Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mind Your Own Business!!!

I have always tried to make my blog a historical record of things that have occurred in my little world. At times, mention some things that might have happened in the country. This past week, Arizona’s Governor passed a controversial immigration act. An oil spill happened in the gulf near Louisiana resulted from a BP oil platform that blew up and sank. Someone abandoned a car bomb in Times Square. Earthquakes in China, Nashville, TN, flooding, Alabama tornadoes, some smaller ones in SC, and a local county sheriff arrested for drug dealing. There are others of domestic (family) nature but what families do is not my business. I got enough problems of my own. That’s a major problem with the media on who’s getting divorced, separated, or breaking up. Leave these families alone. If you’re so worried about who’s screwing who, think about the politicians and the big money boys who are screwing America! Of course, there will always be someone screwing somebody but think of getting your mind screwed and you don’t appreciate it!  Unfortunately, there are many people who believes that they can retaliate when they feel frustrated with the government.  However, they do it destructively and very negatively.  The protests are making a statement but when people die, it opens up a can of worms.  Never forget our own domestic terrorist act done in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.  It was in retaliation for what the Federal Government did in Waco.  People lost lives in both locations and what was proven?  Families were broken and destroyed.  I won't discuss this further, you get the point.

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