonderful woman remained true to the end.  God bless her!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Children With Diabetes

I was in the grocery store today in line behind a young mother and her child. As children do whenever they are in stores with lots of interesting things, the child asked her mom if she could have a soda pop. Her mom asked what kind of soda, since I do know that some sugar drinks could drive children to super speed, I thought I understood the direction the mom was going. Wrong! Mom simply told her baby girl that she knew she could not drink it because she was a diabetic. I had to ask how old the child was and was told that she was eight years old. I’m nosy, so I asked when was she diagnosed with diabetes. Since three years old. The child gives herself insulin. What can you say? The little girl said the kids at school tease her and sometimes she feels bad about it. But she has a very strong support system at home. Her grandpop tells her to stay positive and don’t let anyone or anything get her down. She just need to listen to her teacher, study hard, and when she grows up and becomes what she wanted to be. It’s tough enough what your little ones are facing these days. Peer pressure is rougher for this generation than it was for mine. I have some links to check if you have any questions. But know this! God does not make any mistakes! Continue to pray for the children.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mind Your Own Business!!!

I have always tried to make my blog a historical record of things that have occurred in my little world. At times, mention some things that might have happened in the country. This past week, Arizona’s Governor passed a controversial immigration act. An oil spill happened in the gulf near Louisiana resulted from a BP oil platform that blew up and sank. Someone abandoned a car bomb in Times Square. Earthquakes in China, Nashville, TN, flooding, Alabama tornadoes, some smaller ones in SC, and a local county sheriff arrested for drug dealing. There are others of domestic (family) nature but what families do is not my business. I got enough problems of my own. That’s a major problem with the media on who’s getting divorced, separated, or breaking up. Leave these families alone. If you’re so worried about who’s screwing who, think about the politicians and the big money boys who are screwing America! Of course, there will always be someone screwing somebody but think of getting your mind screwed and you don’t appreciate it!  Unfortunately, there are many people who believes that they can retaliate when they feel frustrated with the government.  However, they do it destructively and very negatively.  The protests are making a statement but when people die, it opens up a can of worms.  Never forget our own domestic terrorist act done in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.  It was in retaliation for what the Federal Government did in Waco.  People lost lives in both locations and what was proven?  Families were broken and destroyed.  I won't discuss this further, you get the point.

I Feel Great!

I went to Mass Saturday evening and I am nowhere near the depression and despair I felt last week when I didn’t go. Remarkable! I was there for the little ones first communion. Next Saturday at Corpus Christi, I will attend a friend’s son’s first communion. God is good!

Monday, April 26, 2010

What A Merciful God We Serve!

I allowed Satan to rob me of my joy today. The joy from enjoying the mercy and forgiveness the Lord has given me from not attending Mass this weekend. God has forgiven me but I couldn’t forgive myself. Here’s my brief explanation. All I could think about all day were the many gifts of He has given me that I take for granted. I woke up, I still take care of myself, I have all my faculties and senses and I have a job to keep food on the table and a roof over my head. Have I forgotten who gave me this? No, but I acted like I did. Our God is a good God! He knew what I was going to do before I knew and He forgave me. I allowed Satan, who does not deserve any more discussion, to plant the seed of doubt about God’s infinite mercy and forgiveness. I had to express my feelings about this one more time so that if any of you ever experience this particular guilt that I am going through, I want to understand that we have a powerful supporter. God has our back when we think that no one else does. Thank you, Lord, for restoring my confidence!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Forgive Me, Lord, For I Have Sinned!

I didn’t go to Mass today, no excuse. I usually go on Saturday evenings instead of Sunday mornings to meet my obligation. But this morning, I wanted to stay in and look at the TV ministers. Subconsciously, I was hoping that it would rain and I love to stay in when it rains. Anyway, I listened to TD & Joel, for those of you who recognize those names. For those of you who don’t, they are TD Jakes & Joel Osteen. Two different styles of preaching but both have the same great messages. Still, I felt guilty for being lazy so I turned off the TV and listened to the radio. Yes, I wanted to give God time but how selfish and unappreciative I was by not going to His House. I listened to more preaching this morning than I normally do when I go but it was not enough. I realize that the guilt I was feeling was from the enemy than from our forgiving & merciful Father. It still didn’t make things better for me when one of the “air wave” preachers mentioned that if it wasn’t for God, we wouldn’t be where we are and should give Him time in God’s House. Talking about stepping on your toes no matter where you are, the Word is always straight and true. I’m bringing this up because too many times we are too busy judging others for things that they do wrong. I will say in my defense that the preacher did say that those of you that go to church on Sundays aren’t any better if they are not practicing love and forgiveness the rest of the week. It does feel like not being thankful for the many blessings He’s given me. I guess you can say I’m doing a public confession with this submission today. So learn to forgive others and stop beating yourself up when you make mistakes. Try not to do it again.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Leap of Faith!

Carolyn is going back to school for her masters and she is scared to death. I can’t understand why. Whether she uses it as leverage or not, she is showing growth and progression. Maybe it’s the extra work and responsibility she’s afraid of. Maybe, she’s afraid of studying and writing which will require discipline and commitment, I don’t know. What I do know is that she is going and will finish with high grades. Now, if I have that much faith in her, surely she should have even more in herself. My co-worker will just have to take that leap of faith. Haven’t we all? Haven’t we gotten into something and thought there was no way out, but by the grace of God, we found a way? It wasn’t easy but we prayed, believed, and hoped and somehow we got through. Isn’t that’s what living all about? Not just leaps but acts of faith pulling us through during our lives? Carolyn questioned what she’ll do with her degree. Please. If God takes us to something, there’s a reason that He’ll bring us through it. So many people don’t believe in God but I do.

Why Not, We're On the Road To a Breakdown!

            In the current atmosphere, it’s a miracle that people haven’t completely lost their composure in their daily lives. The wave of ..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0