Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Another Sinner's Prayer!

Lord, please hear my plea. Listen to the words of your humble servant. I am a sinful and broken man with a sorrowful heart. My brother and sister have no feelings for me. Is it really my color the reason for this hate? Is it the fruits of my labor that are not worth showing but jealous of? My heart is burdened with sorrow and grief. Their words and actions are like arrows piercing my very soul. They turn their backs on your loyal servant. Turn not your back on me, O Lord. My joy has been stolen by the enemy who planted these scornful seeds and I am too weak to fight by myself. David wrote constantly of his love for you but he was also anointed by you. I am but a man who has forgotten that he was created in your divine image and bears the breath of your Holy Spirit. I cry constantly because my sadness feels no love from my brother. What have I gained when I have lost everything that was so dear to me? Touch me, Lord. Wrap me in your grace and mercy. Hold me close to your forgiving heart so that I can love and forgive my brother for his anger. Guide me, direct me, Lord, to the paths that You have willed for me. Strengthen me in these times of weakness and despair that when I reach for your trusting hands, You are always there. I feel so alone, that I can’t talk to even my closest friends about my hurts. This is two years, two months, and a day since my mother has gone home to You. Is this why I feel so despondent today? Please, Lord, hear my cries. So many around me are being called home and we still do not realize that nothing is guaranteed. Life is so short and taken for granted. Thank you, Lord, I already feel your grace enveloping me.

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