Monday, August 4, 2014

My Prayer To You!

I pray for a speedy recovery, my friend.  I pray for good health and prosperity.  I pray that you take the time to appreciate yourself. I pray that whatever struggles you are going through you will overcome.  I pray that you find the inner strength to always maintain your confidence.  I pray that you will continue to fight against the destructive habits that try to destroy you and continue successfully to stay away from them.  I pray that you find divine guidance obtain wisdom and understanding.  I pray that the transition you are going through means you are mentally and spiritually growing on your journey. I pray that your grudges towards others will be removed and that peace be restored.  I pray that someday you will find the courage to forgive those that offended and hurt you. I pray that you will be united with the people you love long enough to tell them that you love them.  I pray that you learn to be grateful for the small things you are given as well as, the bountiful.

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